The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Good Omens in Campaign Prep
Started by: Supplanter
Started on: 8/5/2001
Board: Actual Play

On 8/5/2001 at 1:42am, Supplanter wrote:
Good Omens in Campaign Prep

Our ftf Amber group has decided we'll play Nobilis as our "off game" - those Wednesdays when the Amber GM can't make it. We had our first prep session last Wednesday, focusing on character creation, the nature of the game and what the Washington Post can tell us about the nature of the Valde Bellum.

For those who do not know, in Nobilis, you play a Power. If you think of it as "Sandman: The Roleplaying Game" you won't go too far wrong. As a power, you sometimes work through Anchors, who are particular mortals with which you have a spiritual bond. One restriction is that you can only make someone your anchor if you love or hate them.

So I got the following question from one of my players in e-mail today:

"To create an Anchor, you must either love or hate the Anchor. Do you have to know which?"

Man, I am looking forward to this game.



[ This Message was edited by: Supplanter on 2001-08-04 21:43 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Supplanter on 2001-08-04 21:43 ]

Message 419#3693

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On 8/6/2001 at 4:23pm, Epoch wrote:
RE: Good Omens in Campaign Prep

I dunno if you're on the Nobilis list, Jim, but if you're not, a rather helpful thing about Anchors:

As I'm sure you know, Lord Entropy forbids Nobles from loving mortals. However, according to R. Sean, he also recognizes that Anchoring is an important weapon against the Excrucians, and, as such, in his courts, showing merely that a Noble does not hate his Anchor is not considered proof that he loves the Anchor. (In other words, there's a legal fiction that makes it harder to pin that particular violation on the Nobles.)

Might be helpful stuff for your players, if you decide to run with that rule.

Message 419#3716

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