The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Neverwinter Nights
Started by: Doma
Started on: 10/26/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/26/2002 at 5:20pm, Doma wrote:
Neverwinter Nights

Hello everyone,

I am a christian gamer. I have 2 NWN game modules to download. In the future I plan on making christian modules as well. And I hope to make a christian semi-persistant world. Check out my work here:

I will be updating the Woodelf one soon.

Promote and/or use them at your leisure.

Message 3995#38944

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On 10/26/2002 at 5:36pm, Unsane wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

Just so you know. . .this forum is for pen & paper RPG's (like Dungeons and Dragons) not computer RPG's.

Message 3995#38945

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On 10/26/2002 at 7:36pm, talysman wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

Unsane wrote: Just so you know. . .this forum is for pen & paper RPG's (like Dungeons and Dragons) not computer RPG's.

I think there's some leniency as far as pen-and-paper versus computer rpg, but the policy for this particular forum suggests that the topic is "indie rpgs" -- games owned and published independently by the game author. so if someone were to take the GPLed Quake 2 sourcecode and build their own first-person CRPG, they could discuss their product here.

neverwinter nights, however, is a product of a computer software company that features D&D 3rd edition as its game system. this might be more suited to another forum here (I dunno which: connections, maybe?)

it's a gray area, however. discussing independent distribution of NWN modules would be about like discussing your own d20-compatible game suppliment. this isn't an advertising forum, but Doma could certainly talk about the problems of independent NWN module development or ask for advice.

Message 3995#38952

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On 10/28/2002 at 3:13am, Unsane wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

I stand (uhhh. . .sit) corrected.

Sorry 'bout that Doma.

Message 3995#39035

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On 10/28/2002 at 1:55pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

1 post.

And it's an advertisement.

I've been seeing this a lot.

Tip: Contribute, then pimp.

Message 3995#39054

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On 10/28/2002 at 3:10pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

John, if someone were to take the GPLed Quake 2 sourcecode and build their own first-person CRPG, they could discuss their product here.

I disagree with this interpretation. There are forums on the Internet for the discussion shooter games. This isn't one of them.


Message 3995#39059

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On 10/28/2002 at 6:53pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

Jared A. Sorensen wrote: 1 post.

And it's an advertisement.

I've been seeing this a lot.

Tip: Contribute, then pimp.

Yep, I agree.
Nothing more aggravating than: "Hey, come look at what I did!"

Honestly, and this is a question for the mods. to answers: can posts/threads like this simply be killed when they appear? They serve no useful purpose, and are aggravating beyond belief.

I know Ron and Clinton have reasons for not deleting posts, but in specific cases such as the above, I think it would only help to keep the forum clear of such (or next I see porn adverts being posted and left up, to the annoyance of all).

IMO, advert posts detract from the quality of the Forge.
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want to even see them.

Message 3995#39094

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On 10/28/2002 at 6:56pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

Hi there,

This is shaping up to be a Site Discussion thread, isn't it?

I think that the thing to do with a post like this is to decide which applies best: (a) to find the appropriate content, if possible, and run with it; or (b) to ignore it and let me or Clinton handle the interaction with the original poster. What's not so helpful is to have the Forge folks, themselves, enter into a debate about whether it's (a) or (b). Just make an individual choice, per person.


Message 3995#39096

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On 10/29/2002 at 12:18am, Doma wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

I thought this was a christian gamers forum. I am a christian gamer and wanted to contribute to the christian gaming community.

Message 3995#39131

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On 10/29/2002 at 2:17am, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

Hi Doma. So, how is "Christian" gaming different from other types of gaming? Exploration of Christian themes through role-playing? Or what?

Don't take this as an attack - I'm Christian too. (Not that it's any of your or anyone else's business; I only want to avoid people going on the defensive when I'm just curious.) It's just that denoting gaming as Christian or non-Christian seems... um... weird.

So, how do you make the distinction? And why?

Message 3995#39144

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On 10/29/2002 at 3:24am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

I suggest the idea of what "Christian gaming" is is a wholly seperate topic, and best broken off into one.

As well, for Doma's information, the Forge is non-demoninational, in more ways than one (heh...religiously and stylistically); but the query raised by Silkworm is an interesting one and certainly of merit.

Message 3995#39149

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On 10/29/2002 at 10:00pm, Doma wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights


In general, I find that christian gamers are kinder, less rude, and hold to better morality in and out of character.

Many, but not all christian gamers have a line that they won't cross, often but not always, the line is shared with other believers.

and as greyorm suggested, this thread and post is not really the place for this discussion. In which I have no opposition of, but being new here do not wish to engage in inappropriate rule or courtesy breaking.

If there is a "section" that my thread would be better fit in, I will gladly move there.


Message 3995#39256

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On 10/29/2002 at 10:21pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Neverwinter Nights

Hi there,

Doma, welcome, and let's take two directions from here.

1) Regarding the links you've presented, consider whether this is really an independent role-playing game under development. I'm not too informed about the licensing, ownership, and so forth of Neverwinter Nights, so review the issue yourself and let me know what you think.

2) Let's take the Christian gamers issue - which, properly and courteously discussed, is a worthy topic - to RPG Theory. However, I hope people realize that the scope of the discussion should be restricted to role-playing (in and out of game).


Message 3995#39264

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