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Topic: Do part-OGC games count as indie?
Started by: Skadedyr
Started on: 12/12/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/12/2002 at 10:31am, Skadedyr wrote:
Do part-OGC games count as indie?

I'm currently designing a game based on the d20 SRD, wich will be 100% Open Game Content. However, all the parts I don't write myself will be copyright WotC.

Does this game qualify as indie/creator-owned? In other words, if I have game design questions, would it be inappropriate to ask these on the Forge?

Message 4552#45200

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On 12/12/2002 at 10:33am, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: Do part-OGC games count as indie?

Skadedyr wrote: I'm currently designing a game based on the d20 SRD, wich will be 100% Open Game Content. However, all the parts I don't write myself will be copyright WotC.

Does this game qualify as indie/creator-owned? In other words, if I have game design questions, would it be inappropriate to ask these on the Forge?

Welcome to The Forge, Skadedyr!

I'm uncertain about the first question, but I think it would be OK to ask questions and receive advice about a game design. Anyone?

Message 4552#45201

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On 12/12/2002 at 3:51pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Do part-OGC games count as indie?


It definitely would not be inappropriate. As to whether that's 'indie,' that's a term that usually gets defined by whoever's saying it. In my opinion - which I guess is the one that matters, besides Ron's - yeah, that's totally indie. If when you're all done with the project, you own it all, that's indie.

Message 4552#45226

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On 12/12/2002 at 5:46pm, Skadedyr wrote:
RE: Do part-OGC games count as indie?

If when you're all done with the project, you own it all, that's indie.

What do you mean by 'owned'? Do you mean copyright? Or is it a non-legal term? But in any case, I'll be asking questions about the parts I design myself.

WotC will have the copyright to some of the text (for example most of the skill list). If I wanted to, I could remove all the text I didn't write myself and replace it with text I did write, resulting in a game to which I would fully own the copyright.

Message 4552#45237

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On 12/12/2002 at 6:05pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Do part-OGC games count as indie?

Owned as in who pays the money to have it published, who pockets the revenue that comes in from it, who decides whether to make it PDF or hard copy. Who decides whether to sell direct or through distributors. Who decides if the first print run sells out whether or not there will be a second.

If the answers are own it.
If the answers are "ABC game company" than you don't...regardless of what "creative control" clause there is in the contract.

In your case, since the OGL is just open license...I'd say you do.

Message 4552#45244

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