The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Madison, WI - Gamers sought
Started by: unodiablo
Started on: 7/27/2001
Board: Actual Play

On 7/27/2001 at 4:54pm, unodiablo wrote:
Madison, WI - Gamers sought

Hey Forgers,
Like the title says, I'm looking for 2 or 3 people to game with weekly, or every-other-week. I'm on Madison's west side, so you need transpo, and I can only commit to a weeknight, no weekends.

Looking to play short campaigns or single sessions with various systems, mostly Narrative-style games like Extreme Vengeance, Sorcerer, Unknown Armies, Over The Edge, or games of my own design (Dead Meat, or 2 Page Action Movie RPG), as well as various freebie / internet RPGs. Mainly action-movie or dark fantasy / horror oriented.

Send an e-mail to me:


Message 380#3404

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...started by unodiablo which unodiablo participated Actual Play
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...from around 7/27/2001

On 9/5/2001 at 4:42pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Madison, WI - Gamers sought

Hi All,
I'm just adding a 2nd post on the chance that one of the new members of the Forge is located near Madison. Lot's of new people on here since GenCon.

I wanna play some RPG's, dagnabbit! Card games are fun and all, but they just ain't the 'real thing'. :smile:

P>S> Add Little Fears, and Marvel SAGA, Castle Falkenstein, and 1st ed. Kult to that list too!


[ This Message was edited by: unodiablo on 2001-09-05 12:44 ]

Message 380#5073

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...started by unodiablo which unodiablo participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 9/5/2001

On 7/19/2002 at 1:22pm, unodiablo wrote:
New Members from Madison?

Hi Forge members,

I just rec'd a reply to this old query, and I thought with the increase in membership here, I might be able to get another interested party.

Please send a PM to my Forge mailbox if you're interested, my 4beer account is no longer active.

And you can add some card games to the list like Grave Robbers From Outer Space, Mag-Blast, Battle of The Bands... No CCG's, no D&D.


Message 380#27244

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by unodiablo which unodiablo participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/19/2002