The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Seraphim Guard Moving to new ISP
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 11/3/2002
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 11/3/2002 at 1:53am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Seraphim Guard Moving to new ISP

I am moving to a new apartment complex, and will need a new e-mail address. I will pass it along when I get it, but in the meantime the current e-mail will only work for about a week or so.

I need to change my settings for the Forge and all my e-tailers, and would like advice on how to do that, but in the meanwhile I just thought I'd let you know.

There's a mailbox at my company's domain for me set up at, but you're probavbly better off writing my Yahoo address at until I get settled in.

FInally, does anyone know how to migrate the e-mail and moderation for about 75 Yahoo! Groups (as moderator and member) to a new e-mail?

One thing will make it all worth it -- T-1 LINE AT HOME!

Message 4105#39960

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On 11/3/2002 at 6:12am, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: Seraphim Guard Moving to new ISP

Michael Hopcroft wrote: FInally, does anyone know how to migrate the e-mail and moderation for about 75 Yahoo! Groups (as moderator and member) to a new e-mail?

That's fairly easy to do. Just add in your new email address, then go to My Groups. Your email address then should be capable of changing for each list. I think you'll have to change each list's email address individually; this could be a bit of a chore with 75 groups... :)

Remember to change the moderation settings last!

Message 4105#39984

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On 11/14/2002 at 2:57am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Turns out that won;t be needed

Turns out that won;t be needed. I'm moving, instead of to that apartment, to a different apartment where I can keep my current cable internet service. So will still work for a while.

Message 4105#41647

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...started by Michael Hopcroft which Michael Hopcroft participated Seraphim Guard
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...from around 11/14/2002