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Topic: Devil to Fate to Power to Alienation
Started by: furashgf
Started on: 10/26/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 10/26/2002 at 11:18pm, furashgf wrote:
Devil to Fate to Power to Alienation

I haven't purchased Dust Devil's yet, but had a question first about the "Devil" mechanic.

The source "mythology" seems to tie the protagonist's "devil" to...
- their alienation;
- their power;
- their fate.

e.g., in Unforgiven, you've got the main character's homicidal violence. If he abdjures this, he's sort of ok - he has a family, nothing too bad is going to happen to him. However, there are some situatons where he needs it (and derives power from it) (getting the $ for killing the "rapists" and avenging his friends) - this yields alienation and, of course, a potential dark fate.

Is there a similar thing w/ Dust Devils? I know it's got Devil = alienation = fate.


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On 10/27/2002 at 7:50am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Devil to Fate to Power to Alienation

Simple answer...the above is 100% the entire purpose of Dest Devils.

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On 10/27/2002 at 3:46pm, furashgf wrote:

$10 on the way ;-).

I love that idea - because it's not just this guy has a deamon to wrestle with, but this very flaw gives him something - does he have to use it to help himself, help others? What's the cost?


Message 4000#38998

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