The Forge Reference Project


Topic: been a long it is, the drama system
Started by: Green
Started on: 12/12/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/12/2002 at 2:10am, Green wrote:
been a long it is, the drama system

Not too long ago, I posted here about an RPG setting that was centered around fairy tales. After much thought and tweaking, I decided to expand the game to more story genres. I was actually going to use it for a comedic horror game that satirized the stereotypes and cliches found in them (I had a template called "Black Guy"). I settled on a rather humdrum name for the system (Drama), and the mechanics may need tweaking to make it work.

I would paste what I have here, but unfortunately I did all my work in Wordperfect, and I made use of tables to make certain ideas easier to envision and understand. Right now, I only have the base mechanics. I don't have any of the juicy bits that really make the system come to life as of yet; however, I'm willing to work on it. If anybody is interested in what I have so far, please let me know.

Message 4545#45179

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