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Topic: Donjon Martial Artist
Started by: RamblingMan
Started on: 11/26/2002
Board: CRN Games

On 11/26/2002 at 7:31pm, RamblingMan wrote:
Donjon Martial Artist

This is my attempt to warp Donjon to my own designs and make a DBZ-ish martial artist (e.g, able to shoot energy from his hands), albiet a relatively low-powered one (I think a Super Saiyan would be about level 12mil).

Vir 5, Cer 3, Dis 3, Adr 5, Wher 5, Soc 2

Saves 2/2, W/P 3/5, FW 4

*Absorb Damage 3
Sense Energy 2
Flurry of Blows (Jenkin) 3
Ki Powers(speed, beam) 2

I'm not sure what to do about his last sec. ability. I thought about something to enhance his ability to channel spell (ki) power, but mechanics-wise I'm not sure about the best way to do this. Or maybe I should just put another point into Ki Powers and come up with something else, like Wilderness Lore (1) or something. Also, I've pondered whether or not Ki Powers should be a main ability. Comments?

Message 4386#43143

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On 11/26/2002 at 8:24pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Donjon Martial Artist

The channeling Ki thing is pretty straightforward. Just purchase it at some level, and use it to give bonuses to other appropriate abilities. Use the general rules for difficulty of generating spell dice as a guideline.

Thus, as Beuf's opponent stands mocking him, Beuf uses his Ki against a Medium difficulty (would have been Easy, but the GM rules that the opponent's mockery makes it more difficult to concentrate). Beuf get's two successes anyway. Next round, if Beuf is not assaulted, he can roll those bonus dice back into his Ki power and try for more successes. He does this, and gets three successes. Now his opponent advances, and Beuf decides to unload on him, and pours the three dice into his attack (thus draining him).

Note that using such a chain in a calm environment, a trained fighter could generate potentially infinitely large pools doing this. At some point the GM may want to up the difficulty to represent the increasing challenge of containing such great power. Or, even better, allow the player to go as high as he likes, but at a certain point (perhaps as soon as he's rolling more bonus dice forward than he has Wherwithal) the GM can call for the player to take a Damage Test based on the number of dice being rolled forward. Representing the energy actually tearing him apart.

That could be pretty neat.


Message 4386#43155

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On 11/26/2002 at 11:37pm, RamblingMan wrote:
RE: Donjon Martial Artist

I think I'll put the limit at Wherewithal + Virility, and limit the length of time for holding spell dice - I think the only important time the limit would matter is combat, and large numbers of dice could only be generated by the support of teammates running interference (which is a tactic I don't think I'd mind). I guess playtesting will reveal the ultimate solution... :-)

Message 4386#43189

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