The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Who's playing Dust Devils?
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 11/27/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 11/27/2002 at 3:10pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Who's playing Dust Devils?

You know, I get lots of feedback about Dust Devils being a good idea, or doing something different. That's very encouraging.

I hear little to NO feedback on ACTUALY PLAY of Dust Devils. That's very discouraging.

Why is this? Is it that you "can't get your group to play?" Dust Devils is eminently playable -- it is not a thought experiment. So, why am I hearing about so few (read: practically none) actual play sessions of the game?

If any body out there has or -- better yet -- IS playing the game, let's hear about it!

Message 4402#43250

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On 11/27/2002 at 5:18pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Who's playing Dust Devils?

Sorry about the lack of posts. Getting married recently killed my gaming time, what with preparing for and recovering from the event. There's a likely game coming up though, as a celebration of a fine bottle of whiskey given me by a friend.

Message 4402#43266

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On 11/27/2002 at 5:31pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Who's playing Dust Devils?

Clay wrote: Sorry about the lack of posts. Getting married recently killed my gaming time, what with preparing for and recovering from the event. There's a likely game coming up though, as a celebration of a fine bottle of whiskey given me by a friend.

Fantastic, Clay. No need to apologize. I meant that "call to arms" simply encouragement for folks to share their play experiences and thereby encourage others who have the game to go out and PLAY it! So, enjoy that whiskey.

And congratulations on getting married!

Message 4402#43270

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On 11/28/2002 at 11:34am, edomaur wrote:
Re: Who's playing Dust Devils?

Matt Snyder wrote: I hear little to NO feedback on ACTUALY PLAY of Dust Devils. That's very discouraging.

Sorry, the fact is that I haven't had the time to play Dust Devils more than one time. I've a group ready and eager to play, but until next week, no time to play.

For the one time, it was great. In fact, I set up a poker tornament like the one in Maverick with the 5 players the winners of the last table. But no one win, as they begin to shoot themselves :)

Much fun, and quietly confusing.

The rules for the poker were simple. We used the Deadlands decks for these, face up, and the real Dust Devils hands for setting up how the play turns. In fact, I let the players setting the games as they want, then we used DD to cast what it happened.

Best moment : one player win, but another had the best card. Instead of letting the winner use the best hand, he said that the NPC player with that hand died of an attack failure and so failed to challenge the bluff of the real player. It's difficult for me to translate in english the whole argument, but it was really fun and completely absurd.

A good game that devil of yours !

Message 4402#43371

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On 11/28/2002 at 2:45pm, Adam wrote:
RE: Who's playing Dust Devils?

I'm hoping that my new group can run a few sessions of it in the new year, but between my new job [sold out to the non-indie game world... ;-)] and holiday plans for this winter, I don't have any spare time to devote to it at the moment. :(

Message 4402#43374

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On 12/1/2002 at 4:45am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Who's playing Dust Devils?

edomaur wrote:
Sorry, the fact is that I haven't had the time to play Dust Devils more than one time. I've a group ready and eager to play, but until next week, no time to play.

For the one time, it was great. In fact, I set up a poker tornament like the one in Maverick with the 5 players the winners of the last table. But no one win, as they begin to shoot themselves :)

Good to hear you had a good, if silly, time playing! This is something that happens occasionally with the game -- some absurd, yet entirely entertaining situations result. Several Forge members (Jason Blair, Todd Luikart, Ralph Mazza, Jake Norwood, and Seth Ben-Ezra, and myself I believe) had one of the rip-roarin'est, knee-slappin' times with the game during GenCon.

Also, I recall watching Maverick with the wife while re-writing the game. It's actually a darned entertaining movie, and a glimpse at how Dust Devils could apply -- even the Devil mechanic -- to humorous situations. Maverick is pretty clearly driven by a Devil (take your pick, but it could easily be "Must test himself in the ultimate game of poker, no matter the cost"). Jody Foster's character might be the same, or it could be "Consummate Liar". It just goes to show that they're driven by something that raises the question of whether they'll cheat, lie and gamble, or pursue love and honesty (not likely!).

Anyway, that in-game poker game sounds like a hoot!

Message 4402#43568

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On 12/3/2002 at 5:37am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Who's playing Dust Devils?

RE: Maverick

Wow, there are plenty of Devils in that film. I think that Jodie, Mel, and James all have the same base Devil, however: The need to come out on top.

Huh. That's about all I have to post really but now I'm starting to examine non-Western movies along the DD line. Interesting.

Message 4402#43794

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On 12/3/2002 at 4:28pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Who's playing Dust Devils?

Jason L Blair wrote:
Wow, there are plenty of Devils in that film.

Graham Green's character's Devil: Use Ancestry to Bilk Dumb White Guys. :-)


Message 4402#43835

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