The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Bedtime Stories: Headlines, what's up?
Started by: bastion-b
Started on: 12/3/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 12/3/2002 at 6:08pm, bastion-b wrote:
Bedtime Stories: Headlines, what's up?

First of all i want to thank Mr Blair for an awesome game. I've owned LF since this summer and although I haven't had a chance to play it yet, I've definitely fallen in love with the game.
What intersts me the most in the game right now, is the darker, more gruesome side of it. The "true horror" style of play. That's why I'm interested in the "Bedtime stories: Headlines" PDF. It's exactly the type of module I've been longing for since I bought the game, something to help and inspire me to create these more down to earth scenarios.

I'm confused since the website says it was supposed to be released in october, and still I can't order it. Is it delayed or have you decided not do make it at all? I hope that's not the case because I would really, really love a module like that.

Message 4454#43856

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On 12/3/2002 at 7:02pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Bedtime Stories: Headlines, what's up?

The Bedtime Stories Trilogy has just been delayed. I promise. I will be out within six months time.

Message 4454#43866

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On 12/6/2002 at 4:26pm, bastion-b wrote:
RE: Bedtime Stories: Headlines, what's up?

Now I can sleep calmly ;-)
You had me a bit worried there for a while but now i feel safe again. I guess I'll just have to wait another six months for the module of my dreams (Which is kind of ok, i guess).

Message 4454#44459

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...started by bastion-b which bastion-b participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 12/6/2002

On 1/28/2003 at 12:50pm, Antekvist wrote:
RE: Bedtime Stories: Headlines, what's up?

Just a reminder that there's more people out here longing for "bedtime stories: headlines". Don't forget.

Message 4454#49347

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...started by Antekvist which Antekvist participated Key 20 Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 1/28/2003