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Topic: bit of a rant....
Started by: Lucien Black
Started on: 11/21/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 11/21/2002 at 9:42am, Lucien Black wrote:
bit of a rant....

Honesty: what in all the possible worlds happened to it???? I accidently left my copy of TROS in one of the study rooms in my university's library at closing time a couple of nights ago, but do you think anyone turned it in to lost and found? NO! I know exactly where I left it, it had my name in it, and yet, someone has chosen to keep it. I've even asked the night janitor if she's seen it, but nope. So what I want to know is WHY? Why would someone not show enough basic courtesy to walk maybe ten yards and give it to the person at the main desk (lost and found)? What is wrong with someone that they would choose to steal (and this is theft, especially since I had my name in it) a book that they probably won't even use (the gaming community isn't that large in this town), and obviously took a wee bit of expense out of someone's pocketbook??? Can anyone explain where common decency went? When did we all get so... so... selfish! Am I unique in this generation?? Am I the only one left who thinks that helping people out and not acting like I'm the only one that matters is a good thing?????

Whoever took it better enjoy it for it's intended purpose or I'll.. I'll.. haunt them after I die (hopefully a few hundred years from now)!

*sighs* And I probably can't afford another copy for a few months.

Have a better week than I'm having all, and enjoy searching for the elusive Riddle of Steel.


Message 4312#42453

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On 11/21/2002 at 4:42pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Thank sucks, man. Really. BrianL's got stolen out of his car, along with his laptop...people just will do anything to get this game.


Message 4312#42477

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On 11/21/2002 at 6:12pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

The problem is that people can't spell.

They think it says:

Riddle of Steal

and take that as an invitation.

Message 4312#42498

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On 11/21/2002 at 6:59pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Valamir wrote: The problem is that people can't spell.

They think it says:

Riddle of Steal

and take that as an invitation.

Man, that is an excellent name for the thieves supplement. Much better than the Lure of Gold, though perhaps it's too silly...

Message 4312#42512

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On 11/21/2002 at 7:02pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Just use your Drive: "Find the Riddle of Steel"!

Message 4312#42513

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On 11/22/2002 at 1:59am, Lyrax wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

I can just imagine this happening:
Character: "What is the Riddle of Steel?"

All-Knowing Guru NPC: "It's a game, silly."

Character: "Say what?"

Message 4312#42581

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On 11/22/2002 at 5:11am, Mask-of-Winters wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Oh, man, that's rough. I feel for you. In fact, I even emphasize with you, seeing as my car was broken into today and my entire, gorgeous, and most importantly, *complete* collection of Earthdawn books was stolen.

That'll teach me to leave a locked suitcase in my trunk. They're probably expecting to find it loaded with heroin or something. Bastards. My dice were in there too.

Message 4312#42605

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On 11/22/2002 at 7:05am, Lucien Black wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Thanks everyone. At least someone out there understands this frustration, although I'm sorry anyone has to understand it. Maybe I'll use the following for my next character (petty, impotent revenge):

Drive: Stop all thieves and theft.
Passion: Hatred of theft.
Destiny: To chop off the hands of the one who stole the Riddle of Steel!

Btw Mask of Winters, that's the first time in a long time I remember someone (besides me) using "emphasize" with it's correct meaning. Kudos :).


Message 4312#42613

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On 11/22/2002 at 2:16pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Btw Mask of Winters, that's the first time in a long time I remember someone (besides me) using "emphasize" with it's correct meaning. Kudos :).

Ummm....I think the word you're looking for is empathize. Emphasize means to give added stress or meanint to. Empathize means to identify with.

Message 4312#42630

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On 11/22/2002 at 3:27pm, Bogie_71 wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Mask-of-Winters wrote: Oh, man, that's rough. I feel for you. In fact, I even emphasize with you, seeing as my car was broken into today and my entire, gorgeous, and most importantly, *complete* collection of Earthdawn books was stolen.

That'll teach me to leave a locked suitcase in my trunk. They're probably expecting to find it loaded with heroin or something. Bastards. My dice were in there too.

File a police report and watch Ebay for some dude selling a complete collection of Earthdawn books.

Another terrible thing is when you loan an entire line of books to a "friend" and they move, take your books, move back a year later and say they sold all of your stuff.

Message 4312#42645

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On 11/23/2002 at 5:49am, Lucien Black wrote:
RE: bit of a rant....

Btw Mask of Winters, that's the first time in a long time I remember someone (besides me) using "emphasize" with it's correct meaning. Kudos :).

Ummm....I think the word you're looking for is empathize. Emphasize means to give added stress or meanint to. Empathize means to identify with.

*sheepish look* True enough. That'll teach me not to doublecheck my spelling.

Message 4312#42806

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