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Topic: TMW:COTEC - "... aware of yourself as a Gamemaster"
Started by: RobMuadib
Started on: 10/26/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/26/2002 at 10:35pm, RobMuadib wrote:
TMW:COTEC - "... aware of yourself as a Gamemaster"

"Perhaps you aware of those who watch over your home,
and experience it as a place to visit and play with
reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a
Lost Tribe - The Gamemaster

[ Great tune, if you want to hear it, send me a PM :) ]

Greetings all, I am back to expand on the specifics of my vision of the
game as I presented in my last installment. I plan to provide a more
solid outline of the game model in this piece. To recast and illuminate
what the game is all about. As always, feedback/comments/questions
are appreciated. Hopefully, this will give you a better handle
on what the hell I am trying to do with the game. :)

Evoking Other Worlds

One of the greatest joys of fantasy and science fiction, whether it be
our own daydreams, or fiction such as movies, tv, books, or comics, is
to experience a different world.

Often this comes from being shown the incredible special effects shots
of a movie or video game, such as enormous starships taking off, Huge
battlemechs blazing away with awesome weapons, or twin suns rising
over another world, or a great obsidian tower surrounded by monstrous
legions. Other times it is the sum effect of many small details,
wonderful, authentic costumes and props from a movie, believable
accents, careful attention to recreating the baroque, or elaborate, or
alien rituals and protocols of another culture, each detail enriching
the overall experience. Or perhaps it is the indepth explanation and
exploration of details often found in fiction works, where the author
immerses us in the "reality" of the world in which his story is set.

It is this joy and interest that often leads people to create fantasy
worlds of their own, either a personal creation, or a merging of the
works of others into something unique. Perhaps they will draw or paint
scenes of these worlds, or create figures or dioramas, draw designs and
blueprints, create it's languages or costumes, or any of dozen other
means to evoke this other world for themselves, to make it real, give it
life beyond their own internal musings. Fantasist,futurists, ,movie
makers, designers, artists, all seek to evoke another world in their
creations, to bridge the gap between imagination and reality.

In The Million Worlds: Chronicles Of The Eternal Cycles, this "evoking
of other worlds" is the primary focus of the game. The players
collaborate to create the many elements of the world necessary to
portray and explore it through the medium of the game system. In doing
so they create a rich, detailed communal fantasy world of their own

Thus, the players work together much like the members of a small
theatre company, or a movie company would to produce a play or movie.
Much as a small theater company has to prepare to stage a play, creating
the sets, props, special effects, costumes, rehearsing and choreographing
to bring life to their particular vision, so to do the players of The Million

Why A Role-Playing Game?

Creating a fantasy world through the framework of a role-playing game
offers the participants a truly unique experience. Not only do they have
the enjoyment of creation, but you gain the excitement of being audience
to that creation as well, through role-playing in that world.

By collaborating with the other players within the game, you may walk
the roads of the world you created, not knowing who or what may cross
your path, or where circumstances might take you. By channeling the
world through the other players, it comes alive, engaging even you, it's
creator, in ways you never expected or imagined.

By placing yourself in the role of one of the world's denizen's, called
a Persona, you can immerse yourself in the reality of the world you
created, being transported to that world in a way no movie, TV, book,
computer game, or comic ever could.

You can also take on the role of Meta-Personae, such as families, or
organizations, and shepherd them through the years, watching as their
history unfolds.

The Design Architecture

The central element of The Million Worlds: Chronicles Of The Eternal
Cycle is the meta- system that all of the players share to create
individual entities of a game world, this meta-system is referred to as
the Design Architecture. The Design Architecture consists of a number of
Design Frameworks, which are individual sub-systems that the players
use to create these Entitities. These Entities include
the setting, cultures, races, religious systems, the creatures,
technologies, weapons and vehicles, and any meta-abilities that may
exist within that game world. By using these Frameworks, the players
create a rich, consistent, believable, detailed fantasy world in which
to base their games.

The Million Worlds

The universe against which all of the worlds you create are set is
called The Million Worlds. The Million Worlds is a universe of infinite
worlds, called Spheres. Each Sphere encapsulates a complete universe,
infinite and seperate, yet bound as one Sphere of many among the
shifting, glowing translucent space of the true universe. This primal meta-space is called the Alam Al-Mithral.

Among the Alam Al-Mithral exists all of the Spheres, caught in an
eternal cycle of creation an destruction, as new ones are formed and old
ones fade into oblivion. This cycle of creation and destruction is
driven by the relentless meta-physical tide of the Wunschtraumacht. The Wunschtraumacht is the extant omnilinear psychic force of the dreams of Man, as portrayed by his myths, legends and folklore, from within a sphere made manifest among the Alam Al-Mithral. The ceaseless force of the Wunschtruamacht radiates from each sphere, like the forces of a star, impacting upon the Alam Al-Mithral and the other spheres as a drawing tide and a blowing wind.

All of the Spheres are within motion among the Alam Al-Mithral, forming systems, and even constellations among each other, the conjunctions of which last from seconds to aeons. This constant motion is refered to as "The Turning"
Travel out of, between, and among these Spheres is possible via Aerts,
the pathways between Spheres, and Gateways, links between Spheres.

Additionaly, there are the Omyrii, most ancient of all races among the
The Million Worlds. Long since lost among them during the Sundering,
their spirits are now awakening. Now they find themselves reincarnated
among the manifold worlds of Man, the dreams of their primordial
civilization ever haunting them. Driving them always is the yearning to
return from whence they came, the great city of Midian, to which all
Aerts lead. Their goal, to gather tribute for the Ubiqnomen, that they
might rebuild the Endless Temple, sacred to Alphain, the creator and

Finally, the game's universe will provide a persistent universe in which
all of the players can place their worlds. Allowing them to share their
creations with other play groups out there. creating a known universe of
incredible variety and detail for all players of the game.


Because The Million Worlds: Chronicles Of The Eternal Cycle is all about
shared creation, of the game world, of Personae, and of stories it
utilizes a point economy among the players. Where the points, called
Nomen, which alludes to the Ubiqnomen of the Omyrii, let the players
exercise control over the game. These points facillitate the give and
take necessary to sharing in the game.

These Nomen are spent and earned to negotiate with the other players
over game elements. With points being earned for the design and
acceptance of game elements by the other players. Points are also
earned for taking on Guide roles, such as StoryGuide or RulesGuide, to
facilitate play for others. Points can be spent to negotiate changes to
elements other players wish to introduce, or to introduce or negotiate
changes in an ongoing narrative.

Set-Pieces, Narratives, Meta-Narratives, Chronicles & Cycles

Once the players have created a game-world, play can occur in a number
of different styles. The smallest unit of play are set-pieces, these are
typically indvidual scenarios or events that the players chose to play
out, Set-pieces often include battles played out among the players.
Individual storylines that the players create around a group of Personae
are refered to as Narratives. Meta-Narratives are storylines focusing on
Meta-Persona, such as Organizations,Cultures, or other groups. A number
of such narratives or Meta-Narratives strung together from common
elements and Personae are refered to as a Chronicle. Chronicles are the
great Sagas and Epics of the worlds the players create. Finally, Cycles
are the sum of all the Chronicles portrayed by the players that are set
within in a Particular Sphere. They represent the grand sweep of history
of that Sphere.


From the above we can see that The Million Worlds: Chronicles Of The
Eternal Cycle is a unique role-playing game system which encourages
and rewards its players to come together as a group and collaborate in
building a rich, detailed, vibrant game world, an enthralling enaging
fantasy world of their own design. A world that is set against, and
supported by a vast, intriguing universe and mythos that will tie
together the players work with the works of all other players.

Once they have created that world, they are encouraged and rewarded to
stage adventures, battles, and stories within that world. Exploring the
communal fantasy world they created like they can in no other way.

Thanks for your interest,

Rob Muadib
Kwisatz Haderach of Wild Muse Games
(C) 2002 Wild Muse
Games/Robert A Mosley

Message 3999#38967

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