The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Quick Sorcerer mechanical question
Started by: Tim Denee
Started on: 11/1/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 11/1/2002 at 6:27am, Tim Denee wrote:
Quick Sorcerer mechanical question

I roll 3d10, and get three 10s. The GM, on this opposed roll, rolls 10d10 and gets, um, three 10s and a whole bunch of lower crap.

Now, what happens? The tied 10s cancel out, yes? Leaving the GM with the lower crap, and me with... nothing. Do all the GM's other dice count as Total Victory dice? Do we reroll? If the former, it would seem that I was better of rolling lower (two 10s and a 9, e.g, giving the GM only one success).

Message 4077#39634

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On 11/1/2002 at 6:30am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Quick Sorcerer mechanical question

Oh, and also:

When the damage chart says "[X] penalty for next action", does it really mean "[X] penalty + [lasting penalties] for next action"?

Edit: one more thing, which I assume is a typo but I just wanted to check.

Pg. 92:

Joanna rolls 6 dice (given her Lore score and various modifiers), getting 10, 8, 7, 7, and 5. The demon's power is 4, so the GM rolls four dice, getting 10, 5, 5, and 5. Joanna has won with one victory"

This is wrong, right? The two tied tens cancel out, leaving Joanna with three dice (two 7s and the 8) higher than the demon's three 5s. Three victories. Correctomondo?

Message 4077#39635

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On 11/1/2002 at 6:41am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Quick Sorcerer mechanical question

OK, this'll be the last self-reply, I promise.

But jeez, I think I just figured out the answer myself by simply reading the darn rulebook...

"If the two highest dice are tied, go to the next highest pair and compare them, until one opponent wins. If absolutely every pair is tied, either resolve the conflict in some way or roll again"

So in my first question, it'd be a case of every pair being tied.

In the bit from the rulebook I quoted, the tens were discarded and then the next highest pair was compared; the 8 and the 5. 8 wins, one success for Joanna. Gotcha. Moral of the story: if the highest dice are tied, the victor can only get one victory, max.

Moral of the story #2: read the damn rulebook properly!

But I'd still like my second question answered, please (about the penalties).

Message 4077#39637

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On 11/1/2002 at 9:28am, Fabrice G. wrote:
RE: Quick Sorcerer mechanical question

Hi Tim,

yep, for the penalties that's [for the next action + lasting] for the next action. Uh...that hurts ! :)

And about the exemple p.92, it has been corrected in the errata.
Joanna wins with three victories.

Take care,


Message 4077#39652

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On 11/1/2002 at 9:43am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Quick Sorcerer mechanical question

Oh fart. There's errata on Of course there's errata. Silly me.

Thanks Fabrice.

Message 4077#39654

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