The Forge Reference Project


Topic: 12 Days of Christmas
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 12/9/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 12/9/2002 at 9:07pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
12 Days of Christmas

As you may have read on the Key 20 board, Key 20 will be offering up the 12 Games of Christmas starting December 13 through Christmas eve. Each day, free games, mods, supplements and artwork will be offered for games including Little Fears, Cartoon Action Hour! and my own Dust Devils, as well as other new games and materials by Jason Blair, Jared Sorensen and others!

You'll need to wait for the surprise, but for Dust Devils fans the world is not enough ...

Check it out DECEMBER 13:

And keep an eye out for a whole new Dust Devils expansion!

Oh yeah, have a Merry Christmas!!!

Message 4522#44858

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Chimera Creative
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...from around 12/9/2002

On 12/17/2002 at 6:23am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: 12 Days of Christmas

Well, I guess Dust Devils fans will live to die another day...or something.

Message 4522#45753

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...started by Jason L Blair which Jason L Blair participated Chimera Creative
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/17/2002