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Topic: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)
Started by: Merritt Baggett
Started on: 12/19/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/19/2002 at 5:18am, Merritt Baggett wrote:
Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

That said, I may have missed it earlier in this thread or elsewhere, but is the combat sim going to eventually be Flower of Battle compatible, or kept to just the main rulebook to serve a more introductory role? Come to think of it, will the hinted at expanded animal combat stuff from OBAM eventually be included, time permitting of course?


[edited by Jake Norwood to make this new thread make more sense. Sorry.]

Message 4631#46033

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On 12/19/2002 at 1:16pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

personally, i cant wait for the combat sim to be out, its been a fairly valuable source of information about a variety of things from combat, plus i can have new seneschals that i meet, download it...

this one guy i introduced TROS to loves the game, but found combat a bit clunky, and hard to invision, so i gave him the link to the combat sim, hes doing fine

Message 4631#46049

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On 12/19/2002 at 7:30pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

TFOB isn't due out until next year sometime, so don't hold your breath :-)

Having said that, well, it all depends on what's in TFOB really. I'll consider updating the CS with TFOB elements at the time but I certainly can't give you a definitive answer until I see it.

As for OBAM/animals... hmm.. I hadn't really considered that. I guess I could put some beasts in there, they have a different set of maneuvers though.. and fight better in packs. I'll think about it, but not until AFTER I get the AI nailed down.

Thanks for your interest,

p.s: I have sent Jake version 2.5 of the combat sim, so you should be able to get your hands on that soon.

Message 4631#46090

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On 12/19/2002 at 7:47pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

Oh yeah, and anyone who wants to help out with working out the algorithm(s) for the AI, send me an email or a PM. I don't want to flood this board with AI discussion, so we'll do it over email.


Message 4631#46094

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On 12/20/2002 at 11:17am, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

Since this isn't technically an AI question, I'll ask it here. You said you would probably use a single AI character. What would his stats and equipment be?
And would you have to use a single Player Character as well?

Message 4631#46182

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On 12/21/2002 at 11:07am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

The player certainly wouldn't be limited to a single character, but I may consider making the AI only work with one (at least at first), since that would simplify the algorithm somewhat.

Having said that, the variance in the player's stats, weapons etc would confuse it as much that a variance in the AI players stuff might not be that much more complex. We'll see.


Message 4631#46287

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On 12/21/2002 at 3:53pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

k im about to download the sim... question though, how is it set up?... will i just unzip files over what i have, or will there be a setup file i need to run, and if there is a setup file, will it install over the previous version, or do i need to uninstall the previous version

Message 4631#46296

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On 12/21/2002 at 9:29pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

Hmm.. yeah, might be an idea to put a message to this effect on the webpage with the file, Jake:

All you have to do is install, and it'll go over the top of the previous one. If you have any fighters you've added, this means you'll lose them, unless you copy the fighters.ini file out of c:\program files\ros first, then copy it back later.

HOWEVER!!! Because I have added new weapons to the program, old fighters.ini files will have slightly wrong values for weapons (stats and armor will be fine). This means that if you keep an old fighters.ini file you will find that all the fighters have different weapons then they should and you'll need to change them back and re-save them. This is because weapons are stored by an index number and the indicies all changed when I added new weapons. Yes, I could have done a converter, but I didn't bother, it's a minor thing really, all their weapons will just have shifted up the list 7 places or so :-)

But yes, it's otherwise safe to install over an old installation.


Message 4631#46328

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On 12/22/2002 at 1:11am, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

its good that you mentioned that part... though i hadnt entered any characters yet, so no real biggie, thanks

Message 4631#46340

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On 12/23/2002 at 11:42pm, Aaron wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

I got a copy of the new simulator and love the hit locaions and fatigue..Only thing I've found is that Hookig seems to have a TN of 0. I've tried both player 1 & 2. I also tred to Expulse the Hook attempt and it wouldnt let me even though I though a hook was a thrust..
Just a couple fo thoughts for when Brian is bored next and is looking to bring out the next version..

Message 4631#46422

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On 12/26/2002 at 7:22pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

Aaron wrote: I got a copy of the new simulator and love the hit locaions and fatigue..Only thing I've found is that Hookig seems to have a TN of 0. I've tried both player 1 & 2. I also tred to Expulse the Hook attempt and it wouldnt let me even though I though a hook was a thrust..
Just a couple fo thoughts for when Brian is bored next and is looking to bring out the next version..

With which weapon? Hooking works fine for me.

Expulsion vs. a hook? Not IMO, since a hook is a thrust between your legs (or a sweep) and not a thrust right at you than can (more) easily be brushed aside. Jake?


Message 4631#46536

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On 12/27/2002 at 2:15am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

BrianL wrote:
Aaron wrote: I got a copy of the new simulator and love the hit locaions and fatigue..Only thing I've found is that Hookig seems to have a TN of 0. I've tried both player 1 & 2. I also tred to Expulse the Hook attempt and it wouldnt let me even though I though a hook was a thrust..
Just a couple fo thoughts for when Brian is bored next and is looking to bring out the next version..

With which weapon? Hooking works fine for me.

Expulsion vs. a hook? Not IMO, since a hook is a thrust between your legs (or a sweep) and not a thrust right at you than can (more) easily be brushed aside. Jake?


Works for me, too. Then again I agree with Brian. The thing is that the "hook" refers to several different "real world" motions. The expulsion would work fine on some and not on others. Before doing such a maneuver in-play I'd talk over what I saw with what my GM saw, and based on that I'd know if it was kosher or not. This kind of GM-player communication is really important in TROS play.


Message 4631#46551

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On 12/27/2002 at 11:05am, Aaron wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

BrianL wrote:

Expulsion vs. a hook? Not IMO, since a hook is a thrust between your legs (or a sweep) and not a thrust right at you than can (more) easily be brushed aside. Jake?


Jake wrote:
The thing is that the "hook" refers to several different "real world" motions. The expulsion would work fine on some and not on others.

Fair enough guys. Sometimes I can be a little too literal in my interpretations. When the description says "this maneuver is executed like a thrust" my brain reads that as being able to be defended by like a thrust. Thus expulsion.
I must appologise for continually turning this thread into a rules discussion, as that is not my intention. I'm simply trying to see how people are playing the rules and how that fits the SIM.
Oh yeah...Try the hook with the morningstar. I checked it with both players but didn't think to check hook with other weapons before my previous post.

Message 4631#46562

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On 12/27/2002 at 3:31pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

anything in the works for the major, or minor accuracy gift?

Message 4631#46566

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On 12/27/2002 at 8:04pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

anything in the works for the major, or minor accuracy gift?

Nope. FAR too much work presenting all the possible options to the character (and in the case of major accuracy, that can be up to 5 alternate results) and then letting them choose one. HUGE amout of work, so it goes in the "maybe one day but don't hold your breath" file.

I'll check out the Morning Star hook difficulty this weekend and add it to the bugs list (the only item ON the bugs list for now *grin*).


Message 4631#46578

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On 12/27/2002 at 8:42pm, prophet118 wrote:
RE: Combat Sim Discussion (Split from previous thread)

its cool, one of the players in the game i ran had it, thats why we didnt use the sim... i wanted to though

Message 4631#46580

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