The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Improvised Yggdrasil
Started by: Christoffer Lernö
Started on: 11/3/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 11/3/2002 at 8:18am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Improvised Yggdrasil

I ran a short Ygg session with RobMuadib and Bob McNamee. We didn't get all that far.
Being out traveling they decided to restock in a village. Turns out there is some monster in the woods who demands a tribute - one child every full moon. It and its retinue killed all able bodied men in the village so they simply have to obey.
Naturally Grumpley the Goblin (Bob) and Valyr the Witchling sets out on adventure to find the Old Well that has some local myth around it.
Apparently someone come looking for it just before the monsters came.

So they set out on a trek into the forrest where they come upon some ratling looking creatures. (I inserted a battle here because time was running out). Valyr set out to fight them and Grumpley assisted him by throwing clothes at them. Anyway, after killing one and separate a second in three pieces (yes really) he got speared by a Ratling at a point where Grumpley showed his heroism by throwing a knife killing one and then mercifully stabbing the last who was distracted fighting with a Valyr who at this point actually had a spear stabbed right through him.

So, not to marvelously magic yet maybe. We started out making a framework for Grumpley using the character generation system of THE EVIL (which is almost freeform), but Valyr didn't even have that (Rob came late) so I made up his skills as we went along. This wasn't much of a problem since there wasn't much skill use anyway.

When we got to combat I assigned them real Ygg weapon ratings so we were playing "real Ygg" by this time. The ratlings had combat ratings of 5, with Grumpley at 4 and Valyr at 8. I might have been pumping damage a little to high (I was running from memory). Things were dying left and right though and Valyr had to use Weird to avoid an early Mortal Wound.
Otherwise it went ok. Rob was jumping the gun a little with the narration. Basically doing everyting FitE when you can state intentions freely FitM or FitE without any penalties. Considering that they had no clues how the system worked it was pretty smooth. The most fun part was using "assistance" rules which let Valyr roll 2 d12 take the best instead of a d12 because Grumpley was throwing clothes at a ratling. The same worked well defending Valyr from a crit. In fact it was the time they started to do things separately that they had problems.

This assistance rule is definately gonna be a big thing in Ygg. It opens up the possiblity for doing multiple attacks really easy too I think. Since the whole assistance rules are so simple it was very straightforward for me despite me having to figure out numbers on the fly.

Well, the Ygg combat system seemed to be alright. That's pretty much what I can say about it.

Oh, I also used inspirations in an off-handed way, but it definately needs to be put in there. I have some ideas for it (of course I had rules before to, but with the revisions it was unclear how it should end up looking)

Rob and Bob, what were your impressions?

Message 4109#39994

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On 11/4/2002 at 1:21am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Improvised Yggdrasil

I liked the co-operatative rules... it let me be a help without stretching the believablity of my character.

I liked that when he did decide to "try being hero" he narrowly escaped being spitted,only by using wierd.

Luck was the only reason for his successes and he knows it!
Works for me!

Message 4109#40054

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On 11/5/2002 at 3:44pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Improvised Yggdrasil

Bad stuff then? Things to be improved and Rob, your feelings playing the warrior who both kicked ass and got severely beaten?

Message 4109#40297

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