The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wicked Press at Conquest?
Started by: Gordon C. Landis
Started on: 7/30/2001
Board: Wicked Press

On 7/30/2001 at 6:02am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
Wicked Press at Conquest?

As I was just forced to admit in a private msg, there will be no last minute miracle - I am not going to GenCon. So in a desperate attempt to salve that wound (and to post a msg about ANYTHING besides GNS and reviews), I ask . . . will there be a Wicked Press presence at the ConQuest convention in Palo Alto over Labor Day weekend? A sneak peak at Elfworld? Or even one of the d20 adventurers?

Gordon C. Landis
PS - Of course, if there is a Wicked Presence, it'll probably somehow be on a time/day I just can't make it . . . but enough with the self-pity. Just give me the strait info, I can take it :wink:

Message 394#3483

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On 7/30/2001 at 6:13am, John Wick wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

Where can I find information on ConQuest?

Message 394#3484

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On 7/30/2001 at 2:19pm, Dav wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

I am sad that you don't love us enough to came east... So sad. So sad. Oh well, at least we'll have Sorensen!!

East good, west bad -- just keep repeating that mantra.


Message 394#3496

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On 7/30/2001 at 7:18pm, John Wick wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

I am sad that you don't love us enough to came east... So sad. So sad. Oh well, at least we'll have Sorensen!!

Love has nothing to do with it.
And if you think you're lucky to get Jared... well, I think that speaks very well of the Easterner's mental faculties... :smile:

J. Wicked-1.
Wes'side in da HOOOOUUUSSEEE!!!)

Message 394#3519

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On 7/30/2001 at 11:10pm, James Holloway wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

Huh. Palo Alto, eh?

Well, I can't ask for much closer to home than that.

Message 394#3521

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On 7/31/2001 at 2:28am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

East good, west bad -- just keep repeating that mantra.

Wisconsin is the east? Not when I was growing up, here in Connecticut (where I find myself at the moment), it wasn't. That's why I won't be able to visit the MIDWEST next weekend, 'cause I'm here in the EAST now. I'll catch a connecting flight in Minneapolis on my way back to the West, and that's as close as I'll get to Gencon.

So East good, West good, everything in between . . . questionable. That's MY mantra :wink:

Gordon C. Landis

Message 394#3525

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On 7/31/2001 at 1:38pm, Dav wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

Okay, I almost wet myself picturing John doing a "raise-the-roof" and chanting his little matra.

And Gordon... well... um... there is nothing I can effectively say to make myself seem any more intelligent than my lack of IQ usage. Midwest is almost East! It's closer! We're east by proxy! None of these have the feeling of a good response... too much plaintive whining.

Oh wait, I got it: "Fuck you, Round-Eye!" :wink:


Message 394#3550

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On 8/2/2001 at 9:13pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Wicked Press at Conquest?

You know . . .

Why *is* it there is no "Mideast" area of the US?

I bet Dav could construct a logical explanation of "Gencon is in the east" out of the inherent illogic of our region-labeling practices . . . if he didn't have better things to do.

Gordon C. Landis

Message 394#3666

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