The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Hello im cody
Started by: IG_Kahn_Storm
Started on: 12/17/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 12/17/2002 at 11:14pm, IG_Kahn_Storm wrote:
Hello im cody

hello my name is cody who you have been hearing so much about. i just learned the adress for this forum today at lunch im one of the almost constant arguments with eric(pyron) i really dont get why you seem to hate my MW campain, we only started because you were not able to play one friday and i saw a supplement to the mechwarrior RPG at hobby town and saw that i might be able to convert it into D6 starwars. and so far it has worked pretty well ( for my second try at DMing) we have gone longer than most of your campains go for. dont get me wrong i like playing in your campaigns but there is only one problem i have with them and i say it almost everyday YOU ARE TOO DAMN SERIOUS ABOUT IT GAMES ARE MEANT TO BE PLAYED NOT ENDURED AND SOME OF THE TIME YOU COULDENT SHOVE A GREASESD BEEBEE UP YOUR ASS what im trying to say is that you should loosen up a little i like all the things you do with the system with few exceptions your just too up tight and i think thats why the other s let me GM thay need some unrestricted fun one and a while and that its good to blow shit up once and a while.

i dont want to compete with you for players if the jesse anthony avery and charlay want to play your campain and scrap mine im fine with it i dont care about comeptition i just want to have fun playing at things i like.

Message 4609#45841

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...started by IG_Kahn_Storm which IG_Kahn_Storm participated Actual Play
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...from around 12/17/2002

On 12/17/2002 at 11:20pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Hello im cody

Whups, quick new-to-Forge typo, folks. Cody's reply may be found where he wanted it, at the end of Eric's (Pyron's) thread.

Nothing to see, move along. Please don't post to this one.


Message 4609#45846

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/17/2002