The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Community Building in Seattle
Started by: Alan
Started on: 12/10/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 12/10/2002 at 7:33am, Alan wrote:
Community Building in Seattle

I'm not sure exactly which forum to post this on - Actual Play seems as appropriate as any.

Here in Seattle we have a very active email group for local RPGers called SGA ( The group hasn't had much attendance at the monthly lunchs, so, inspired by Ron's posts about community, I decided to start a weekly get-together at a card store near me.

I posted an email suggesting the meeting, and that we play one shots of small or indie games. My objective, in addition to revitalizing the SGA, was to expose other players to the new designs that are going on at the Forge, and to see, for myself, how they worked and which I liked.

As it turned out, Clinton liked this idea and put in some effort to drum up attendance. This helped a great deal. Six players attended (four men, two women, from late twenties to 42).
We played InSpectres and finished a satisfying game in less than two hours. We then switched to Universalis.

We've just finished our second session, with Clinton GMing a one-shot of Extreme Vengeance. Once again, another good night was had. Next week I'll run Dust Devils. But I'm worried we're running out of games that everyone is excited to try in one-shot form.

What next? How can we cement these past two sessions into something that will continue to bring our local gamers out?

Message 4527#44940

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On 12/10/2002 at 8:03am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Community Building in Seattle


I think one thing that will continue to bring out gamers is continued re-caps on the Seattle gamers' e-mail list. We had two new guys tonight that came because we talked so much about last week.

Another thing is to make sure and have rotating GMs. To be honest, some people just mesh with each other's GM style more. Mine tonight wasn't my best form, and I'm sure some people are excited about next week with you.

Lastly, on the prospect of running out of games: I kind of expect the Monday night group to split up at some point into groups of people who really liked a certain game. Until then, though, I think we can keep our plates full. A short list of games we should try:

- The Pool
- Riptide (in a few weeks, I'll have a playtest version ready)
- The Riddle of Steel (I'm committed to this in January)
- More Universalis!
- Some sort of Fudge game
- Pocket Universe
- Pantheon

Message 4527#44945

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On 12/10/2002 at 5:43pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Community Building in Seattle

Hi there,

I suggest checking out my guidelines in the Actual play in the stores thread, as bits and pieces of that structure would apply well, I think.


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Message 4527#44991

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On 12/13/2002 at 9:37pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: Community Building in Seattle

Here in Seattle we have a very active email group for local RPGers called SGA ( The group hasn't had much attendance at the monthly lunchs, so, inspired by Ron's posts about community, I decided to start a weekly get-together at a card store near me.

..and its been a smashing success so far, easily as big (if not bigger) than the once-monthly lunch moot we used to have (actually still have..) and a bit more energetic than the Metro gamers group (which seem to shut down for 3 months a year, then pop up with endless games of Diplomacy.. interesting model)

Anyway :)

Clinton, I'm looking forward to Dust Devils and Riddle of Steel, and I'd like to formally commit to running a one-shot of Truckin' Spies (if Mr Wilson will sign the frickin' paperwork)

-jeffrey "back reading the Forge again" miller-

Message 4527#45411

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On 12/14/2002 at 10:29am, Rys wrote:
Re: Community Building in Seattle

Alan wrote: Six players attended (four men, two women, from late twenties to 42).

I got an age promotion? Awesome...I'm not even 20 yet ;-).

~Rys (Kerrie)

Message 4527#45487

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On 12/17/2002 at 9:59pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: Re: Community Building in Seattle

Rys wrote:
Alan wrote: Six players attended (four men, two women, from late twenties to 42).

I got an age promotion? Awesome...I'm not even 20 yet ;-).

Certainly not a detriment -- the best way to judge people is on who they are, not how many candles are on the cake.

Message 4527#45828

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On 12/20/2002 at 11:20am, Rys wrote:
RE: Community Building in Seattle

Quite agreed....heh


Message 4527#46183

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