The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Profiling In Reverse
Started by: Christoffer Lernö
Started on: 11/13/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 11/13/2002 at 7:05pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Profiling In Reverse

I don't know if this is interesting to the rest of you, but... well reading the profiling I felt like asking the similare questions but kinda the other way around:

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

(hmm, do I start or?)

Message 4231#41549

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On 11/13/2002 at 7:12pm, jburneko wrote:
Re: Profiling In Reverse

Okay, I'll play.

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

OD&D (Red Box), Cyberpunk (at my first con), Chill (at my first con)

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

The MOST? Hmmm... Well, that game that started with the OD&D ran all the way through 2nd Edition AD&D. I played Chill for about a year. Then I played Deadlands for about a year.

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Chill (Of, course! Mysteries work just fine. Now I don't have to draw those stupid maps!)

Story Engine (I used it as the basis for Isolation)



Message 4231#41555

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On 11/13/2002 at 7:28pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1. blue book D&D, which gradually became AD&D with the incremental publication of the hardcover books in the early 80's and a pick and choose attitude toward the rules
2. Boot Hill
3. DragonQuest

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

1. AD&D, hands down
2. Stalking the Night Fantastic
3. Vampire

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

1. Vampire (negative influence)
2. The Pool, using relationship maps and Kickers from Sorcerer (positive influence)
3. Theatrix (positive influence)


Message 4231#41561

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On 11/13/2002 at 7:43pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Awesome questions, Pale Fire.

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

AD&D 1st Edition, Twilight: 2000 (first game I ran, and one of my favorites to this day), Rolemaster.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (15 months), Werewolf: the Apocalypse (9 months, but twice a week), D&D3E (a bit over a year).

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Geez, this is a hard one. Narrowing it down to three is difficult, and the three I come up seem odd:
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - the grittiness, easiness (seriously - this is the easiest traditional FRPG I know of), and sheer fun of the game brought about by color all influenced me greatly.
Sorcerer - You knew I had to say that one. Seriously, though, the idea that every attribute of the character is directly tied to something important influenced me. I try hard not to make any attribute of a character unimportant to the game.
Unknown Armies - this one's from left field, but it was the first game I played that (a) let me make up my own abilities, (b) had the moral ambiguity I liked, and (c) actually reminded me of literature I'd read.

Message 4231#41566

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:13pm, J. Backman wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Pale Fire wrote: What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Not sure about the order, but the first three were definitely RuneQuest, Middle-Earth RPG and Pendragon.

Pale Fire wrote: What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Probably RuneQuest, CyberPunk 2000 and Paranoia.

Pale Fire wrote: What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

The Pool, because it was the first game I came across that gave narrative power to the players -- Amber, because it was the first game I played that didn't use any dice -- RuneQuest because Glorantha is the most unique game world I've ever seen.

Message 4231#41572

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:17pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse


Ars Magica
... Talislanta maybe? Shadowrun? Dunno.

Most Influential:
Ars Magica
Over the Edge
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

I'd say.


Message 4231#41573

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:20pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1. White-box D&D
2. Metamorphosis Alpha
3. En Garde!

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

1. D&D
2. Talislanta
3. Melee/Wizard/TFT

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

1. Way Back (and kinda GM-focused) - Huge influence from Greg Costikiyan's Swords & Sorcery boardgame on our D&D play. It opened up the idea of building (focused but generic) story and having a "campaign world" orientation for us before straight RPG products did.
2. Middle years (and mostly as player-desire) - Melee/Wizard/TFT, a big influence toward lighter, more focused rules. Plus they had solo books at a time when I kept running into the very WORST of gamer culture.
3. Recently (and as designer-oriented as I can be without a finished design) - An easy answer is "The Forge", but if you push me - "Hero Wars," seen as only my experience at the Forge allowed me to see it.


Message 4231#41575

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:25pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Three
D&D -- I don't know the box color or anything, as it was my cousin who was running my through a dungeon. I was 8 years old.
Marvel Super Heroes (Basic Set) -- that bright yellow box was the first RPG I owned.
Star Wars (1st Edition WEG)

Longest three
MAGE: the Ascension -- 2 non-consecutive semesters at college, then a year off, then 2 1/2 years, solid
AD&D 2nd ed. -- 5 years of very sporadic play
TORG -- 3 years semi-regular

Most Influential
THEATRIX -- You can play without dice? You can name your own descriptors? There are more options than "You hit" or "You miss"? Cool!
Sorcerer -- it is, quite simply, a masterpiece of game design. How can one not be influenced?
FVLMINATA -- Perhaps it doesn't exactly fit the thread, but nothing will ever influence me as a designer more than the first experience of actually designing.

Message 4231#41579

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:30pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

Played First:
- Basic D&D
- AD&D 2nd Edition

Played the most:
- AD&D 2nd Edition
- Fudge

Most Influential:
- Basic D&D
- Fudge

Message 4231#41582

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:30pm, Enoch wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

AD&D2E, Shadowrun, Alternity (I can't remember exactly since we would play a lot of free games that I found online back in the day when I was 13 or so).

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

AD&D2E, Alternity, D&D3E

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Mage, Tribe 8, Sorcerer


Message 4231#41584

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:35pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First three:

Top Secret, Aliens (homebrew version), and then AD&D

Longest three:

Aliens (again, the homebrew version), TMNT, and then Deadlands

Most influential:

TMNT - everyone loves the animal creation rules
Donjon - gotta love that crazy anything-goes feel
Paranoia - the writing style just made you want to play it even if the actual system wasn't very good

Message 4231#41586

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On 11/13/2002 at 8:53pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Some crazy free-form version of AD&D
MechWarrior 2nd Ed.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Shadowrun -- hands down
Deadlands -- I don't like admitting this, namely because I don't like Deadlands
MechWarrior 2nd Ed.

Mind you that all three of those listed above involed a hell of a lot of drift in one direction or another depending on the group's dynamic.

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Player: InSpectres because the players get to create the story too
GM: Sorcerer, but only with the &Soul supplement because I finally understood how to directly and emotionally involve the PCs in a conflict that they don't encounter but rather are already in. This was reinforced with Dust Devils.
Designer: Oh hell I don't know--just the whole system does matter concept really. I guess I attribute this most directly with Sorcerer.

I'd also like to say that Story Engine has been very influencial in the way I roleplay, but I don't think I realized its implications until after reading GNS and going over some of the above listed games.

Message 4231#41590

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On 11/13/2002 at 9:02pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse


Neat thread idea.

First three actually played:
D&D with no "A"
AD&D (hardcovers)
The Fantasy Trip (all versions)

Champions, 3rd & 4th editions
Sorcerer (if you count multiple stories/contexts)
Hero Wars

Most influential:
as player: The Babylon Project
as GM: Sorcerer (yes, the abyss gazes back)
as designer: Over the Edge


(edited because I didn't initially realize you're supposed to provide three titles for the second question)

Message 4231#41592

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On 11/13/2002 at 9:15pm, wyrdlyng wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

1st Three:
Basic D&D
Star Frontiers
Marvel Superheroes

Longest/Most Played:
D&D (3rd Ed)
Shadowrun (1st through 3rd Ed)
Champions (4th Ed)

Most Influential:
Marvel Superheroes

Message 4231#41596

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On 11/13/2002 at 9:17pm, Demonspahn wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

Hi. OK, here goes,

First three played:
-D&D, red book, blue book (sounds like Dr. Seuss)
-AD&D hardbacks
-Dragonquest (my first non-D&D game that was still D&D)

-AD&D 1st blend to 2nd E

Most influential:
-player: Ravenloft/Masque of the Red Death, I _love_ that setting
-GM: VtM
-designer: Star Wars, because I started going cross-genre with remote worlds, which eventually led to the Dreamwalker concept. :)


Message 4231#41598

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On 11/13/2002 at 9:31pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Three
Basic D&D (Pink Box, Module B2, baby!)
AD&D 2nd Edition
Talislanta 2nd Edition

Longest, Two
AD&D 2nd Edition
Talislanta 2nd Edition

Most Influential
Shadows (This game blows my mind, I can't get over it.)
Rolemaster (If nothing else, I now avoid charts and tables like the plague.)


Message 4231#41601

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On 11/13/2002 at 11:10pm, jrients wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

Hi, my name's Jeff and I'm a gamer. ["Hi Jeff."]

1st played:
1981 Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules (with swell Erol Otus cover)
Star Frontiers Alpha Dawn
Gamma World (2nd or 3rd edition, can't remember exactly)

Most play:
Various incarnations of Dungeons & Dragons
HERO System/Champions 4th edition
I'm not sure what's third, either Call of Cthulhu (3rd through 5th editions) or Pendragon (2nd edition)

Biggest Influence
D&D, in particular the Basic Rules mentioned above and the 1st edition Dungeon Masters Guide
Call of Cthulhu
QAGS: Quick Ass Game System

Message 4231#41622

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On 11/13/2002 at 11:30pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

"What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?"

A sorta D&D-type thing, based on a 1 ed. AD&D PHB and the beginner D&D material.

Middle-earth Roleplaying System

Hero System

"What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?"

Rolemaster--Others played AD&D. I played RM. My players demanded nothing less.

Hero System--Originally I was toying with designing a multi-genre game (like Torg). Instead I found this. I used it for several different genres, and I even tried a little superhero gaming. It was light, fun entertainment.

Call of Cthulhu--Let's just say that I've spent far too many hours in basements, trying to scare my players to death.

"What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer?"

Call of Cthulhu--Quite simply, I learned both atmospherics (music, candles, etc.) and presentation (intonation, etc.) through playing CoC.

Unknown Armies--This game managed to capture large amounts of what I loved in Mage and encapsulate it in a potential moral framework that I found attractive. (I.E. Power and consequences)

Alyria--Yes I know that it's my game. This isn't a "toot my horn" entry, though. Actually, Alyria was largely the reason that I began seriously studying game design issues, and the process (long and drawn-out as it is) has provided me with most of the techniques that I currently use for GMing, playing, and designing.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

(edit: changed my mind about the last question)

Message 4231#41629

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On 11/13/2002 at 11:59pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Three
(Don't remember which was 3rd, probably either The Fantasy Trip or a Gamma World homebrew)

Longest Three
Heavily modified AD&D (using Symmetry resolution)
A homebrew stat-less Vampire game (pre-V:tM)
Champions/Hero 4th ed.

Most Influential
D&D (the past)
FUDGE (the present)
Shadows (the future)
Can't separate player, GM, and designer though. I'm all the same.

Answers in the latter two categories would be very different if I also included my LARPs.

- Walt

Message 4231#41632

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On 11/14/2002 at 12:11am, Daredevil wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

Interesting questions and nice to read your answers!

"What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?"

The first game I played was an obscure, early Finnish role-playing game called "Dungeon of Acirema" (translation is mine). I bet that's a first!

Subsequently transferred to red-box D&D, graduating to AD&D very soon.

The third game was probably Marvel Superheroes or Middle-Earth RPG by ICE. I'm a bit fuzzy about the specifics of that time.

"What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?"

Shadowrun. Though I don't care for the game much these days, I have played and GMd it quite a lot.

L5R. This I have only GMd and the two campaigns I have done were, if not the longest time I've played a game, certainly the most intense.

The difference between second most played and third most played is quite huge, in terms of time invested. I think AD&D takes the third spot, but it's followed closely by a motley including at least Marvel Superheroes.

"What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer?"

Very hard question, indeed.

Shadowrun, by sheer weight and certainly not by innovative game mechanics or the like. I've played it the most, so I've grown up the most along with it.

Sorcerer. Never played it, don't own it, but hearing about it and later reading about it led me into (.. the Forge) several enlightening experiences regarding playing, GMing and designing RPGs.

Somewhat reluctantly I put L5R here, but the choice is a bit controversial. I have had the best time with it of any RPG, my first campaign in it stands as the best one I've GMd, but that's sort of all in a days work. The game system was nice, the setting inspired, the sourcebooks suberb ... I guess L5R represents for me what's ultimately most important in this hobby; having fun, even though it can get very intense and deep while at it.

- Joachim Buchert -

Message 4231#41633

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On 11/14/2002 at 12:47am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Three
Gamma World

Longest three
Aedorea w/ The Window

Most Influential
The Window

Message 4231#41639

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On 11/14/2002 at 1:38am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Three
D&D (a boxed set with module B1 In search of the unknown) from 1979
Traveller or Gamma World (I forget which was first, Traveller, I think)

Longest three
AD&D (all through high school, plus)
Champions (a 1 year campaign, and a 2.5 year campaign)

Most Influential
Champions (make the character you want, non-random)
Universalis (everybody create)
Inspectres? (haven't played yet...but its influence is there)

Message 4231#41643

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On 11/14/2002 at 3:30am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

D&D/AD&D Kind of hard to say because the DM used both of them at the same time.

GURPS and I think Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, but I'm not sure. (Possibly Villians & Vigilantes)

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Villians & Viginates.
Warhammer FRP

D&D third edition coming up strong. (I'm sick of saying 3e, are you?)

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Baron Munchausen
De Profundis

All three as a designer because I really didn't need direction as a player or GM. I just do what I want in those cases. These three help me realise that you don't need armor class of a weapon list.

(Edit: Forgot about Sandman Map of Halaal, which was a very, very simple design. I daesay it was more influential than DeProfundis or Everway to me)

Message 4231#41648

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On 11/14/2002 at 3:53am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

I like these questions, tho they're less likely to change over time than the standar profiling ones.

Pale Fire wrote: What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

D&D (red box, Erol Otis cover)
AD&D (1st edition hardbacks)
STar Frontiers (yes, I was a TSR junkie back in the day)

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Changeling: The Dreaming
The Masquerade (Mind's Eye Theatre) -- i.e. Vampire LARP
Amber Diceless

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Player: OctaNe, actually. The stuff on descriptions and the reminders about the Sorcerer "band" metaphore have really stuck with me.
GM: Over the Edge, no doubt about it.
Designer: Tough call. It's a toss-up between Over The Edge, Amber Diceless, and Fading Suns.

Message 4231#41652

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On 11/14/2002 at 4:21am, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Pale Fire wrote: What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

TSR AD&D, AH Runequest & ICE Rolemaster.

Pale Fire wrote: What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Call of Cthuluhu, TSR AD&D & AH Runequest.

Pale Fire wrote: What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

WEG Torg, Ground Zero Games Dirtside II, FMA/FMC (Yes it's a wargame!) & Fudge.

Message 4231#41658

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On 11/14/2002 at 4:41am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Red-box D&D. I was DM. I introduced my generation to the hobby on a local level.
AD&D. Shortly thereafter. I actually played this time.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?
Basic D&D.
3E D&D (or Shadowrun)

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?
Define: influence?

Without that, I would have to say "Sorcerer" has influenced my play and design styles, the way I see the act of gaming and the goal of design, the most out of /any/ game, if influence is defined as "stylistic emulation."

Otherwise, D&D "influenced" me in that it was the first game I ever played and played the most, followed by "Vampire" (and etc.). Both had systems which were influential in the way it shaped my development as a gamer/designer and what I saw mechanics and play-style as being "about" and "achieved with a game." Obviously, I abandoned emulation of these influences after I found Sorcerer.

So currently, I have to say: DragonLance, dude; and player control of outcome via player tactics. Now that I think about it, it is sort of decide what your character is going to do, but you often know ahead of time whether she'll succeed at the task or not.

1st edition Immortal, for its depth of background and some funky design decisions I'm still trying to tweak into existence in other systems (ie: building a character as you go, and the concept of Hostiles); however, I still despise its anal skill mechanics, D&D-clone advancement/power levels, and "ooo, its a mystery...I should be a book instead" metaplot.

D&D also influenced me in regards to the metaplot issue...because of constant supplements for various campaign worlds advancing the timeline and invalidating older supplements, or making information worthless, I've grown to hate (HATE!!!!) the concept.

Sorry, I know that is more than three, but I'm not sure what the question is "getting" at in terms of influence.

Message 4231#41659

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On 11/14/2002 at 4:55am, Le Joueur wrote:
New Information

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

• Dungeons & Dragons before anyone thought of hardcovers (What do you want? It was 1976.)
• Champions (I dunno, first or second editions; you know the one with the 'Grey Avenger' firing his 'teeth energy blast' into the visor of 'The Helmet,' softcover, horrible art.)
• Man-to-Man (Steve Jackson's precursor to GURPS.)

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

• Dungeons & Dragons (The covers were hard, but it didn't seem all that advanced; around 8 years.)
• Freeform (I'm still running it on and off, frequently.)
• Scattershot (Somebody has to playtest it....)

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

• Dungeons & Dragons (I anticipated it with such relish that I spent almost a year trying to design it before I even saw my first role-playing game; guess what I do now.)
• Mind's Eye Theatre's Vampire: the Masquerade (Every game has a 'live-action' element to it; take that to the logical limit and learn something.)
• Magic: the Gathering (I know, I know, but it affected the industry in an incredible fashion. I really think it is an example of what Ron's on about with the 'new' mainstream.)

This thread has been highly enlightening and informative. It gives me a much better idea 'what games to look at.'

Fang Langford

Message 4231#41662

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On 11/14/2002 at 5:11am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Hey, this is really interesting, even better than I thought! :)

My turn then!

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Hmm 1
Red box D&D 2
Drakar och Demoner 3
Mutant 4

1. This doesn't qualify really, but my first experience was playing a very short solo-adventure in RuneQuest.
2. Elmore(?) (or was that Easley?) cover
3. ="Dragons and Demons" - Swedish BRP style rgp
4. Yet another Swedish rpg, sort of Gamma World in setting with rules derived from "Drakar och Demoner" mentioned above.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Robotech 1
Shadowrun 2
AD&D 2nd ed 3

1. Various versions of Robotech, predominantly Sentinels, with Return of the Masters (personal favorite) as a close runner-up followed by Southern Cross.

2. Despite my personal bias against the Shadowrun system I've been asked to GM this game so much that it's probably what I've GMed the most. Ironically I was the biggest supporter of the game when it initially was released, but became the one least anxious to play or GM it in the end...

3. I'm suprised AD&D comes up on this list but if I count together all the various (widely different) campaigns I've played I think I have to admit it's more than I've played say Rolemaster, Pendragon and Wastelands.

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Hmm 1
Robotech 2
Rolemaster 3
Mutant 4

1. Lately I've been reading a lot of indie rpgs, but I want to exclude these from my list above. Some games important for me to mention are Shadows and Donjon Krawl. And I can't deny I got a lot of Cthulhu Mythos^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hinsight from reading Hero Wars.

2. This game together with a good GM showed me what illusionist gaming could be at its best. What I'd like to see is that feeling transferred to a fantasy game.

3. Rolemaster again and again made me ask the question: how can I release an excellent and cool character (as created within the Rolemaster system) from a system which again and again only serves to de-protagonize it? Why can't there be a system which not only gives great character concepts but also creates epic scenes (colour)?

4. Not many rules, not much setting. But the setting could be extended with very little problem to create new fantastic stories. It serves an example of how a short game can be complete, and how less setting actually both means more playable setting, and more setting in total because the GM has such an easy time extending it.

Message 4231#41665

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On 11/14/2002 at 5:35am, Ben Morgan wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
1. AD&D 2nd Ed. (1 sessions)
2. Palladium Fantasy Roleplaying (1 session)
3. Cyberpunk 2020

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?
1. Cyberpunk 2020 (about two years straight at one point)
2. Vampire (same game world (non-canon) on and off since 1994)
3. Legend of the Five Rings (about a year and a half)

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?
1. Vampire, for showing me the power of color. (no goth pun intended)
2. Amber, for showing me how to love my characters. (no matter what fucked-up stuff happens to them; or even what fucked-up stuff they decide to do to other people )
3. Sorcerer, for showing me how to focus on the stuff I want to emphasize, and chuck the rest out. (a lot of Jared's work get honorable mention in this category as well).

-- Ben

Message 4231#41669

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On 11/14/2002 at 6:38am, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

I like this thread. Anyway...

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

AD&D (hardcover version)
Gamma World
&...really, I'm not sure. Possibly Boot Hill. Or Top Secret. Or Tunnels & Trolls.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

AD&D, which I played the hell out of all through middle school.
Traveller, which I also played the hell out of, up into high school.
&...I've probably played a fair amount of Champions, in various editions, over the years (although it's been quite a while since I last played it).

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player & GM?

(I'm not a designer.)

Story Engine
Castle Falkenstein
...all for scene-framing & the distribution of power between Players & GMs. And for contributing to my love of games that don't require Xeroxed character sheets.

Message 4231#41677

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On 11/14/2002 at 7:49am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

AD&D 2E, Shadowrun, Homebrew D&D LARP.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

AD&D 2E, Pendragon, Warhammer FRP

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

L5R, WHFRP, Pendragon


Message 4231#41679

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On 11/14/2002 at 8:27am, talysman wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

• What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

original brown-booklet D&D, AD&D, and The Fantasy Trip: In the Labyrinth

• What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

(A)D&D, GURPS, Fantasy Trip

• What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

as a player, Fantasy Trip
as a GM, TOON
as a designer, either Risus or Fudge

Message 4231#41683

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On 11/15/2002 at 2:08am, Stuart DJ Purdie wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

D&D, Call of Cthullu and Rifts

I wanted to say Dragon warriors, for the obscrenes value (British D&D type game), but, depite owning it in completeness, I've _never_ really played it, at all. Hmm.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

Werewolf:the Apocolypse: 5 year campaign, just wrapped up.
Abberant: 3 year campaign
Probably Vampire:the Masquerade on and off

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Sorceror, principly as a player, then as a GM

Honourable mention to Mage:the Ascention, which has influenced me most, as a person, through interesting me in philosophy.

Message 4231#41745

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On 11/15/2002 at 4:39am, RobMuadib wrote:

First Three Played

Star Frontiers or Gamma World

(Can't remember which I played first, started playing when games came in boxes with cheesy dice:) )

3 Most Played

Marvel Super Heroes
DC Heroes
House Ruled D&D

3 Most Influential

Aria:Canticle Of The Monomyth

Message 4231#41761

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On 11/15/2002 at 7:32am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Greetings Everyone,

Bit late to catch this thread, but it sparked my interest. So I'll offer my half-pence and scamper off.

Pale Fire wrote: I don't know if this is interesting to the rest of you, but... well reading the profiling I felt like asking the similare questions but kinda the other way around:

As I was reading this thread something very odd struck me. Perhaps it is my own experiance, but I'd have to answer a bit differently than most...

What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

1) Role-Playing Game books.

Was I exposed to actual role-playing game before them?

Not really. From what I recall it was mostly older kids who were into role-playing.

And since I actually purchased several volumes in at least two series, with characters carrying over from previous books, I suppose the game books might qualify?

Also I probably checked out every "choose your own adventure" style book that my elementary school library had. (It was a long time ago, when those things were a big deal. Heck I even remember when the TSR ones arrived *new* in the library, it was that long ago.)

THEN came D&D/AD&D, Star Frontiers (once or twice), Gamma World.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

1) a AD&D campaign in which we had crossovers between various systems (Star Trek and Stormbringer amongst them).

2) My homebrew campaign(s).

3) My almost long lost and forgotten attempt at a Space Opera game. That ran for.. half a dozen sessions? Totally homebrew rules, probably heavily influenced by Star Frontiers in the starship design department.

Everything else was really one-shots, or week-end games that I participated in every now and again.

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Player: pick anything by TSR during the 80s, that would probably fit.

GM: Gamma World and Stormbringer (BRP) ?? Honestly, from a the perspective of a GM, no actual "game system" inspired me. For that I turned to things like Bulfinch's and Hamilton's mythology, novels (most GMs I knew had their favorite novel series they were mining for ideas),
and believe it or not modules.

edit: Bard Games! Can't believe I nearly forgot them. Their supplements were a influence on my early games. Especially the "Compleat" series and their early incarnation of what, I think, later became Talistanta(?) and (setting material) Lords of Creation.


That was a big influence on my first campaign design.

Desginer: every single game I ever bought, read, or have played in.

Oddly I seem to recall rolling a awful lot of characters for more systems than I ever actually played in. Anyone else?

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius (late as always)

Message 4231#41769

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On 11/15/2002 at 11:21am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Pale Fire wrote:
What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Red box OD&D, Star Frontiers, James Bond 007

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

1) AD&D, far and away. Next Vampire. Next Star Frontiers. But this is as far as store-bought RPG goes; I have probably played my own system for as long as anything but AD&D.

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player, GM and designer (keep what's applicable)?

Vampire was startling. Marvel Super Heroes challenged many of my habits. Rolemaster always served as an example of How Not To Do It.

Message 4231#41777

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On 11/15/2002 at 11:22am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

Stuart DJ Purdie wrote: to say Dragon warriors, for the obscrenes value (British D&D type game), but, depite owning it in completeness, I've _never_ really played it, at all. Hmm.

I did, once. It was an interesting take.

Message 4231#41778

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On 11/15/2002 at 11:24am, Alan wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

First 3 RPGS I played:

D&D (the very first ed.)
Chivalry & Sorcery (playtest)
AD&D (1st ed.)

3 RPGs played longest

Fantasy Hero (Hero 3rd and 4th ed.)
various kinds of D&D

3 RPGs most influencial on me as a player, GM and designer

Player: Theatrix
GM: Theatrix
Designer: InSpectres

Message 4231#41779

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On 11/15/2002 at 1:46pm, Maurice Forrester wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First three:
1) D&D
2) AD&D
3) not sure, probably some BRP game but not Runequest

Played the most:
1) AD&D
2) BRP variant
3) Fudge

Most influential:
1) BRP
2) Fudge
3) D&D

Message 4231#41784

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On 11/15/2002 at 2:58pm, Mark Withers wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

The first three roleplaying games I played
Advanced Fighting Fantasy
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
AD&D 2nd Edition

The three roleplaying games I've played the most/longest
AD&D 2nd Edition
D&D 3rd Edition
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

The three most influential games
Mage: The ascension
The Ladder
The Pool

Message 4231#41791

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On 11/15/2002 at 5:38pm, johnmarron wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

The first three roleplaying games I played
Empire of the Petal Throne
Metamorphosis Alpha
Traveller (black box)

The three roleplaying games I've played the most/longest
Skyrealms of Jorune
Runequest 2nd ed.
Tribe 8

The three most influential games
Empire of the Petal Throne (for setting)
Over The Edge (for system)
Everway (for everything)

Message 4231#41807

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On 11/15/2002 at 11:27pm, GB Steve wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Played
The Fantasy Trip (that little GURPS forerunner)
Longest Played
RQ3 (Glorantha and Vikings)
Traveller (Mega and GURPS)
Most inflential
Over The Edge (all 3 categories not just the game but the great advice too)
Call of Cthulhu (Designer and player - the madness spiral: CoC was were I learned to let go of the character sheet and play the character)
Systemless (GM - were I learned to focus on player needs and sharing narrative control)

Message 4231#41900

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On 11/16/2002 at 12:35am, Ace wrote:
RE: Re: Profiling In Reverse

Pale Fire wrote: I don't know if this is interesting to the rest of you, but... well reading the profiling I felt like asking the similar questions but kinda the other way around:

1-b]What were the first three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Blue Box D&D, AD&D 1st edition, Runequest (I think)

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, did you play the most/longest?

GURPS, AD&D 2e, Rolemaster

What three role-playing games had the most influence on you as a player and GM

Runequest, GURPS, Freeform

Message 4231#41905

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On 11/16/2002 at 9:39pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Profiling In Reverse

First Three
1.) Robotech
2.) Nomier (homebrew fantasy system invented by a friend)
3.) Toon

Most Played
1.) Rifts (off & on for all of middle & high school)
2.) In Nomine
3.) Vampire

Most Influencial
1.) Nobilis ( definitely a "eureaka" experience for me as a designer and GM, this is the game I'd been hoping for)
2.) Continuum (one of the most mind-bending games ever written; you have to change the way you think in order to play this game like it deserves to be played)
3.) Fudge (a model of simplicity and elegance in design)


Message 4231#41968

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