The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Re: Profiling strikes again - EVERYBODY play!
Started by: b_bankhead
Started on: 11/1/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 11/1/2002 at 11:35am, b_bankhead wrote:
Re: Profiling strikes again - EVERYBODY play!

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

ConspiracyX,Call of Cthulhu,Star Wars D6

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

Superworld,Call of Cthulhu,Cyberpunk 2020

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try? (no particular order)

KULT with Fudge mechanics,Dust Devils,Universalis

Message 4123#39672

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by b_bankhead which b_bankhead participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/1/2002

On 11/3/2002 at 3:11am, Clay wrote:
Whoa - new Profiling (split)

Last three games I really played:

Call of Cthulhu, Traveller 4th Edition (the unplayable edition), 7th Sea

Three games I most enjoyed:

7th Sea, Call of Cthulhu, Traveller

Three games I most want to play but havn't

Hero Wars, Gurps Discworld, Cat (fromWicked Press)

Message 4123#39973

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Clay which Clay participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/3/2002

On 11/4/2002 at 11:04am, Mark Withers wrote:
RE: Whoa - new Profiling (split)

Last three games I really played:

We used Mithras' The Ladder in a 1890's horror/adveture game, D&D3 (no point trying to hide it!), anti-Pool Superheroes.

Three games I most enjoyed:

Masques of the Red Death AD&D2 (again - why lie?), Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (you always remember your first...), anti-Pool.

Three games I most want to play but havn't

TrollBabe, Trinity, StoryPunk (see indie game design forum)

Message 4123#40101

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Mark Withers which Mark Withers participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/4/2002

On 11/4/2002 at 2:44pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Whoa - new Profiling (split)

Hi there,

I just realized that the above three posts were appended to an old Profiling thread from last March and April, not to the recent one (Profiling fall 2002).

Folks, keep an eye on the dates of threads you're posting to.


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Message 4123#40111

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/4/2002