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Topic: Your opinion please
Started by: tldenmark
Started on: 7/29/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/29/2001 at 5:45am, tldenmark wrote:
Your opinion please

Just put up the web page for the latest game I'm illustrating, and I'm curious if this looks appealing or not to YOU.

Feedback and discussion appreciated.



Message 385#3442

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On 7/29/2001 at 5:48am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

Excuse my language, but I'd play the holy sh!t out of this.

When and where can I buy a copy? If you're going to be at GenCon, can you please run a game?

What I don't understand is why I'm so excited. It just seems amazingly cool, plus the deathmatch and cooperative modes rock.

Message 385#3443

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On 7/29/2001 at 8:34am, Levekius wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

Beautiful ! The Bug-a-bear is my favorite.

I went through most sections. There seems to be a relatively unified look, which is always good.

The "player card" also have a slick, nononsense look. The game is definitly intriguing. If you wanted to evoke a dungeon atmosphere, you more than succeeded.

Yes, the art alone intrigued me enough for me to wanna know more about the product.

Here's a nitpick: I can't figure out who drew each pieces :smile:

Nice work !


Message 385#3452

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On 7/29/2001 at 10:51am, Jamie Thomas Durbin wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

Oh, yes! I'd play it just to see the look on my players' faces when I show them what a bug-a-bear looks like!

Message 385#3453

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On 7/29/2001 at 4:09pm, Epoch wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

I wouldn't have any complaints about the art, but it wasn't something that made me sit up and say, "Whoah!"

Maybe it's too cartoony? I'm not sure.

The character sketches (elf wizardess, that kind of thing) were better than the monsters, in my opinion.

Message 385#3458

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On 7/29/2001 at 7:01pm, James V. West wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

Awesome looking game! I'd love to play it. Great art, great character cards! The "brains, brawn, dash, and life" attributes are eloquent and very fitting to the feel of a fast-furious-fun dungeon crawl.

James V. West

Message 385#3472

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On 7/29/2001 at 11:48pm, tldenmark wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

To answer all the questions and comments together:

Thank you for your feedback, it is very valuable. We haven't gone "officially live" quite yet. This is a sneak peek, and we wanted to show the indie game crowd first.

We will not be at Gen Con :sad:
But we will be at Con-Quest to demo the game ( then we'll be making the rounds from there.

The game is scheduled to be printed in October, if all goes according to schedule (as it has been so far, luckily). Official release dates will be posted on the site as soon as we know.

We'll be going through the distribution channels to get it available in game stores. Also it'll be available online (and possibly through Wizard's Attic)

>Here's a nitpick: I can't figure out who drew each pieces

All one artist. Check

>Maybe it's too cartoony?

That was intentional. The game isn't silly, but it is definitely light hearted fun.

So far overall reactions have been positive, we think we're on to something. When you see the box in your hands, it's 3.5" x 3.5", we think you'll see how appealling it is. Fit's right in your pocket.

Remember, this is a sneak peek. Distrubution works at least 4 months in advance, so they have time to put products in their catalogs. Wanted you, the hard core indie game fans to be the first to see it.


Message 385#3474

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On 7/30/2001 at 6:15am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

Hey? I was justing asking if Wicked Press would be at ConQuest . . .

Cool looking stuff. I was a little confused by the fact that the descriptions of both "Deathmatch" and "Collabaritve" open with the same "This set includes everything needed for 2 players to enter the exciting adventures of Dungeoneer" sentence . . but the "about" page is a little clearer, so perhaps no biggie. I'll be looking forward to it.

Gordon C. Landis

Message 385#3485

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On 7/30/2001 at 4:42pm, tldenmark wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

On 2001-07-30 02:15, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
Hey? I was justing asking if Wicked Press would be at ConQuest . . .

I was a little confused by the...descriptions of both "Deathmatch" and "Collabaritve"...
Gordon C. Landis

Dungeoneer is being published by Denmark Studio not Wicked Press. Don't think I could talk Mr. Wick into publishing this kinda game. :smile:

Doubt if Wicked Press will be at ConQuest.

You only need either Deathmatch -or- Collaborative to play. Both are complete games, but fully compatable.

Message 385#3509

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On 7/30/2001 at 5:49pm, Peter wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

It looks awesome. The obvious comparison I've already made is to the old Dungeon boardgame, which we promptly converted into a drinking game in college.

This looks like a lot of fun though. I'll definitely be snagging a copy of it. Playable with nice art (already two steps ahead of Dungeon) is a great combo. Good luck!

Doc Fortune

Message 385#3512

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On 8/1/2001 at 8:42am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

If only all RPG sites could look as clean and pretty as this one! Excellent site layout. And the color art for the cards is just...ahhhhh, droool...(and being partial to that animated look it!)

The grayscale artwork, it's nice...but I love that color work. Plus the game itself looks like loads of fun...I WANT to PLAY this!

Message 385#3617

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On 8/1/2001 at 10:08am, jdrakeh wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

Well, I'm certainly impressed. I've always loved Talisman and WarhammerQuest so it's neat to see that I may be able to relive some of that fun through Dungeoneer.

I have only one question: If I'm not going to be at the Con, how do I get a copy?

James Hargrove

Message 385#3620

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On 8/1/2001 at 4:04pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Your opinion please

This looks pretty cool! Reminds me of an OLDE favorite - DeathMaze, an old SPI game... And the artwork and mapping examples blows that game away. Yet another game to buy! :smile:


Message 385#3630

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