The Forge Reference Project


Topic: I just ordered...
Started by: Paul Czege
Started on: 11/2/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 11/2/2002 at 4:52am, Paul Czege wrote:
I just ordered...



Message 4095#39882

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...from around 11/2/2002

On 11/2/2002 at 5:11pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: I just ordered...

Hi Paul,

Nice! Here's the breakdown of the Kane stories, in chronological order of the adventures (not of the writing; I have to check on that).

1) Night Winds - a collection of short stories

2) Bloodstone - a novel

3) Dark Crusade - a novel

4) Death God's Shadow - a collection of three long short stories, or perhaps short novellas

5) Darkness Weaves - a novel

Looks like this collection puts the three novels together.

Also, Wagner wrote a few more stories much later after these were all published in book form, published mainly in small fanzine-horror; none of those impressed or interested me (although usually I like small fanzine-horror). I more-or-less think of them like I do the twenty-years-later Fafhrd and Mouser stories: pastiche written by the original author.


Message 4095#39919

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On 11/2/2002 at 6:51pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: I just ordered...

Hey Ron,

Thanks for that breakdown. I researched the book a bit before deciding to purchase, not wanting text that had been editorially mishandled, and was unable to discover where the short stories fit into the Kane chronology. The only thing I turned up was a mention that the included version of Darkness Weaves was a "corrected text." There was no explanation, but since that phrase typically means author corrections never incorporated into the first edition, I went ahead and ordered the book. I did come across this bit at the Coming Attractions pulp news site though:

"It looks like there will be a companion volume to Karl Edward Wagner's Gods in Darkness featuring Kane. The second volume will contain all of the Kane short fiction, and will also have a Ken Kelly jacket."

So it's good to know the chronology of the stories. What do you know about Ken Kelly?


Message 4095#39928

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Paul Czege which Paul Czege participated Adept Press
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...from around 11/2/2002