The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Tim Powers' Declare
Started by: Colin the Riot
Started on: 10/6/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 10/6/2002 at 4:55pm, Colin the Riot wrote:
Tim Powers' Declare

Anyone ever read that? It's kind of a spy novel dealing with these powerful elemental beings. The novel kind of hints that they're what have historically been known as Djinn and Demons. It's a fantastic book, and was what I thought of immediately when I first started flipping through Sorceror.

Anyway, I just wanted to see if anyone else had gotten that little synergistic click between Sorceror and Declare.

And to recommend Declare as a great idea mine. Especially for the scenes in the desert and on Mt. Ararat.

Message 3722#35849

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On 10/6/2002 at 10:12pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Tim Powers' Declare

I've had it about a year or so... only half way through it. I just recently restarted it... A Sorcerer And Spy game has been kicked around hereabouts a couple of times before... always to good effect. Espionage and Sorcery seem like the proverbial 'two great tastes'.

Message 3722#35876

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On 10/7/2002 at 2:06pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Tim Powers' Declare

Hi Colin,

Declare received a bit of air-time in this rather complex thread on Relationship Maps.


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Message 3722#35935

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On 10/8/2002 at 2:05am, Colin the Riot wrote:
RE: Tim Powers' Declare

Thanks for the link, Ron.

Good read.

Message 3722#36043

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On 10/8/2002 at 6:49am, Uncle Dark wrote:
RE: Tim Powers' Declare

I heartily reccomend Powers' other works for Sorcerer inspiration, especially his "king of the west" trilogy (actually, two stand-alone novels and a thrid that ties them together): Last Call, Expiration Date, and Earthquake Weather. Other favorites include On Stranger Tides, a pirates and zombies story, and Dinner at Deviant's Palace, a post-apocalyptic tale. Both would make good Sorcerer & Sword inspiration.


Message 3722#36068

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