The Forge Reference Project


Started by: Mytholder
Started on: 8/3/2001
Board: RPG Theory

On 8/3/2001 at 2:32pm, Mytholder wrote: is an attempt to set up an academic journal about computer games. I had a quick glance over their first issue. Most of it went over my head by a few million miles, but it might be of interest to some people here...

Message 414#3673

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...started by Mytholder which Mytholder participated RPG Theory
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...from around 8/3/2001

On 8/3/2001 at 10:37pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:

Fascinating stuff - I encourage everyone who is able to stomach an "academic" approach to take a look. There's comments on things like the value (or lack of value) of categorization and the difficulties in bringing narrative to a game - computer games, in this case, but not entirely irrelevant to the general question.

Not sure yet how much real value from a RPG standpoint can be extracted, but I suspect there's more than a little . . .

Gorodn C. Landis

Message 414#3676

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...started by Gordon C. Landis which Gordon C. Landis participated RPG Theory
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...from around 8/3/2001