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Topic: Grabbing weapons
Started by: svenlein
Started on: 10/7/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 10/7/2002 at 1:33pm, svenlein wrote:
Grabbing weapons

Jake wrote: Therefore if the dagger guy got close in it would make more sense for the pikeman to pull a sword and have a more reasonable range advantage over the dagger guy. This is doubly true if the dagger guy has wisely grasped his opponent's pike. Then, instead of trying to recover the lost pike, the pikeman would just pull his sword and go at it.

Jake how would you simulate grabbing and opponents weapon in tros?

It would be a defensive maneuver. Or maybe and offensive version would just have a larger activation cost.
You can only grab a trust, or grab as an offensive maneuver.
It would be easier to grab a great sword that was thrust at you than a short sword that was thrust at you?


Message 3731#35926

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On 10/7/2002 at 7:29pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Re: Grabbing weapons

svenlein wrote: Jake how would you simulate grabbing and opponents weapon in tros?

It's all in the book, under Grappling as a defensive move.


Message 3731#35987

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On 10/7/2002 at 7:55pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Grappling to Trap refers to grabbing someones arm that he is attacking with, im refering to grabing someones weapon.


Message 3731#35991

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On 10/8/2002 at 1:40am, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

It's not that much different.

Message 3731#36038

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On 10/8/2002 at 5:01am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Lyrax wrote: It's not that much different.

Yeah, it's really not. Do you mean grabbing a sword? A spear? Different things, really...


Message 3731#36060

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On 10/8/2002 at 12:32pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Jake Norwood wrote: Yeah, it's really not. Do you mean grabbing a sword? A spear? Different things, really...


Are these all the same:
Grabbing someones arm who's attacking your
Trying to grab a dagger that someones trying to thrust at you.
Trying to grab a dagger that someones trying to slash at you.
Trying to grab a short sword that someones trying to thrust at you.
Trying to grab a short sword that someones trying to slash at you.
Trying to grab a long sword that someones trying to thrust at you.
Trying to grab a long sword that someones trying to slash at you.
Trying to grab a long spear that someones trying to thrust at you.
Trying to grab a short staff that someones trying to slash at you.
Trying to grab a pike that someones trying to thrust at you.


If they are not how are they different?


Message 3731#36078

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On 10/8/2002 at 6:57pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

For big weapons: They must be parried, blocked or dodged before they can be grabbed.

For small weapons: The hand of the aggressor can be held before he actually strikes.

Message 3731#36145

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On 10/8/2002 at 10:06pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

there are quite a few diffrences across the board. ok, swords. tye are often sharp and smoth. It is much easier to hold by the hilt. Grabbing a sword blade and keeping it from cutting your hand severly are very different things.
In the case of a pike, or a short staff, you only have one hand on the weapon, the opponent has two. If your gripping near the head probably you'll lose that grip almost immeadiately. if you are several feet up the shaft (unlikely IMO, if the pike wielder is fairly competant) you have a much easier chance.

Metal gauntlets are not going to do very well in either case. You'll take less damage, but have considerably less grip on a smoth pole, or metal surface. Against a knife you might manage to grab the hand... it's quick though. and a good knife fighter is going to be on guard against this. Grabs are harder than Parries partial evasions IMO and should have a higher TN Perhaps a TN of about 8 or 9. Grabbing at the shoulder is much easier but this leaves the weapon rather free.

I'll think some more on this... but this is what comes to mind at first.

Message 3731#36198

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On 10/8/2002 at 10:20pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

On a related note.. what do people think of Duck & Weave? With a TN of 9 I find that it just doesn't get used much, if an opponent swings a sword at you with 6 dice at TN6, you would need 15 dice on a D&W just to expect to equal his successes.

I have played around with dropping the TN to 8 to see how that pans out (it's even an option I slipped into V2 of the combat sim), makes it a lot more useful, but maybe it's too useful now? (and it's only +1TN over a partial evasion).


Message 3731#36202

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On 10/8/2002 at 10:22pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Thirsty would you suggest the only people who grab opponents weapons are either significantly more skilled than the opponent or are dead? Because with your interpretations of grabs there would be almost no reason to do them.

Jake in sword fights do people (of similar skill) grab there opponents weapon successfully, or do only superior duelers do this maneuver to show off?



Message 3731#36204

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On 10/8/2002 at 10:26pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Jake do duelists of similar skill duck and weave against each other? If so does the person who tries to do his almost always get hit, b/c that is what the rules produce.


Message 3731#36206

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On 10/8/2002 at 11:40pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

svenlein wrote: Thirsty would you suggest the only people who grab opponents weapons are either significantly more skilled than the opponent or are dead? Because with your interpretations of grabs there would be almost no reason to do them.


What i am suggesting is that with live steel, it would be rare... weapons like a mace on the other hand, it could be quite effective. one hand versus one hand, and the head prevents it from being torn out of your hand... in a contest of str, you probably take it from the oponent. unless he has a wrist thong.

I've never heard of spearman greasing thier weapons to make them harder to grap... IMO this would have been done if it was easy to catch them. If so then in our world the poles woule be greased on thier buisness end.

Message 3731#36216

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On 10/9/2002 at 3:01am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

According to historical sources and manuals, steel blades were grabbed frequently, even with bare hands. I personally don't advocate the practice, but it was done. Spears weren't greased, I assume, because it was important to be able to grab your own spear all over, too.


Message 3731#36237

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On 10/9/2002 at 4:05am, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

If you know what you're doing (and anyone with a proficiency over 2 or 3 probably does) then the risks of grabbing a blade are slim to none, and the possible benefits are more than worth it.

Risks: If the blade slips, it'll cut your hand pretty nastily. If the blade slips.

Advantages: If the opponent can't use his weapon (it happens when they've grabbed it!), you can usually get a strike in with your own before he tackles you in an attempt to wrestle.

A lvl 1-2 wound vs. a lvl 3-5 wound? No contest.

Also, a pikeman/spearman cannot pull his weapon out of his oppenent's grip (once the haft is grabbed), unless he's lots faster than his opponent, or his opponent has very sweaty hands (bad grip). This has been backed by practice with a short staff (never seen anyone yank the staff out of someone's hand once it was grabbed).

Message 3731#36244

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On 10/9/2002 at 6:45am, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Lyrax wrote: Also, a pikeman/spearman cannot pull his weapon out of his oppenent's grip (once the haft is grabbed), unless he's lots faster than his opponent, or his opponent has very sweaty hands (bad grip). This has been backed by practice with a short staff (never seen anyone yank the staff out of someone's hand once it was grabbed).

It's all about leverage, really. If you're using a staff-type weapon in a long form (that is, with one hand on the butt and one perhaps a third up the shaft,) an opponent who takes hold of it at the tip has better leverage against your butt-hand than you have against him (your forward hand being the fulcrum and, as such, having no leverage at all.)

This I know from physics class and a very significant amount of practice and trial with a Quarterstaff. I imagine the same holds true for longer staves and spears.

Generally if your opponent gets hold of a spear or pike, the best thing to do is draw something else (perhaps another spear) and kill him. You're not going to get your spear back until you do, after all.

Message 3731#36263

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On 10/9/2002 at 6:55am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Frequently? hmmmm I can believe all trained it. I would also think that most of the times it happened successfully it was done by a very skilled individual. I'd think a Feat such as this would have a high incidence of being recorded when done successfully, and ignored when it failed. It's failing would hardly be noteworthy.

As an ARMY officer I trained with a boyonet on my M-16 too. I never said it was impossible... but a failed attempt brte handed would probably take a wound. Now if the weapon was bound first... Chances would improve.

With out training or experience, i'd still think it would be far safer block with a buckler in a fight than to rely on a chancy grab bare handed of a sword.

Of course if you don't have a bucker handy, and your outclassed weapon wise... it might be a better gamble than trying to parry a longsword endlessly with a dagger. I just don't see this being easy against competent foes.

But i could be wrong. If I am it is very counter-intuitive.

Message 3731#36265

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On 10/9/2002 at 1:18pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Jake in the manuals is grabbing an opponents weapon only done in response to attacks, or also preemptively too?

Lyrax and Bob in your experience with staves how would it happen that someone would grab his opponents staff, would he let go of his staff or was he fighting with another weapon?

Thirsty I agree that blocking with a buckler might be easier in some situations, that is why I think grab would have an activation cost.

Thirsty I may be wrong but I think ARMY bayonets are sharper than most period swords.

Jake how often where period swords sharp and how often not, I’ve seen conflicting evidence?


Message 3731#36290

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On 10/9/2002 at 2:27pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

svenlein wrote: Lyrax and Bob in your experience with staves how would it happen that someone would grab his opponents staff, would he let go of his staff or was he fighting with another weapon?

Usually when we did it, the opponent was unarmed, though you can certainly hold a quarterstaff one-handed.

Just can't really hurt anyone with it that way. :)

Message 3731#36307

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On 10/9/2002 at 2:39pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

svenlein wrote: Jake in the manuals is grabbing an opponents weapon only done in response to attacks, or also preemptively too?

Actually it's not really very clear in the manuals, however my impression from reading and practice is both. The thing to remember is you wouldn't grab a swung weapon, but a thrust or if the weapon was just "out there," or from a countering position.

Lyrax and Bob in your experience with staves how would it happen that someone would grab his opponents staff, would he let go of his staff or was he fighting with another weapon?

I can answer this better than Lyrax (heh heh...). Yeah. I did it three times yesterday.

Thirsty I agree that blocking with a buckler might be easier in some situations, that is why I think grab would have an activation cost.

Blocking with a buckler is suprisingly difficult. I'd say it's harder to block with a buckler in reality, but you can use it to deflect swings, which the hand can't really do.

Thirsty I may be wrong but I think ARMY bayonets are sharper than most period swords.

Beats me.

Jake how often where period swords sharp and how often not, I’ve seen conflicting evidence?

It varied, but several manuals advocated sharpening the last "hand" of the blade...and that's it. I own an 1864 civil war saber that saw battle, and it's about as sharp as a butter knife, maybe. You can run it accross your throat, but it would take your head off if swung. Generally, IFAIK, medieval swords weren't too sharp at all--there was no reason for it. You'll find that Katanas from more warfare-infested periods of Japan were also more chisel-like and less razor-like. It's all based on what the sword is used for.


Message 3731#36311

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On 10/9/2002 at 3:32pm, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Thirsty Viking wrote: Frequently?
With out training or experience, i'd still think it would be far safer block with a buckler in a fight than to rely on a chancy grab bare handed of a sword.

Of course if you don't have a bucker handy, and your outclassed weapon wise... it might be a better gamble than trying to parry a longsword endlessly with a dagger. I just don't see this being easy against competent foes.

But i could be wrong. If I am it is very counter-intuitive.

It's a LOT easier to block with a shield than to parry with a weapon or something, since all you need to do is get the shield into the way of the strike. Parrying with a sword (let alone with your hands) require considerably more precision.

If you're dealing with a foe with a longer weapon than yours, your best bet is to close the distance with a parry + footwork. Once you're inside the range of the sword, it becomes very difficult for the swordsman to hit you effectively with it, giving you with your shorter weapon a bit of an edge -- assuming you keep your cool enough to use it.

In short: if you use shorter weapons, be prepared to fight up close. If you use longer weapons, be prepared to deal with someone who wants to close with you.

If you have a long weapon like a staff and your opponent grabs the end:
1) Work on your technique... if he held onto the end of your staff you did something wrong (assuming of course that you survive :)

2) Use the fact that your opponent just tied up a hand and bound himself to you. Staves make great levers... used properly they can be as effective as aikido for making people fall down.

3) Keep in mind that #2 applies for your opponent also, so panic = death, or at least disarmament.

Message 3731#36331

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On 10/9/2002 at 3:34pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Jake do you think the current Grapple to Trap models grabbing an opponents weapon to the level that other combat actions are modeled?


Message 3731#36333

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On 10/9/2002 at 4:04pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Do you really need special rules for this stuff? Does this come up frequently enough in your games to be worth agonizing over what an appropriate CP cost should be...?

There are so many maneuvers in TROS already the last thing I want to see is more...there's a limit to how many variations I can keep in my head and I don't want to have to be looking things up in the middle of a fight that's SUPPOSED to be fast and furious.

When obscure stuff like this comes up why isn't "....umm, okay, we'll treat it like a trap and I'll give you a 2 die penalty" enough to cover it.

I mean sometimes close enough is better than perfect.

Message 3731#36339

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On 10/9/2002 at 4:16pm, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Valamir wrote: Do you really need special rules for this stuff? Does this come up frequently enough in your games to be worth agonizing over what an appropriate CP cost should be...?

There are so many maneuvers in TROS already the last thing I want to see is more...there's a limit to how many variations I can keep in my head and I don't want to have to be looking things up in the middle of a fight that's SUPPOSED to be fast and furious.

When obscure stuff like this comes up why isn't "....umm, okay, we'll treat it like a trap and I'll give you a 2 die penalty" enough to cover it.

I mean sometimes close enough is better than perfect.

Maybe it would be useful to instead of adding manouvers (though I think that some school-specific manouvers might make sense, for more exotic schools, you're right that it should be kept to a minimum to maintain playability), to write some articles about how to use them. That, I think, is the big killer for TRoS; people see all of this stuff, but those that don't have martial training and/or experience might not understand how to use them or what they actually represent.

Don't forget, there are still people out there who believe that the only thing that matters is how hard you hit the other guy. They don't understand that how hard you hit them doesn't matter if you miss... or that it doesn't take a hard shot with a 2-inch dagger in the right spot to kill.

Message 3731#36343

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On 10/9/2002 at 4:44pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Let me rephrase my question:

Lets say one of your players said, "I'd like to grab his sword when he trys to stab me", how would you handle this?


Message 3731#36347

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On 10/9/2002 at 5:27pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Me? I'd pick whatever maneuver I could remember that most resembles the action and use those rules. If I felt it should be particularly harder than then similar move I'd assign whatever CP cost sounded reasonable. Then I'd let the roll tell me who won and by how much and based on the degree of success assign some effect that seemed consistant, ranging anywhere from immobilizing and possibly disarming the weapon on the good side, to taking opponents's successes in damage to the hand/arm for a big failure.

In other words...exactly like I'd handle any situation where the player wanted to do something that I didn't know the rule for. Use the precedent set by other rules I do know, and come up with something that works...and move on.

Message 3731#36355

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On 10/9/2002 at 6:11pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

yes, but specificly what would you do.

What would be the maneuver that most resembles the action? (probably Grapple to Trap)

What would be the CP cost?

Lets say the attacker won by 5 what would you do?
Lets say attacker won by 2?
Defender by 2?
Defender by 5?

Just take a moment and pretend these situations happend, how would it turn out, specificly.

I just want to hear examples of what people might do (but specific examples).

Message 3731#36371

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On 10/9/2002 at 6:37pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

svenlein wrote: yes, but specificly what would you do.

What would be the maneuver that most resembles the action? (probably Grapple to Trap)

Probably...but I don't have all the maneuvers memorized, so someone else can answer this better.

What would be the CP cost?

For me it would be exactly what I said...something that seemed reasonable at at the time based on how the player described the action...make sense & sound good = low. Outrageous and not fitting with the tone of the game = high.

If you try to put a "proper" number on it, than you have to remember that number...which means you've essentially created a new move to memorize...something I'd want to avoid.

Lets say the attacker won by 5 what would you do?
Lets say attacker won by 2?
Defender by 2?
Defender by 5?

I wouldn't perform this exercise at all. The only one of these 5 choices that matter is the one that the the player actually rolled. If the roll was player wins by 2...than any time I spent wondering what I'd do if the enemy won by 5 was a waste of effort.

What I'd PROBABLY wind up doing is just using the effect as described for whatever the maneuver was I cribbed from and just describe the visuals differently.

That's how I would do it...but since I know that wasn't the type of answer you were looking for, I'll let others give you something with more specifics.

Message 3731#36381

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On 10/9/2002 at 9:03pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

This thread has gotten active....

Many Bayonets weren't sharp at all, though they come to sort of a point. A dull bayonet does more damage because the body tears around the wound, as opposed to a neat insertion... thats what i was told... I never experienced it my self. While it was possible I might use bayonet training in combat as an officer.... it wasn't real likely. Not terribly likely for an enlisted man either. I was using this example of how complete training covers low probabilities. As for chess; it still teaches tactical think, and planning ahead. Today we have games that more accurately simulate the current tools of war though for this purpose.

I agree that publishing a house rule encourages more widespread use of something. Weapon grabbing is not something I want to inflict upon my players at this time, I feel it adds little to the game. I'll make them pay the closting costs and do a wrestling attack untill the need becomes apparent Or it is explicity defined in oBaM. Which reminds me.... Perhaps the signiture of Brian wouldn't be so costly if a BOX of books was shipped to him to sign and return, and offered as a Limmited set to the forum? But then again the shipping costs may be too high.

Jakes right though, when i think grabbing swords i think short sword... grabbing a rapier would be easier at the end of the thrust... not neccessarlily easy to do, but easier. and with less exposure.

Message 3731#36426

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On 10/9/2002 at 9:44pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

I'd just do a counter, and maybe spend an extra die against a thrust to grab it. Easy.


Message 3731#36449

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On 10/9/2002 at 10:04pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

So someone thrusts at me, i say to my GM I want to grab his weapon.
I roll a counter with 1 additional activation point.
Lets say I succeed.
Then what happens?


Message 3731#36457

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On 10/9/2002 at 10:43pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Then he suffers the same penalty as someone who's been "trapped," unless he opts ot drop his weapon. ALternatively, some kind of contest to regain control of the weapon may be appropriate. But as a fighter, I'd never give them the chance to regain it...I'd close or strike.


Message 3731#36465

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On 10/12/2002 at 2:01pm, svenlein wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Ok here is a possible distillation:

If a player wished to grab a thrust at him he would execute a counter
with an additional +1 to activation cost, if successful the weapon would
be trapped and in the next exchange the person who grabbed would get 1
extra die per Margin of Success wether he attacks or chooses to wrestle.


Message 3731#36945

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On 10/12/2002 at 10:01pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

soudns great

Message 3731#36966

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On 10/14/2002 at 3:45am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

svenlein wrote: Ok here is a possible distillation:

If a player wished to grab a thrust at him he would execute a counter
with an additional +1 to activation cost, if successful the weapon would
be trapped and in the next exchange the person who grabbed would get 1
extra die per Margin of Success wether he attacks or chooses to wrestle.


I'd do one of two things i think... though i have no expertise to back it up. Either the Counter should be at a higher target number (you have to not only grab the weapon but not get hit. Very precise timing here IMAO. Or you need a quick contest of Str, because even on a failed rapier thrust, the opponet is trying to recover his weapon. (Bonus success on the STR contest based on margin of victory in the counter?)

Does this seem unreasonable to those who have actually attempted such manuevers? I'd think grabbing the weapon would be harder than a standard counter where you aren't trying to take control of the opponents weapon next round. As you've suggested it, it sounds easier than a beat in several instances, and less restricted.

Message 3731#37073

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On 10/14/2002 at 6:09am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

I wouldn't play with the target number. It honestly really isn't that hard, though it is harder than a simple parry. I think the extra CP from the proposed rule--or maybe another if you think it's too easy--should be plenty. Remember, it only works against a thrust, and you still have to pull it off.


Message 3731#37078

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On 10/14/2002 at 6:25am, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Jake Norwood wrote: I wouldn't play with the target number. It honestly really isn't that hard, though it is harder than a simple parry. I think the extra CP from the proposed rule--or maybe another if you think it's too easy--should be plenty. Remember, it only works against a thrust, and you still have to pull it off.


Maybe you are right jake, But having a grab weapon at TN 6 Versus a TN 7 parry, it isn't going to be very hard to do. Versus a spear, it is much Cheaper than a beat.

Message 3731#37081

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On 10/15/2002 at 7:59pm, MrGeneHa wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

I've just been reading a book on the battle for Iwo Jima (IWO by Richard Wheeler, 1980) and it includes a relevant quote:

"One Marine, charged by a saber-swinging officer, caught the blade with his bare hands, wrung it free, and hacked the officer to death with it. This Marine left the island with two heavily bandaged hands, and with the sword clutched firmly to his breast." Page 149

Keep in mind that the Marine wasn't trained to disarm swordsmen, the Japanese officer had very little sword training, and we have no idea how nice of a katana it was. Also, both of them were battle weary, and the Japanese was probably dehydrated and hungry. But it can be done, even by amateurs (hopefully going up against other amateurs).

Gene Ha (first post here)

Message 3731#37272

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On 10/15/2002 at 9:15pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

MrGeneHa wrote: I've just been reading a book on the battle for Iwo Jima (IWO by Richard Wheeler, 1980) and it includes a relevant quote:

"One Marine, charged by a saber-swinging officer, caught the blade with his bare hands, wrung it free, and hacked the officer to death with it. This Marine left the island with two heavily bandaged hands, and with the sword clutched firmly to his breast." Page 149

Keep in mind that the Marine wasn't trained to disarm swordsmen, the Japanese officer had very little sword training, and we have no idea how nice of a katana it was. Also, both of them were battle weary, and the Japanese was probably dehydrated and hungry. But it can be done, even by amateurs (hopefully going up against other amateurs).

Gene Ha (first post here)

I've heard this before, and I've always loved it. Not too much constructive to add...I just wanted to say...


Message 3731#37291

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On 10/15/2002 at 10:08pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Grabbing weapons

Ha! I love your sig, Gene!

Message 3731#37304

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