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Topic: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)
Started by: Ashren Va'Hale
Started on: 11/1/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 11/1/2002 at 10:29pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

One of my biggest problems in gaming is that I come up with too many cool character Ideas.... I am currently playing a mad martigan style blade slinger that I just made up in a hurry that has become somewhat interesting, in my spare time I created a much more interesting character that I planned on using when my current character dies off or is retired (we all know which is more likely in TROS). Anyways, along comes another session in the campaign and low and behold my character is stuck in a castle being over run by GOL. Lots o them, in the thousands, and whilst in the midst of battle he lost track of things and ended up being the last man to flee the field of battle and the only retreat was through the keep which was in the process of being locked up and barred.

So I turned to my roomate who was also playing and I told him that this was as good a time as any to kill this guy off since the situation fit his destiny and what not...... any how to make a long story short he kills some gol and gets into the keep after some very lucky rolls.
Once in the keep I found yet another opportunity too kill him off, in order to buy the others some time to escape I stuck him in the narrow stair well where I could then have him fight till I ran out of luck dice to burn permanently and he ends up dying in a balze of glory to save his friends... well it didnt work like I planned... you see... he won.

As jake said once, SAs make a character VERY dangerous, and this was one such case, this guy had 4 dice in drive, 4 in destiny and 4 in total passions. so I took those 12 dice and mixed them with his normal combat pool of 14 and then split that into two sets of 13 dice as I was being attacked by two gols at a time I reserved my 3 in luck for burning permanently when I needed them. I then went red red on every chance I had and bought initiative when necesary and then tossed all of my dice into attacks each time using bonus dice from height, terrain and combat stance to pay any maneuver costs. Any ways, He killed the first two, then the next two, and the two after that using this strategy, then the senechal threw in some gol captains to spice things up and things got really interesting, you see I had phenomenal luck at this point getting no less than 9 successes in any roll... and so you see, he killed them too.
in the end he never used any of those luck dice and managed to slow his persuers down long enough to escape since they spent all their time climbing over the stacks of their dead.
The final calculation of kills was around two dozen......
so now I have to play with this character again tommorrow and I guess the new character will just have to wait.
The lessson I guess is that those SA's are down right deadly in the right combination with some tactics and luck.

Message 4091#39839

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On 11/1/2002 at 10:38pm, Mayhem1979 wrote:
RE: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

Yeah... it was a really kick-ass fight... and even with all that he woulda died if my character hadn't come running back to help... and taken the head off the guy who was about to get him.. with my quarterstaff.

Considering the fact that my character had a strength of three.. :D

Message 4091#39842

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On 11/1/2002 at 10:41pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

Agh! Told you so!

Heh. Here's the basic TROS "endgame" mechanic:

If you want to kill him off, spend all of his SAs into proficiencies or whatever (so that it goes into insight) and then continue with your same tirade. You'll die, and you'll have lots of insight for next character.

Remember, you can spend those SAs any time, even during play.


Message 4091#39843

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On 11/3/2002 at 2:35am, Roger Eberhart wrote:
RE: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

Do you add the SA's to the combat pool each round or to each roll? It seems like people are doing it both ways. I thought that I read a post from Ron that said it was each roll, in which case SA's can really be powerful.

Message 4091#39966

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On 11/3/2002 at 6:22am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

We just added them to each round, not each roll, so I just added the sas to the combat pool and that was more than enough... every roll might have been over the top

Message 4091#39987

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...started by Ashren Va'Hale which Ashren Va'Hale participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 11/3/2002 at 8:34am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

Roger Eberhart wrote: Do you add the SA's to the combat pool each round or to each roll? It seems like people are doing it both ways. I thought that I read a post from Ron that said it was each roll, in which case SA's can really be powerful.

It's a personal taste thing. Depending on the group I'm with, I run it both ways. I'm sure you guys want a "solid answer" on this, but I'm not offering one. Do what works for you and yours.


Message 4091#39999

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On 11/6/2002 at 7:19pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Sa's and trying to kill my character (long)

In case anyone was wondering, this fight was real. The names have been changed to protect...

Aw, heck, screw the innocent...

Message 4091#40557

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