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Topic: a WILD topic : the WILD rpg
Started by: Nathan
Started on: 12/15/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/15/2002 at 6:08am, Nathan wrote:
a WILD topic : the WILD rpg


An unexpected surprise! I was working on my home network today, and I plugged in an old hard drive into an old Powermac 7200 to setup as a internet router for my ancient little laptop. And bam - the hard drive contains a few interestings things, including the first edition of the Wild. I know Peter Spahn has talked about this edition of the game, and so it was odd that I suddenly found it (I thought it had been erased forever).

Here is the link:

This was really one of my first full-fledged games, where I tried to do a layout and even have some art available. Originally, it was hosted on Gamingoutpost back in the pre-Forge days. It is surprisingly better than I remembered -- though there are plenty of grammatical errors. It was designed when a lot of this indie-rpg talk was a twinkling in the eyes of Ron, Clinton, Jared, Peter, and others.

Cool, right?

In a nutshell: Three chosen species of animals are "awoken" by Mother Nature, as mankind blindly destroys nature, raising skyscrapers, cement slabs, and living complexes in their place. The last few bits of nature that have survived are tucked away in remote mountain ranges and distant spaces. The three species, wolf, bear, and eagle, must band together to push back humanity to save the world.

It uses a stone system - black, white, red, and gold stones.

Comments are appreciated. Peter, is this what you were looking for?

Nathan Hill

Message 4587#45560

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On 12/16/2002 at 3:43pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: a WILD topic : the WILD rpg

Hey, Nathan.

I took some time out to read a couple of the versions of Wild. It was really interesting seeing it in its various stages, watching it evolve. Thanks.

Message 4587#45636

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