The Forge Reference Project


Started by: paulmjessup
Started on: 11/21/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 11/21/2002 at 6:19pm, paulmjessup wrote:

Jason-it's paul.(yknow, little old geneva boy who writes stupid fubar'd novels), anyway, i found this today ->

I was planning on a rewrite of dreamdancer in the past week or two (got some new character sheets worked out, some basic guidelines and etc. Lost the original rules and cahracter sheets a while ago, thank god i have good memory), and was going to talk to you about doing DreamDancer through key 20 when I found this whilst browsing some forums.


Wish I would've copyrighted Dream Dancer all those many years ago (what is it, like 8 years now since I started work on that game?). fuck.

Message 4317#42503

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On 11/21/2002 at 8:32pm, Jason L Blair wrote:

Hey, Paul, wassup? Sorry for the delay in response, man.

RE: DreamDancer

Eh, there's plenty of "dream" games around, and more coming. I see no reason for you to not work on DD. For me, it's not concept but execution that matters.

Message 4317#42537

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On 11/21/2002 at 8:39pm, paulmjessup wrote:

egh, good point. It's just that alot of the description and concepts seemed almost identical to dreamdancer, royally pissed me off.

But yeah, execution is more important. I'm not going to give up on it yet, but the uniqueness seems to be gone. que sara sara.

Message 4317#42539

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...started by paulmjessup which paulmjessup participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 11/21/2002