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Topic: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrae (Long)
Started by: RobMuadib
Started on: 11/6/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 11/6/2002 at 7:00pm, RobMuadib wrote:
TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrae (Long)

Hey All

Figured I should point out the Game Universe and Mythos that my game will be set against. The idea behind the games UberMetaSetting is to provide a universe with a mythos that supports the games thrust of shared world creation and design. While also providing a persistent universe against which the players can set all the worlds they design, even allowing for a standardized means of travel, etc between them.

My influences here were Michael Moorcock's Million Spheres universe for the Eternal Champion, H.P. Lovecraft's Cosmic Horrorverse. Game influences are of course Torg, Nexus: The Infinite City, Multiverser, and Traveller, and Aria through it's Monomyth concept.

Oh yeah, this is still very much a draft document, but I think it provides a good feel for the kind of sweep and feel I want.

Game Concepts: The Game Universe

The one million orbs of all reality, parallel subspace realities, chrono-planes, the realms, the outer worlds, the middle marches, the alter-earths, the shadow worlds, the god home, the reality that is The Million Worlds is known by an infinite number of names, on an infinite number of worlds.

Yet, each of these names captures only part of the ultimate truth.
The name “The Million Worlds” comes from a the most ancient of people, the Omyrae. The Omyrae's story can be found, in fragments and shards, among the myths and legends of a million different peoples, among a million different worlds. In its complete form, it is known as “The Myth of the Sundering”.

The Myth of the Sundering

In the time before the Turning, there existed only Alphain. Alphain was the sum and whole of everything. Alphain existed as all. Yet, Alphain came to know that to be all, was also to be none, and to be alone. Alphain brooded upon this.

It came to Alphain, then, “As I am all, together, so can I be all, apart. And as all, apart, I shall never be alone” Thus, Alphain divided himself in all directions, and where he had been together he was now apart, all things, but separate. And so Alphain was all, but separate. Yet some of him, remembering its unity, yearned for it once again, and began to come together, while other parts of him continued, apart.

That which had been Alphain’s hands yearned again for unity, and began to seek out its brothers. In seeking each other out that which had been Alphain’s hands was joined by bits of that which had been Alphain’s eyes, and ears, and mouth, each of these parts joined with his hands regaining their unity.

But, lo, in coming together these pieces had not formed Alphain’s hand, or eyes, or ears, or mouth, but something new. That which had been formed knew unity, and also to be apart, and lastly, it knew loneliness.
Fearing loneliness, the creature sought out another like it, traveling among all that which Alphain had become. Being apart and yet knowing unity, the creature began to give names to the things it encountered, separating it from them.

The creature found another that, like itself, was formed of Alphain’s hand,
and eyes, and ears and mouth. Yet where the creature was of Alphain’s
right hand, and eye, and ear, this other was of Alphain’s left hand, and
eye, and ear. And so they were apart.

The creature that was of Alphain’s left hand and eye and ear and mouth
took site of this other, that was of Alphain’s right hand and ear and eye
and mouth, and gave it the name Yalhain.

Yalhain found the name seemly, and gave a name unto the creature that
to which it was alike yet different, giving it the name Yalhaim.
But, lo, Yalhain and Yalhaim knew sadness because though alike, they
were still apart. They both dwelled upon this, lost in thought, till it happen
that they touched.

In joining as they had, they discovered because they were both of Alphain’s mouth, they could know a kind of unity. And so they came to share this union, and from it, came others. The first of them they called Myrhlain. To Myrhlian and the others, whom they called their children, Yalhain and Yalhaim bade them go among all that was and learn and name and seek out others that might share union with.

And so the children of Yalhain and Yalhaim began to explore among all that was Alphain. They formed unions with others, who also sought others and formed unions.

Like their parents, the children of Yalhain and Yalhaim traveled about that which Alphain had become, naming the things they discovered, and forming unions as they could. Myrhlian was the first to find union with another, and she begat the Omyrae.

Where Myrhlian was brought forth full and perfect, the Omyriae were small and unformed, hidden away that they might have time to grow and learn.

Also, like their forebears the Omyrae begot many children, spreading far and wide as was Alphain’s wish.

Because they were of Alphain’s Eyes, and Ear’s and Hand’s, and Mouth, the Omyrae had within them some of Alphain’s power, and thus they were able to perform great feats.

Great among the works the Omyrae wrought were the Ghost Ships, these wondrous ships could travel not only on the water, not only upon the wind, but also through the Tuli Barzakh Adi, the hidden ways between worlds, and even in the space beyond space, the Alam Al-Mithal.

In their Ghost Ships, the Omyrae traveled far and wide. On their journey’s, by water, wind, by Tuli Barzakh Adi, and within the Alam Al-Mithral, the Omyrae discovered many far shores and uncharted lands. Some of these lands had fair hills and valleys, and mountains and rivers, like their home, others were strange and wondrous.

Also upon their journeys, the Omyrae discovered many peoples like unto themselves, who had been born of Alphain’s eyes, or ears, or mouth, or hands, or fingers, or heart, and still stranger conformations.

Greatest among the works wrought by the Omyrae was their fabulous city, Midian. At the center of the great city of Midian there stood the Endless Temple which was consecrated to Alphain. Within the Endless Temple set in corridor upon corridor, chamber upon chamber was the Ubiqnomen, the great catalogue, containing a tribute of everything the Omyrae had ever Named.

And thus it was so for ten thousand thousand Millennia. The Omyrae plied the water, and wind, and the Tuli Barzakh Adi discovering and Naming all that Alphain had wrought.

But woe and despair was soon to befall the Omyrae, for many Ghost Ships began to fail to return. It was discovered that they had been dashed to pieces, the Tuli Barzakh Adi, so long safe and familiar were becoming treacherous, and impassable. One by one the The Tuli Barzakh Adi began to grow black, and The Omyrii were slowly being cut off from all the worlds that Alphain had wrought, their birthright.

It fell upon Yawanth, the greatest of their mage-scholars to confirm their fears. Facing the Omyrae from the highest tower in Midian, He spoke to them, “Doom is upon us my people; soon the Tuli Barzakh Adi shall grow black and impassable, sundering us from The Million Worlds.”

At Yawanth’s word’s a great lamentation arose from the Omyrae, Men wept, spilling their blood upon their own swords, Women wailed, slaughtering their children as they slept, the old gave themselves up to the elements, and the young sat sullen on the streets.

And so the Omyrii lamented for 6 days, the blood of their misery filling the gutters of the streets. Until, at last, on the 7th day, Yawanth once again climbed the highest tower in Midian and spoke.

Yawanth said unto the Omyrae, “Rejoice my people, for in death, we shall be reborn. Just as Alphain, we shall sunder ourselves, and spread the pieces far and wide across the The Million Worlds. In each of these pieces we will plant the seed for the rebirth of our people.

As each is reborn, he will know his heritage, the memory of Midian shall burn within his breast. As we are reborn, we will gather, and rebuild Midian, each of us bringing tribute for the Ubiqnomen. Thus, the Omyrae shall not perish!”

As the last echoes of Yawanth’s words faded, the Omyrae gathered below, lining every street, every plaza and every balcony of Midian. Each then gave forth, in a single voice, a great shout of joy. And so each of the Omyrae, in his turn walked among the corridor upon corridor, chamber upon chamber of the Endless Temple, taking in arm a piece of the Ubiqnomen.

Soon the last of the Omyrae had taken up his tribute from the Ubiqnomen in the Endless Temple and once again stood gazing at Yawanth. The greatest mage-scholar of the Omyrae, seeing that all were ready, stood upon the highest tower in Midian and began the ritual of the Sundering.

As the words of the ritual were intoned by a million million voices, the city of Midian began to grow dark, the very sky and earth seeming to close in upon the people as they chanted.

Then came silence and blackness, and then light, and where once stood the world of the Omyrae, was nothing. But as the light faded the seeds of Sundered Omyrae were spread through the Tuli Barzakh Adi, and upon the water, and within the wind of a million worlds.
Waiting to be reborn …


Will add the Omyrean Tenets onto this thread, so as not to make message to long.

I like this creation myth, I personally drew upon echoes of creation myths from all sorts of mythologies and gave it that kind of sacred writings style. I think it will help set a mythic, fantastic feel similar to that Aria has.


Rob Muadib
Kwisatz Haderach of Wild Muse Games
(C) 2002 Robert A Mosley/Wild Muse Games

Message 4165#40549

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On 11/6/2002 at 7:21pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrae (Long)

Your myth is quite mythic. I have just one concern: the term Alam al-Mithral. Now, it seems to me that this comes from Herbert's Dune, where it was alam al-mithal, the world of similitudes where all limitations have been removed. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, my information indicates that Dune took a lot from Arabic Muslim terminology: hajra is similar to both hegira and hajj, mahdi is an actual Arabic word meaning 'seeker', etc; the phrase mektub al mellah probably comes straight from that language.
So, what I'd suggest is to poke around in Arabic mysticism and find the origin of the phrase, if you haven't done so already.

Message 4165#40558

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On 11/6/2002 at 7:43pm, RobMuadib wrote:
The Omyrean Tenets - Game Universe Pt 2


Here are the Omyrean Tenets, which establish the Metaphysics of the setting to some degree at least. Basically it is an elaborate means to setup a cool persistent universe to use for the game, but I like it.:)

Comments are appreciated. Oh yeah, these are still pretty rough too, with the Omyrean Explanations needing rewrites in several cases, and I could use a better term for Aerts, since I am not even sure where White Wolf stole it from.:)

Game Concepts: Game Universe
The Omyrean Tenets

The Omyrii’s greatest legacy are The Tenets. The Tenets are the sum of the Omyrii’s knowledge of the workings of The Million Worlds. They are akin to physical laws, in that they are the observed behavior of The Million Worlds over ten thousand thousand millennia.

It is theorized by some that the knowledge amassed by the Omyrii in postulating the Tenets, might have allowed them to somehow save their civilization as described in The Myth of the Sundering.

Fragments and interpretations of the Tenets have been incorporated into the beliefs of many peoples. It is this endless echo of the Omyrii’s myths that have been heard, added to and repeated among the peoples of The Million Worlds.

The Omyraen Tenets are described below, along with the traditional Omyraen explanation, based on their myths and legends, for why things work that way, in Italics.

I. Spheres

It is known that each of the infinite number of worlds within The Million Worlds is a complete “universe” unto itself. Within this “universe” any reality can exist, complete and endless, yet separate.

This is because each world was wrought by Alphain, and hence contains within it, all that is, yet it is all separately. Each of these complete “universes” is called by the Omyrii a Sphere, as a sphere has no beginning or end, and is a perfect shape.

II. The Alam Al-Mithral (Arabic for The the world where
images are real; the world of imagination. A kind of dream-time,
primal metaspace.)

It is known that each Sphere is extant among all others within the Alam Al-Mithral. The Alam Al-Mithral is the name given to the primal meta-space of The Million Worlds.

Viewed from the Alam Al-Mithral, each Sphere appears as a great opaque sphere, of varying hue, floating among the shifting, glowing translucent space of the Alam Al-Mithral.

The Alam Al-Mithral is the space beyond space, it is essence of Alphain, because it is through and within him that The Million Worlds exists.

III. The Turning

It is known that the Spheres are in motion within the Alam Al-Mithral, forming systems among themselves, much like the stars and planets we are familiar with, and even spinning together to form great constellations, the conjunctions of which can last ages, or merely seconds. This endless movement of the Spheres is called The Turning.

The endless reverberation of Alphain’s will to become all, apart, is what began the Turning of the Spheres.

IV. The Ontology of Man

It is known that sentience is extant among The Spheres. This sentience is incarnate among all the worlds of the Spheres in the form of “Man”. Man is that creature that is aware of its own existence, that questions both the genesis of that existence and the purpose of it, and that creates and pursues forms to explore that existence.

The shape of man among the spheres is limitless, yet he can always be spotted by his actions, for he inevitably seeks the truth of his existence.
“Man” exists because of the various pieces of Alphain, which sought unity, coming together to form a new being, in every Sphere.

V. The Wunschtraumacht (german compound word for roughly working of the great dream)

The Tenet of the Wunschtraumacht is a corollary to the Ontology of Man. It is known that the constant questing by Man, within a sphere, to understand his existence is extant among the Spheres as a metaphysical force, The Wunschtraumacht. The Wunschtraumacht is powered by the force the myths and legends, dreams and beliefs, memes and mores that Man has created, pouring forth from each Sphere as an endless wave.
Much as heat and pressure can create a diamond, the force of the Wunschtraumacht can act on the primal matter of the Alam Al-Mithral to create a Sphere.

The Wunschtraumacht is the million-fold force of the questing of Man within a sphere to remember his unity as all, apart.

VI. The Eternal Cycle
It is known that the force of the Wunschtraumacht emanates forth from each sphere like waves in a pond.

This endless tide acts ceaselessly upon the Spheres. This the eternal wind of the Wunschtraumacht can act upon an existing Sphere, slowly eroding it, till it grows small and dim, and finally, dissipates, returning to the primal state of it’s genesis.

The Eternal Cycle is merely the action of Alphain’s will as observed by those mortals long lived enough to notice it.

VII. The Axiomachtae

It is known that when the Wunschtraumacht acts upon the primal matter of the Alam Al-Mithral to form a Sphere, a manifold pattern is made when the flashpoint is reached and the new Sphere is created. This pattern is called the Axiomachtae.

The Axiomachtae determines the nature of a Sphere, defining the relations between it and Man within that sphere. Over time however, a Sphere can be changed by the continued action of the Wunschtraumacht acting upon it.

The Axiomachtae are the reflection of the struggle between those pieces of Alphain that were all, apart, locked in conflict with those parts of Alphain that sought to come together. Fused together by force of their struggles to become a sphere, all within that sphere mirrors the state of their struggle at the time of its genesis.

VIII. The Ontologues

It is known that Ontologues are the unique relations of Man to that which is not man within a Sphere. These Ontologues describe how Man may bend to his will and purpose that within the sphere that is not Man. The Ontologues include the Aspects of Technology, Faith, Magic, and Metabilities.

Within each sphere, the Axiomachtae acts as an absolute limit for Man within each Ontologue. Man is incapable of affecting change beyond the limit set by the Axiomachtae in each of the Ontologues, as represented by that Ontologues Aspect.

The Ontolugues are the reflections and echoes of the Axiomachtae. They represent the balance of the struggle between the parts of Alphain striving for unity, and those striving against unity captured within the pattern of the Sphere at the moment of its creation.
Thus, Man is limited in how much he can change or effect in that Sphere.
In those spheres where the forces of unity were holding sway in the struggle at the genesis of its creation, Man has greater ability to bend that which is not Man within the Sphere to his will.
While in those Spheres in which the forces of unity were falling by the wayside in their struggle at the genesis of the Sphere’s Creation, man has less ability to bend that which is not Man within the Sphere to his will.

IX. Aerts

It is known that the Spheres, as they continue their great turning through the Alam Al-Mithral., Share proximities of concurrence and congruence in space, and time, and correspondences and similarities in natures such that there exists pathways between them. These pathways, called Aerts, can be used to find the way from one Sphere to another.

X. Gates and Vessels

It is known that travel among the Spheres is possible. Gateways can be constructed that can allow one to traverse the Aerts, opening the pathways between Spheres such that Man may traverse them between each Sphere.

It is also known that vessels can travel among the Alam Al-Mithral itself, by drawing upon the force of the Wunschtraumacht to open ways into the Wunschtraumacht from within a sphere, the force of the Wunschtraumacht can be harnessed to propel them among the spheres, and to open the way for Man into other Spheres.

The Aerts are the residual force of the yearning of those parts of Alphain that have come together, fused with and dispersed among a Sphere, for others of their kind. This yearning forms the basis of the Aerts among Spheres.
Some Aerts are the remaining force of the connections between brother and sister who were fused into Spheres during great struggles to bring all that were apart, together. Others are the tenuous connection between vagabond Spheres lost in lonely orbits within the turning.
The power to draw upon the Wunschtraumacht to open the way between the Spheres was the knowledge granted to the Omyrii by their worship of Alphain. It is accomplished by drawing upon the limitless power of Alphain’s eternal will to pass within and without what was and is him.


Yeah. it's still rough and needs some work, and some better terms, but I think the essential outline represented is good.


Rob Muadib
Kwisatz Haderach of Wild Muse Games
(C) 2002 Robert A Mosley/Wild Muse Games

Message 4165#40566

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On 11/6/2002 at 9:12pm, RobMuadib wrote:
Alam Al-mithral


Hmm, don't remember seeing Alam Al-Mithral in Dune, but maybe I did and just forgot. As far I know it is derived from Arabic/Islamic Mysticism. Meaning a kind of dream world of possibilities. (I added the definition I had, and added to it later.)

Arabic for The the world where
images are real; the world of imagination. A kind of dream-time,
primal metaspace.

That is the definition I came up with I think mithral is the actual term of importance, Alam being a word for place/location, common in place names, Shah Alam whatever.

Either way I think it has a cool sound and feel

Rob Muadib

Message 4165#40590

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On 11/6/2002 at 9:28pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrae (Long)

Trust me, it was there. Anyway, I'm glad that your inspiration turned out to be what I hoped it was(:
Concerning your terminology, have you considered taking all of it from one language? Arabic mysticism is pretty fertile, relatively untouched ground for that. You might enjoy it... I suggest taking a look at 'Ibn Arabi and Suhrawardi's cosmologies for a couple of short discussions on the 'alam al-mithal and other worlds. It'll take more research to build up a correspondence between your Tenets and theirs, but I'm sure it would prove to be very rewarding, and provide essential Colour, which is so hard to find in universalist games (which is what I'm under the impression TMW is.)

Message 4165#40593

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On 11/6/2002 at 11:02pm, RobMuadib wrote:
Universal Games, With a Universe


Hey, thanks for the link and the suggestion, I will definitely go through and consider that, though I love the greek combining form Oneiro, which I changed to german, orginally used the greek+german combo OneiroMacht from what I changed to Wunschtraumacht. I guess I considered Greek/Latin/Arabic would be good as they are clasical type scholarly languages, as for the German, what can I say, I took German in High School, so I actually know it.:)

As for research, I will find a term that is close enough and co-opt it, hell it works for White Wolf:)

Oh, and yes of course Dune is one of my all time favorite SF novel, why else would I call myself Rob Mua'dib.:)

As for color, that is one of the major goals/thrust of the game, not only to make detailed realistic worlds, but to make cool ones with lots of gosh wow bits. As I said, Moorcock's Million Spheres is a huge influence here, hell I even stole the name for it halfway. :)

One of my design catchphrases has always been a Universal Game WITH a universe. Part of the idea is not to make any concievable world, but a large swath of enthralling worlds that share a particular epic/mythic/fantastic feel.

Well, just looked through the page/docs you mentioned and managed to co-opt a couple of pseudo Arabic terms, mangled their pronounciation and spelling to fit my aesthetics..

How do these Sounds

II. The Alam Al-Mithal (Arabic - the world of images and archetypal forms) [dropped the extra r]

The primal metaspace, This is the Absolute/True reality in my Cosmology.

Any Outer planes that might exist within a Sphere are the Alam Al-Arwah, from the Arabic meaning the world of spirits. The World/reality of a Sphere is called the Alam Al-Shaddah, from the Arabic meaning Visible World or Human World.

[edited these to some other names I found that I like more.]

V. The Mithal Nur al-Mahat - (Arabic - The Mother Lights Of Dreams)

The Tenet of The Mithal Nur al-Mahat is a corollary to the Ontology of Man. It is known that the constant questing by Man, within a sphere, to understand his existence is extant among the Spheres as a metaphysical force, The Mithal Nur al-Mahat. The Mithal Nur al-Mahat is powered by the extant ominilinear psychic force of the myths and legends, dreams and beliefs, memes and mores that Man has created to understand his existence. This meta-physical tide pours forth from each Sphere as an endless wave.

Much as heat and pressure can create a diamond, the force of the The Mithal Nur al-Mahat can act on the primal matter of the Alam Al-Mithal to create a Sphere. It can also destroy a Sphere over time, causing it to grow dark and diminish until it is absorbed back into the Alam Al-Mithal

VII. The Anwa Tilasm - (Arabic - Divine Pattern of Being)

It is known that when the Mithal Nur al-Mahat acts upon the primal matter of the Alam Al-Mithal to form a Sphere, a manifold pattern is made when the flashpoint is reached and the new Sphere is created. This pattern is called the Anwa Tilasm.

The Anwa Tilasm determines the nature of a Sphere, defining the relations between it and Man within that sphere. Over time however, a Sphere can be changed by the continued action of the Mithal Nur al-Mahat acting upon it.

VIII. Thibata Ayan - (Arabic - Archetypal Forms)

It is known that Thibata Ayan are the unique relations of Man to that which is not man within a Sphere. They determine how Man may bend to his will and purpose that within the sphere that is not Man. The Thibata Ayan, commonly referred to as Aspects include such things as Man's relation to Technology, Faith, Magic, and Metabilities.

Within each sphere, the Anwa Tilasm acts as an absolute limit for Man within each Aspect. Man is incapable of affecting change beyond the limit set by the Anwa Tilasm in each of the Thibata Ayan, as represented by that Aspect of the Thibata Ayan.

IX. Tuli Barzakh Ardi - (Arabic - The Ways Between Time and Space)

It is known that the Spheres, as they continue their great turning through the Alam Al-Mithal., Share proximities of concurrence and congruence in space, and time, and correspondences and similarities in natures such that there exists pathways between them. These pathways, called the Tuli Barzakh Ardi, can be used to find the way from one Sphere to another.

X. Uwal Fatihm and Uwal Mafati

It is known that travel among the Spheres is possible. Gateways can be constructed that can allow one to traverse the Tuli Barzakh Ardi, opening the pathways between Spheres such that Man may travel from One Sphere to another. These gateways are known as the Uwal Fatihm

It is also known that vessels can travel among the Alam Al-Mithal itself, by drawing upon the force of the The Mithal Nur al-Mahat to open ways into the Tuli Barzakh Ardi from within a Sphere. These vessels are referred to as Uwal Mafati. The Ghost Ships of the Omyrii are the first known Uwal Mafati.

Uwal Mafati harness the force of the Mithal Nur al-Mahat to propel them among the Spheres, and to open the way for Man into other Spheres.


Rob Muadib

(P.S. they sure sound flavorful, thanks for the suggestion and link:) )

Message 4165#40618

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On 11/7/2002 at 2:29am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrae (Long)

RobMuadib wrote: Much as heat and pressure can create a diamond, the force of the The Mithal Nur al-Mahat can act on the primal matter of the Alam Al-Mithal to create a Sphere. It can also destroy a Sphere over time, causing it to grow dark and diminish until it is absorbed back into the Alam Al-Mithal .

That's absolutely the coolest piece of game metaphysics I've ever seen. I didn't notice it the first time I read the posting - Wunschtraumacht is a wonderfully distracting piece of verbiage - it's such an incredibly cool idea. I have no idea what the Thibata Ayan text means, but this and the image of the Ghost Ships sailing on the winds of mythic force are fantastically concrete and powerful. I look forward to seeing more about TMW... it gets more exciting every day.

Message 4165#40658

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On 11/7/2002 at 3:25am, RobMuadib wrote:
Thibata Ayan

[Edited - Oops, sorry Shreyas, misaddresed my response]

Yeah, I was pretty pleased with the cosmology I came up with, which was a rather colorful excuse to have all these worlds that the players would be designing, ones that Share universal Aspects. Again, Moorcock's Eternal Champion series was a big influence.

The Anwa Tilasm & Thibata Ayan (cool terms, totally uknown to most everyone though: ), are basically ideas that provide a mechanical basis to limit what powers/technology and other similar Game Entites exist within a world, or will work within a world. This is along the lines of Torg's Axioms, or Multiversers' Bias, in that it is assumed there is a meta-physical force, a pattern of reality, that limits what can exist within that Sphere. These are what I call Aspects.

The point of this is to facilitate character's traveling from one Sphere to completely different one, that is a different reality. So say in one Sphere, Magic has an Aspect of 17 or whatever. While in Another it might only have an Aspect of 3, such that any magical powers the characters might have would be limited to that level of power while he was in that Sphere. While if he was in a Sphere that had a Magic Aspect of 0, he would find he could not use his powers, that it was simply impossible, the reality of the Sphere doesn't support it.

The idea of Anwa Tilasm also can include epic conflicts in some Spheres, basically interesting Meta-physical or Physical realities. Primarily in relation to what's possible for Man, or in this case, a Persona to do in that Reality.


Rob Muadib

Message 4165#40664

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On 11/7/2002 at 4:49am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Re: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrii (Long)

Greetings RobMuadib,

I shall (blessedly) refrain from Fremen jokes. Which is a good thing, since I can't think of any.

RobMuadib wrote: Hey All

Figured I should point out the Game Universe and Mythos that my game will be set against. The idea behind the games UberMetaSetting is to provide a universe with a mythos that supports the games thrust of shared world creation and design. While also providing a persistent universe against which the players can set all the worlds they design, even allowing for a standardized means of travel, etc between them.

My influences here were Michael Moorcock's Million Spheres universe for the Eternal Champion, H.P. Lovecraft's Cosmic Horrorverse. Game influences are of course Torg, Nexus: The Infinite City, Multiverser, and Traveller, and Aria through it's Monomyth concept.

Yes, the write up at your site did have that "Moorcock" feel.

I wanted to ask you about. Guess I don't have to now, eh?

My main question here is pertaining to the flavor of the game: Will it have it's own underlying meta-story in which the characters play an integral part as champions of fate or will there be forces which pull the characters in certain predefined directions?

Message 4165#40679

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On 11/7/2002 at 6:30am, RobMuadib wrote:
RE: Re: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrii (Long)

Kester Pelagius wrote:
My main question here is pertaining to the flavor of the game: Will it have it's own underlying meta-story in which the characters play an integral part as champions of fate or will there be forces which pull the characters in certain predefined directions?


Hey, the only "meta-story" or Mythos elements that I have established so far is the idea of the Omyrae reincarnating and searching for Midian among the Spheres, seeking to bring Tribute for the UbiqNomen that they might rebuild the Endless Temple. (Reference, Moorcock's Tanelorn.)

This is to provide a means for characters to concievably travel to different worlds if the Players should be so interested. "Well I'll be damned, Bob is actually the host of a 10 million year old reincarnated spirit of an Omyrae that can walk the Tuli Barzakh Ardi to another Sphere" :)

The other thing is that I considered is for the charcters to be Eternal Aspects, which would mean that they are aware of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat, and the Eternal Cycle. Perhaps playing the same role time and time again as new Spheres are formed. Being that the Spheres are endless incarnations of the variations of Man's "Mythic Cycle" to understand his existence. Which ties into the Alphain myth.

Maybe include a true "End Of Time" Myth that when the all the parts of Alphain have once again come into contact through the action of Eternal Cycle and the Turning, that he will become one again. Thus ending the Universe as all that is all, apart, once again becomes all that is all, together, achieving unity. Perhaps imagining this as all the spheres somehow impossibly falling into the pattern of some immense titan-like being, how cool is that? (Guess I have been watching too much Neon Genesis Evangelion:) ).

So there is the option for universal Mythos action with characters. Being an Eternal Aspect would give you awareness of other lives, the ability to recognize other Eternal Aspect characters, and maybe be able to sense and maniuplate The Mithal Nur Al-Mahat, or something.

So there is a hint of Moorcocks cosmology, without actually infringing Moorcock. (No Eternal Champion, no War of the Balance, etc.)


Rob Muadib

Message 4165#40696

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On 11/7/2002 at 8:31pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Re: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrii (Long)

Greetings Rob,

RobMuadib wrote: So there is a hint of Moorcocks cosmology, without actually infringing Moorcock. (No Eternal Champion, no War of the Balance, etc.)

Ah, so you're primarily basing this on Moorcockian cosmology then?

I thought maybe you'd be branching out, have references to the Alma di-yihuda or Alma de-peruda... but your write up, I think, has answered my lurking questions.

So, instead, I'll ask the one thing which has been gnawing at me...

What are the main sources from which you've drawn this cosmology?

When finally finished will you be including a reference bibliography so casual readers and hard core gamers can research the subject matter on their own if they so desire?

Opps, that was TWO things.

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 4165#40794

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On 11/7/2002 at 9:08pm, RobMuadib wrote:
RE: Re: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrii (Long)

Kester Pelagius wrote: Greetings Rob,

RobMuadib wrote: So there is a hint of Moorcocks cosmology, without actually infringing Moorcock. (No Eternal Champion, no War of the Balance, etc.)

Ah, so you're primarily basing this on Moorcockian cosmology then?

I thought maybe you'd be branching out, have references to the Alma di-yihuda or Alma de-peruda... but your write up, I think, has answered my lurking questions.

Well, the mythology was essentially designed for effect. I wanted to come up with a cosmology that supported the existence of an infinite number of worlds, but worlds with archetypal themes/patterns related to Mythology.

This was influenced by Moorcock's Million Spheres, which are posited to all be Aspects of our Earth. I also stole the idea of the Turning from him, with his conjunctions of the Million Spheres, and oh, the idea of the "mulit-verse" as being this primal metaspace of Spheres. I dropped all the Eternal Champion/War of the Balance stuff.

Additionaly, Instead of them being all derived as an Aspect of a single reality/earth (common to Moorcock's Multiverse and Zelazny's Amber), they are instead a cumulative sum Aspect of several different "meta-physics/mythic realities".

That is, Spheres that are closer together, by virtue of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat, will have similar realities, since each Sphere imposes the "gravity" of it's meta-physical World view on those around it. So, following a string of Spheres, you would slowly travel to worlds more alien and strange than our own Prosaic earth. Which could be assumed to exist, in some isolated pocket of the Alam Al-Mithal, cut off from the others, but once having been in touch with other worlds where elements of our old Myths existed as objective reality.

So, essentially, I am saying the Chicken is the Egg, the Egg is the Chicken, or um The Spice Is the Worm, the Worm is the Spice.:)

What were you thinking with regards to the to the Alma di-yihuda or Alma de-peruda... you referred to? Would be interested what you had imagined or thought of with regards to where I was going with the mythos.

Kester Pelagius wrote:
So, instead, I'll ask the one thing which has been gnawing at me...

What are the main sources from which you've drawn this cosmology?

When finally finished will you be including a reference bibliography so casual readers and hard core gamers can research the subject matter on their own if they so desire?

Well, as you might have guess from the above, I kind of drew upon many mythic cycles and creation myths to create a custom fabricated archetypal creation myth that would support, via it's conception of cosmology, the things I wanted to allow for within the game system.

Specifically, hard numbers to deal with varying Meta-abilities and such. An in-game justification for the existence of multiple worlds, and an in-game way to relate these worlds and allow for a consistent means of travel between them.

Again, actual games such as Torg and Multiverser where an influence here, creating the idea of inviolable Laws controlling what is possible, but multi-plexed across physical and meta-physical possibilities.

So, cheesily enough I stole from Fantasy Fiction, Game designs, and then smoothed it out and dressed it up with compelling and "believable" mythic/meta-physical trappings drawn from real world mythologies. Which thanks to a bit of comparative mythology study, all share similar concepts in these regards, not to mention being a fertile source of cool, evocative terminology.

Oh, one problem with the Arabic terms, is that they are pretty easy to make fun of, as a friend of mine who is familiar with this stuff pointed out, with his stament.

"Dude, that's kewl, how the Malcom Jamal Warner can be used to travel between the worlds of the Kareem Adbdul Jabar." :)


Message 4165#40803

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On 11/9/2002 at 11:25pm, RobMuadib wrote:
Meta-Plot for the The Million Worlds

Hey all

I awoke with an intersting idea for a "Grand Conflict" ala meta-plot type thing that I could include in The Million Worlds. Basically, It is establishing
a conflict between Eternal Aspects, and Omyrae Incarnates. Ok, I already established the idea of the Omyrae Incarnates seeking to rebuild Midian and the Endless Temple therein. As well as my End of Time Myth, well lets add the two. Once the Omyrae are able to complete the Endless Temple, they can bring about Unity. I.E. perform a ritual to resurrect Alphain, via the destruction of the Universe. Thus they would be one with thier God, All, Together, forever, or something.

So imagine the Omyrae Incarnates once again facing Yawanth upon the Highest Tower of Midian, intoning a great ritual. Simultaneously within the Alam-Mithral. The Sphere that is Midian, is exerting influence on all the other Spheres, drawing them into the Divine Pattern of Alphan. Creating this immense Titan being, while simultaneously drawing away the energy of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat within that Sphere, essentially destroying the sentience of "Man' in that sphere as it is transformed once again into the being of Alphain.

Well, being that Eternal Aspects exist through the web of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat among all the Spheres, i.e. those common elements that make them Eternal Aspects, this would mean their complete and utter destruction. So, having Ultimate Meta-Physical awareness of the universe, they would most likely be opposed to this, and thus might Oppose Omyrae Incarnates within each Sphere.

This could even create a mythos of "World Eating" ragnarok style clashes between the Omyrae Incarnates and Eternal Aspects. Since the essential purpose of the Omyrae is to find or create an Artifact within that Sphere that captures the Anwa Tilasm, and thus serves as a True Name/Heartstone kind of artifact. That is, by some ritual using their Knowledge of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat, they are able to bind the Anwa Tilasm into an artifact, and leave the Sphere. Essentially destroying the Soul/DNA of the Sphere, bringabout it's destruction. In so doing it would of course destroy the Sphere, and necessarily, destroy part of the Eternal Aspects existence.

How's that for a Cool backstory element ala The War of the Balance/Eternal Champion, plus it plugs into the destruction/end time mythos of all kinds of Relgions. Perhaps the Anwa Tilasm and the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat shapes the nature of the Omyrae Incarnate and Eternal Aspect within that Sphere, effectively becoming the gods of Ragnarok, or The agents of the Rapture, or what have you.

I think that is a very very cool way to play out the other essential element of all Mythic Cycles, you have the True creation myth, which all peoples in all Spheres have capture some truth of in their own creation myths, as filtered by their limited perspective, as well as the Essential Apocalypse/End Time myth, that is again, an imperfect understanding of the True Reality of the universe.

I think that is Fricking Cool!.

comments, questions?

Message 4165#41087

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On 11/10/2002 at 4:32pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Re: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrii (Long)

Greetings Rob,

[bad Yoda impersonation]
Lot's of background history, sees I, but where be the mechanics of play of rule? Hmm?
[/bad Yoda impersonation]

RobMuadib wrote: Well, the mythology was essentially designed for effect. I wanted to come up with a cosmology that supported the existence of an infinite number of worlds, but worlds with archetypal themes/patterns related to Mythology.


Additionaly, Instead of them being all derived as an Aspect of a single reality/earth (common to Moorcock's Multiverse and Zelazny's Amber), they are instead a cumulative sum Aspect of several different "meta-physics/mythic realities".

Ah, ok, so the reality spheres, at least as pertains to the Earth bodies, are sort of equivalent to Aetheric Doubles then? (In a taken out of context, Sliders parallel reality, sort of way.)

Definately not talking bout a "qauntum mirror" sort of alternative universe model, right?

I have a book somewhere, or maybe I don't, it's been years... but essentially the crux of the tale was this... There was a guy, he encountered an alternative version of himself, this other self used a strange contraption which was essentially a chair-thing which, if memory serves, through the use of vibrations "tuned" the body into the frequency or wavelengths of the target alternative reality. Thus, rather than deal with the paradox riddles of divergent possiblities, these really were true alternates, not (yes, another sci-fi reference coming) the "Doc Brown" theory of divergent reality lines. Or something. Is that more on base here?

IMHO, to have transit between the "spheres" involve frequency wavelengths ala the "music of the spheres" and all might be... *grins*

RobMuadib wrote: That is, Spheres that are closer together, by virtue of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat, will have similar realities, since each Sphere imposes the "gravity" of it's meta-physical World view on those around it. So, following a string of Spheres, you would slowly travel to worlds more alien and strange than our own Prosaic earth. Which could be assumed to exist, in some isolated pocket of the Alam Al-Mithal, cut off from the others, but once having been in touch with other worlds where elements of our old Myths existed as objective reality.

Ah... so rather than a "Mirror, Mirror" universe it's more a (balked by lack of decent TV or movie examples) 'reality is linked to perception, what can be imagined is real, somewhere' sort of thing?

RobMuadib wrote: What were you thinking with regards to the to the Alma di-yihuda or Alma de-peruda... you referred to? Would be interested what you had imagined or thought of with regards to where I was going with the mythos.

Just wondering how far you were going to expand your model, whether or not you were going to have a series of linked spheres depending from one another to provide a template-compass so that people would know in which direction they should travel.

RobMuadib wrote:
Kester Pelagius wrote:
So, instead, I'll ask the one thing which has been gnawing at me...

What are the main sources from which you've drawn this cosmology?

When finally finished will you be including a reference bibliography so casual readers and hard core gamers can research the subject matter on their own if they so desire?

Well, as you might have guess from the above, I kind of drew upon many mythic cycles and creation myths to create a custom fabricated archetypal creation myth that would support, via it's conception of cosmology, the things I wanted to allow for within the game system.

Specifically, hard numbers to deal with varying Meta-abilities and such. An in-game justification for the existence of multiple worlds, and an in-game way to relate these worlds and allow for a consistent means of travel between them.

Again, actual games such as Torg and Multiverser where an influence here, creating the idea of inviolable Laws controlling what is possible, but multi-plexed across physical and meta-physical possibilities.

Why the heck did I just hear Brad Majors from RHPS saying, "I knew I should have gotten that spare tire fixed.", in my head?

Oh, I know, because I once encountered an angry and frustrated TORG GM in a gaming store once... offered to sell me the game for a dollar. Guess I should have taken him up on the offer, not a clue what TORG is really about. *shrug*

As for the "laws" are you sure you want to do that? I mean, wouldn't they shift, relatively speak, from reality to reality?

Unless you mean laws governing travel through/between the spheres?

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 4165#41134

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On 11/11/2002 at 3:35am, RobMuadib wrote:
RE: Re: TMW:COTEC - The Sundering of the Omyrii (Long)

Kester Pelagius wrote: Greetings Rob,

[bad Yoda impersonation]
Lot's of background history, sees I, but where be the mechanics of play of rule? Hmm?
[/bad Yoda impersonation]


Hey, as for the Mechanics, I have already hammered out the Core Resolution System/Trait Scale, and have written an expanded Tests section, outlined the way most of the Traits work, etc. If you are interested, you can find a PDF copy of my CORE Rules doc

A couple of caveats, however. I haven't posted much about the Resolution System because I am not likely to change much about it, other than to tweak a few details. (One of the main reasons being that I want to actually finish this game :) ) It is much heavier and complex than most people on the forge are interested in, unfortunately. Though it appears clunky and difficult to describe, it fairly easy to use. Further, I find the results provided and the detail produced by the system to be quite elegant.

The other problem is with the mss, at the moment it is not easily digestable for new readers. The mss descended directly from my design notes, and thus represents a rigorous, pedantic explanation at present, being 38 pages. I plan to rewrite it to make it more friendly and useful for first time readers. But if you still want to check it out, knock yourself out:). Also, I have put up a tentative character sheet for the game too. you can find that PDF file here. One final qualification, the game is focused on exploration of System with emphasis on detailed realistic resolution.

Kester Pelagius wrote:
RobMuadib wrote: That is, Spheres that are closer together, by virtue of the Mithal Nur Al-Mahat, will have similar realities, since each Sphere imposes the "gravity" of it's meta-physical World view on those around it. So, following a string of Spheres, you would slowly travel to worlds more alien and strange than our own Prosaic earth. Which could be assumed to exist, in some isolated pocket of the Alam Al-Mithal, cut off from the others, but once having been in touch with other worlds where elements of our old Myths existed as objective reality.

Ah... so rather than a "Mirror, Mirror" universe it's more a (balked by lack of decent TV or movie examples) 'reality is linked to perception, what can be imagined is real, somewhere' sort of thing?

Yeah, except that it is more of a collective consensual reality Tensor fields that interact across universal distances, kind of like gravity in that regard. Or to further expound on that, reality is instead, imperfect perceptions of the original or true/absolute reality, as represented by the cosmic conciousness/being Alphain, or something. Thus the common patterns/archetypes across all worlds. That should be enough mystical doubletalk, pseudo-scientific techno-babble and handwaving for you:)

Kester Pelagius wrote:
RobMuadib wrote: What were you thinking with regards to the to the Alma di-yihuda or Alma de-peruda... you referred to? Would be interested what you had imagined or thought of with regards to where I was going with the mythos.

Just wondering how far you were going to expand your model, whether or not you were going to have a series of linked spheres depending from one another to provide a template-compass so that people would know in which direction they should travel.

Actually, that reminds me, I forgot to mention another idea, also derived from Moorcock's Million Spheres. In one of the Series, the Eternal Champion exists in a group of related "worlds" called the Realms of the Wheel. Five spheres linked to each other via gateways, with the people of each knowledgable of the others. So certain realms can actually be linked, existing as "Spheral Systems" within the Alam al-Mithal. This correspondonce and relation maintained by the force of the interacting
Mithal Nur Al-Mahat's of each Sphere. Such realms can have active
Uwal Fatihm extant within them, possibly occuring as a natural feature, even.

My question earlier was with the two terms you mentioned, , I am not familar with them, nor have I been able to find defintions of them, got a link or definition for me?

Kester Pelagius wrote:
RobMuadib wrote:
Well, as you might have guess from the above, I kind of drew upon many mythic cycles and creation myths to create a custom fabricated archetypal creation myth that would support, via it's conception of cosmology, the things I wanted to allow for within the game system.

Specifically, hard numbers to deal with varying Meta-abilities and such. An in-game justification for the existence of multiple worlds, and an in-game way to relate these worlds and allow for a consistent means of travel between them.

Again, actual games such as Torg and Multiverser where an influence here, creating the idea of inviolable Laws controlling what is possible, but multi-plexed across physical and meta-physical possibilities.

Why the heck did I just hear Brad Majors from RHPS saying, "I knew I should have gotten that spare tire fixed.", in my head?

Oh, I know, because I once encountered an angry and frustrated TORG GM in a gaming store once... offered to sell me the game for a dollar. Guess I should have taken him up on the offer, not a clue what TORG is really about. *shrug*

As for the "laws" are you sure you want to do that? I mean, wouldn't they shift, relatively speak, from reality to reality?

Unless you mean laws governing travel through/between the spheres?

Kester, TORG was a rather brilliant multi-genre game that posited a Post-Apocalyptic earth that was invaded an Occupied, not only by aliens/extra dimensional beings, but by their attendant reality, as created by a system of pseudo-magical artifacts. Their goal to convert Earth to reality similar to theirs, thus gaining more available power for it's self. It is truly unique and cool game and game system. It had a Fantasy realm in place of Britain, a High-Tech cyber future in place of Japan, a dark realm of Horror beasties in Indonesia, a Neo-pulp retro-future realm, in Egypt, called The New Nile empire or some such. Lots of interesting bits.

One of which was a way to handle adventurers travelling to these other occupied zones to fight off the invaders. Thus you had Torg's Axioms, which provided ways to rate and deal with different Realties. How do you know if your mages spells will work? You check the Realities Magic Axiom, etc. This is a common idea in several games, including Nexus:The Infinite City, and Multi-verser. Instead of an absolute binary determination, the different Aspects will have a Score in that Aspect. Depending on where it falls on that scale, will determine what kind of magic is possible.

The reason to have these "laws" or aspects. IS so you can differentiate between realities that are truely alien. Being that the Anwa Tilasm is incomprehensible complex hyper tensor field type deal that affects all physical laws and possibilities within a Sphere such that in certain Spheres, certain things just don't work. Maybe there are no modern computers, because they just don't work. In that reality you can't get electrons to flow like you need to use a computer transistor and circuit. Or magic simply isn't supported or possible in that reality.

Now, we have a cop-out, Omyraen Incarnates, and Eternal Aspects, have access to abilities that allow them to channel the Mithal Nur al-Mahat, and can thus overcome the Anwa Tilasm within a limited area, thereby overcoming the limits of another reality they might be in. This ability is of course limited and such. But, it handles both things, by providing for other realities to exist for characters to enter, but being that the above two type of meta-characters are the most likely to travel/be in alternate realities, have ways to maintain their abilities, or some such.

There also common concepts and ideas to regulate relationships and travel between the Spheres.


Message 4165#41175

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