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Topic: TROS and RadCon 3C
Started by: Bob Richter
Started on: 10/9/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 10/9/2002 at 7:22am, Bob Richter wrote:
TROS and RadCon 3C

So here I am thinking about my upcoming (in four months) local Con, RadCon 3C. This will be one of my first opportunities to show off The Riddle of Steel to a larger group of people than my own private gaming group(s.)

And here I was thinking "Wouldn't it be cool if Jake could come?"

And, of course, anyone else who wants to meet/kill/whatever me.

RadCon is one of the US Pacific Northwest's larger Cons (last year's attendance was over 1200, which I realise is pretty small for Cons generally,) and about the only one I have the means to get to year after year after year. It's usually a blast. Well, if you don't spend too much time tripping over RPGA people and their DnD games. :)

Message 3762#36270

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On 10/9/2002 at 7:31am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TROS and RadCon 3C

Where is it, when is it, and would anyone care to fly me out and lodge me?


Message 3762#36272

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On 10/9/2002 at 2:25pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: TROS and RadCon 3C

Jake Norwood wrote: Where is it, when is it, and would anyone care to fly me out and lodge me?


Pasco, WA
February 14-16 2003
And, um, no.

Unfortunately, I don't really have that kind of money, thus my failure to attend out-of-area Cons. :(

Though I'm pretty sure we could put you up for a couple of days if it came to that.

Here's the Con site:

Message 3762#36306

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On 10/9/2002 at 4:17pm, Furious D wrote:
RE: TROS and RadCon 3C

Jake Norwood wrote: Where is it, when is it, and would anyone care to fly me out and lodge me?

*Checks airline prices*


*Checks ultra-super-discount airline prices*


Yes, actually, if that's what it takes to get you come :). But that's just because I found out the other day that because of a bureaucratic mixup the state is holding about $300 that the university I graduated from owes me for some reason (not sure why, I think it might be from when I worked for them, back wages from two years ago or something). Since it wasn't factored into the budget anyway, I can probably squirrel it aside to reimburse you at least most of the cost. I didn't know I had the money coming, but now that it is, I ain't complaining. Ain't bureacracy wonderful?

Salt Lake City to Pasco?
$245, looks like for round trip is what I'm finding. Unless you can find something cheaper

Lodging at the Con (Pasco West Coast Hotel)
???? Apparently they're still negotiating this with the hotel. Con rates are currently unknown.

I think this costs about $20 provided it gets done early enough (they raise the prices the closer you get to the Con date). Maybe Bob can swing you guest status and maybe a discount...I dunno

Just because it would kick ass if you could be there.

If you're fairly confident you can make it, I can write you a check or Paypal you the amount (because I'm a lazy, lazy man and attending to the details would strain my laziness). $300 should cover the flight and registration, though not the room. May have to check the budget again for that (if I have to skip out on buying the Star Trek rpg Limited Edition, I will).

Though if you go, I will require you to sign all four copies of tRoS that I own...

edited because it sounded like I didn't get the money the state has been holding, I did, that's why I'm volunteering to spend it

Message 3762#36344

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On 10/9/2002 at 8:37pm, Thirsty Viking wrote:
RE: TROS and RadCon 3C

wow it is cheaper for me to fly from nashville to Seattle. But then i have no idea where pasco is. I'll have to load Yahoo maps i guess.

Message 3762#36419

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On 10/9/2002 at 9:06pm, Furious D wrote:
RE: TROS and RadCon 3C

Thirsty Viking wrote: wow it is cheaper for me to fly from nashville to Seattle. But then i have no idea where pasco is. I'll have to load Yahoo maps i guess.

Pasco is a podunk town in eastern WA. It's actually cheaper to get a flight from SLC to Seattle, but saving $40 on airfare isn't really worth driving clear across the state (figuring in gas and time, there really isn't much in the way of savings)

Message 3762#36429

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On 10/9/2002 at 9:46pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: TROS and RadCon 3C

This is starting to look good...I'll start checking out my schedule.


Message 3762#36450

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