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Topic: SCHISM: Unleashed
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 12/18/2002
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 12/18/2002 at 2:06pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
SCHISM: Unleashed

Yup, I'll be re-writing SCHISM, the "body-horror" supplement for Sorcerer.

I learned a lot after writing the original and I want to take advantage of that newfound knowledge and confidence. Those who have bought the original will get the new version for free or at a discount (depending on the finished product). It will be a PDF and I want to get more artwork and such (so if you'd like to contribute...).

The biggest change, of course, will be in the mechanics for using psychogenic powers. I think I steered a little too close to the shore and frankly, SCHISM might be cool to read but I doubt anyone has played it...I want to remedy that.

As a sneak preview of sorts, one major change will be this:

Unless impaired by circumstance, characters *never* fail to use their psychogenic powers. In many cases, you won't even need to roll the dice to use them. You think it, it happens.

We'll see what happens with this. I'd like to get the writing done by late January/early February.

Message 4618#45905

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On 12/18/2002 at 4:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Hi Jared,

I have a little worried look on my face, but I trust you. I think. The trouble is that I like Schism as I know it. Then again, I haven't played it, now have I, so what kind of "like" is that?

Anyway. I'm really posting to say that I just saw Tetsuo: the Iron Man, and it got me all jazzed to play Schism.


Message 4618#45924

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On 12/18/2002 at 4:15pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Hey, Ron.

Well...what can I say? I think my understanding of Sorcerer has increased since writing the original SCHISM. I think it's okay as it is...but I want to streamline the mechanics to make it more playable and fun. I didn't deal with the psychic stuff as well as I could have/should have. The basic premise of the game is's the other stuff that concerns me.

How's this: since you get to see it first, if it's terrible (or merely "not as good") then I'll shelve it.

Message 4618#45925

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On 12/18/2002 at 7:50pm, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

I have to admit: I liked Schism, but I'm also interested in what you're willing to try with it.

Just curious: are you going to do something like having players plot out their mutations, like if I don't find some way to stop this, my character is going to end up like this? Because that would be an interesting side-effect of Humanity decreasing.

Also, in this new version, is there any way to get Humanity back, or at least maintain by being able to increase the Control power? Or is that issue moot since you'll be doing away with the need to activate?

Message 4618#45953

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On 12/18/2002 at 8:01pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Hey, don't mistake me - it's your game, you do as you see fit, and I'm with you all the way. I am totally confident that your current view is accurate. I guess the only thing I regret is not playing it as currently written so I can be able to comment better on the changes.


Message 4618#45957

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On 12/18/2002 at 8:18pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Spooky Fanboy wrote: Just curious: are you going to do something like having players plot out their mutations, like if I don't find some way to stop this, my character is going to end up like this? Because that would be an interesting side-effect of Humanity decreasing.

Also, in this new version, is there any way to get Humanity back, or at least maintain by being able to increase the Control power? Or is that issue moot since you'll be doing away with the need to activate?

Interesting idea, but as of The "Death Scene" is the only thing foreshadowed in character creation. There will also be no way to get Humanity that is unchanged.

What will change is how powers are activated. If you just want to do something, you do it...there's no roll (in many cases, the power is a special effect and nothing more). However, you can roll if you want and add successes to the use of another ability score. The opposition for this roll would be the Control score for that power. If your power is ever greater than your Control score, you can no longer just use it -- you must roll every time. Sorcerer's mechanical mantra is "only roll the dice when it's important" and SCHISM ignored that.

I'm also pondering a "fact" system, ala the marvelous "Donjon." This would really work well for clairvoyant abilities.

Message 4618#45962

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On 12/18/2002 at 9:43pm, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Spooky Fanboy wrote: Just curious: are you going to do something like having players plot out their mutations, like if I don't find some way to stop this, my character is going to end up like this? Because that would be an interesting side-effect of Humanity decreasing.

Interesting idea, but as of The "Death Scene" is the only thing foreshadowed in character creation.

Okay, just wondering, as I think it would add that Cronenbergian touch a la "The Fly" and "The Brood."

What will change is how powers are activated. If you just want to do something, you do it...there's no roll (in many cases, the power is a special effect and nothing more). However, you can roll if you want and add successes to the use of another ability score. The opposition for this roll would be the Control score for that power. If your power is ever greater than your Control score, you can no longer just use it -- you must roll every time.

Hmm... not quite sure I understand. You mean roll Stamina for Physical effects (change form, pyrokinesis, etc.) or Will for mind-jobbing, and add the results if your Power roll succeeds over your Control score?

I'm also pondering a "fact" system, ala the marvelous "Donjon." This would really work well for clairvoyant abilities.

That sounds quite doable.

Message 4618#45975

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On 12/18/2002 at 9:50pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

I look forward to seeing the new version. Anything which makes players want to use their powers more casually... to get themselves into more trouble is great in my book.

Message 4618#45978

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On 2/3/2003 at 9:48pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Been working on Schism Unleashed (aka SU)...

Powers work a LOT different.

There are three kinds of Power in the game (players may use any of them): Raw Power, Disciplined Power and Transcendent Power.

Raw Power is wild and unpredictable. On the plus side, it's strong (equal to your Psychogenesis score) and you can do anything with it (within your Type, anyway). The negative is that it's easy to lose Control and you can only use Raw Power when it's fueled by a strong emotional state.

Disciplined Power is more controlled and subtle. You're limited to the number of Disciplines you start out with but you can normally use them without making a Control roll. You also have fine control over the power (for example, a Disciplined pyrokinetic could set one leaf of a tree on fire...a Raw Pyro would engulf the entire tree). The negatives are that the power is usually weaker and you need some kind of focus to channel the power through.

Transcendant Power is the best (and worst) of all worlds. On the plus side, it's wicked powerful, you can do anything with it and the effects can be permanent. The negatives involve mandatory Humanity loss AND a necessary Control roll (so you might lose two points of Humanity). Transcendent Power is always highly visible, even more so than normal power use. For example, a Pyro whose eyes seem to glow with flames will appear to be covered in flames when Transcendent Power is tapped into.

Aside from the aforementioned conditions, you can tap into any of the three types of power without any other requirements.

As suggested earlier, it's now impossible to "fail" to use a power unless some other psychogen is effing with your abilities. Your power's affect is tied to your ability scores. You can boost the effect by making a power vs. control roll. The # of successes = bonus dice but there's a chance of loss of control if the Power roll beats the Control roll. Even if this happens, the power still works. So there's no failure. If you want to read that guy's mind, you just do it.

Successes can translate into "facts" ala Donjon -- although these facts are sometimes given to the player by the GM, other times the player is allowed to exert narrative control.

Message 4618#50280

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On 2/4/2003 at 3:35am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

I am weeping from all three eyes with joy!

Glad to hear it's coming along. Sounds wicked cool. Love Transcendant power; good for those Akira moments when you absolutely, positively have to crisp every motherf***er in the room, including yourself!

Looking forward to it.

Message 4618#50326

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On 2/23/2003 at 12:29am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed is this coming along?

Message 4618#53387

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On 2/23/2003 at 1:08am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

Hey Spooky,

I worked a bit on it. It'll be done when I'm finished.

On the other hand, I did write a new RPG this morning.

Details soon. :)

- J

Message 4618#53392

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On 2/24/2003 at 3:01am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: SCHISM: Unleashed

A man well versed in the art of cruelty, that Jared.

Message 4618#53462

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