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Topic: Borderline Demon Types - Evil Pinnochio
Started by: jburneko
Started on: 12/11/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 12/11/2002 at 12:20am, jburneko wrote:
Borderline Demon Types - Evil Pinnochio

There are two kinds of monsters in horror litterature that I hold a deep facination for, Zombies and Killer Puppets. Just the other day I was thinking about what a disturbing tale Pinnochio could be if told from Gepeto's point of view rather than Pinnochio's.

Gepeto makes the perfect Sorcerer. He's a workaholic and a perfectionist who's spent his entire life making toys for other people's children. Now, upon reaching his elderly years he suddenly realizes that he's let life pass him by and he finds himself yearning for a child of his own... but, alas, it is too late for that. So, what does he do? He BUILDS himself a little boy. His finest creation yet! Muhahahahahaha!!!!

My question here is, what Type of demon is Pinnochio? Is he:

A) A Passer? He could be a passer because *functionally* he's not all that different from a passer. He's capable of walking and talking and acting almost entirely on his own. The only reason this isn't the best choice is because he still looks like a puppet. He's obviously wooden, painted and held to gether with pins. His eyes swivel around like perfect spheres and his jaw flaps up and down.

B) An Object Demon? This fits most litterally, after all, he IS an object. He's a puppet. The problem is that the rules that goven Object Demons seem to be geared towards small, inanmiate objects that must be cared for. Pinnochio can walk and talk.

C) A Possessor Demon? This seems like the least fit. It's true the wooden doll is POSSESSED by a demon, but it seems that the idea of a possesssor demon is that they need a living host. Otherwise, what's the difference at all between a possessor demon and an object Demon?

D) An Inconspicuous Demon? This one seems like the best compromise because when Pinnochio isn't moving he looks just like a toy, and when he animates he's obvious something VERY unnatural. And yet, this seems just slightly off too.

So, thoughts?


Message 4536#45052

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On 12/11/2002 at 4:44am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Borderline Demon Types - Evil Pinnochio

Hi Jesse,

I'd go with Inconspicuous with the specific limitations about abilities of Passers (i.e. no conferring to others). You, um, do remember that in The Sorcerer's Soul, I'm pretty clear that the demon Types are customizable and blend-able, right?

And the rules for demons transmogrifying into humans would seem to be spot-on.


Message 4536#45076

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On 12/11/2002 at 5:24pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Borderline Demon Types - Evil Pinnochio

Thanks. This was just something that was rolling around in my head. My group had a similar discussion about what type of demon the Space Station was in our Space-Western game.

As for that chapter in Sorcerer's Soul, I have to admit that's the chapter I've revisited LEAST often. I'm not sure why. There's something about that chapter that doesn't exactly stick with me. But you're right, the transfomation of demon from Inconspicuous To Passer would be perfect for this kind of situation.

Thanks, again.


Message 4536#45121

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On 12/11/2002 at 5:52pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Borderline Demon Types - Evil Pinnochio

Hi Jesse,

I'm not sure you read my post right, or maybe you combined two answers into one.

Issue #1: Pinocchio as a runnin'-around puppet guy would be a combined Inconspicuous + Passer. I see this as a fixed category, not as a one-changes-into-another situation.

Issue #2: Pinocchio becoming a Real Boy would use the "demon acquires Humanity" rules. Instead one changing from one demon Type to another, he changes from a demon of whatever-Type to a human being.


Message 4536#45126

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On 12/11/2002 at 5:56pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Borderline Demon Types - Evil Pinnochio

Ah thanks for that clearification. Yes, I had sort of combined your answer into one statement. I understood Issue #1 in full, but had missed what you meant in Issue #2.


Message 4536#45127

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