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Topic: We played, and we have questions...
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 12/12/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 12/12/2002 at 5:34am, xiombarg wrote:
We played, and we have questions...

Well, we finally got to play Dust Devils. We had a great time. But some issues came up.

1. What happens if you run out of cards? As I mentioned previously, we had a scene -- where one PC was trying to escape on a stolen horse -- where all seven PCs were involved, plus one major NPC, all of which were entitled to several re-draws. We ran out of cards! What do you do then? Another deck? Wouldn't that throw things out of whack? (We just sort of got creative with the discards... but I wouldn't want to do that regularly.)

2. I assume that when there's a major NPC (one with a Devil) in a scene, you use the NPC's stats rather than the Five Card Stud or whatever. It seemed to be implied, but I couldn't find where it directly said that in the text. (I could have missed it.)

3. Is there a certain order things are done in? I ended up imposing a certain order on things to prevent chaos. First, everyone gets their first round of cards. Then they can buy extra cards with chips. Then redraws --- and buy any redraws you want with chips before you get any new cards.

4. Okay, highest card -- what if your highest card is a Joker? Does that make a difference?

5. Can someone totally not involved in a conflict (doesn't have a hand, never had a hand, character isn't present in the scene, etc.) buy narration rights with a chip? We allowed it, because it seemed like an interesting idea.

If I missed something in the rules or a thread that covers this, feel free to smack me in the head.

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On 12/15/2002 at 7:54pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: We played, and we have questions...

Sorry for the long delay in replying to your excellent questions. I hope these answers are satisfactory. Once again, I'm thrilled you played the game and had a good time doing it!

xiombarg wrote: Well, we finally got to play Dust Devils. We had a great time. But some issues came up.

xiombarg wrote:
1. What happens if you run out of cards? As I mentioned previously, we had a scene -- where one PC was trying to escape on a stolen horse -- where all seven PCs were involved, plus one major NPC, all of which were entitled to several re-draws. We ran out of cards! What do you do then? Another deck? Wouldn't that throw things out of whack? (We just sort of got creative with the discards... but I wouldn't want to do that regularly.)

Yes, I suggest adding another deck of cards for groups of this size. This is a group of 8 total, which just less than double the “normal” sized group. The only issue is having (rare) tied hands (same three of a kind, for example). In this case, check to see the other cards in the hand -- if there is a higher card, that player wins. If all five cards in the hand still match, you can either call it a draw (and let the narrator decide what happens) or let the players start bidding with chips to win the hand. I recommend this later, in fact.

Also, should there be a tie for high card for narration, both characters must begin the bid process, using chips to win the narration. Others may also try to outbid them, but these tied players always have an advantage of 1 chip over other bidders (but not with each other).

xiombarg wrote:
2. I assume that when there's a major NPC (one with a Devil) in a scene, you use the NPC's stats rather than the Five Card Stud or whatever. It seemed to be implied, but I couldn't find where it directly said that in the text. (I could have missed it.)

That is correct. Use the “Bedeviled” NPC’s stats.

xiombarg wrote:
3. Is there a certain order things are done in? I ended up imposing a certain order on things to prevent chaos. First, everyone gets their first round of cards. Then they can buy extra cards with chips. Then redraws --- and buy any redraws you want with chips before you get any new cards.

You’ve got it right. To keep things simple, I just go “around the table” clockwise like a poker game would to see what each player’s goals are, or to see if they want to chip in (to overtake, narration, for example). Perhaps with a larger group (5 players is as big as I’ve played, I think) this is more of an issue, but with 3 or even four, it’s usually pretty easy to manage.

xiombarg wrote:
4. Okay, highest card -- what if your highest card is a Joker? Does that make a difference?

Hmm, I may have to add this one in future editions of the game. I have it in my head I had said as much in the text, but a quick glance says no. Jokers CANNOT be high card -- they are, in fact, the lowest ranking card when determining high card for narration. Jokers rank lower than a deuce!

Also, if you’re using two decks as discussed above and a tie results, keep in mind that a “tie” with one hand having a joker to complete the tie isn’t a tie at all! The hand with the joker ranks lower. Should both hands have jokers, then use the method to resolve ties I outlined above.

xiombarg wrote:
5. Can someone totally not involved in a conflict (doesn't have a hand, nervar ahd a hand, character isn't present in the scene, etc.) buy narration rights with a chip? We allowed it, because it seemed like an interesting idea.

Well, since you did it already, I can’t say no! Heh. Actually, my gut says no, but if all player agree it could be more fun and make things interesting, I’m all for it.

xiombarg wrote:
If I missed something in the rules or a thread that covers this, feel free to smack me in the head.

Not at all. You’ve got some good questions -- so much so I’m considering a FAQ or even small revisions/additions for the game itself -- mostly things I take for granted when thinking about the game!

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