The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Greedy Selfish Request
Started by: jburneko
Started on: 12/19/2002
Board: Chimera Creative

On 12/19/2002 at 11:05pm, jburneko wrote:
Greedy Selfish Request

Okay, so the joy that came to me when I saw Deathwish is indescribable. So in the words of Oliver Twist I say, "Can I have some more, please?" Any chance of seeing a spiffy character sheet like the core Dust Devils one for this extention?



Message 4636#46124

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On 12/20/2002 at 2:54am, Matt Snyder wrote:
Re: Greedy Selfish Request

jburneko wrote: Okay, so the joy that came to me when I saw Deathwish is indescribable. So in the words of Oliver Twist I say, "Can I have some more, please?" Any chance of seeing a spiffy character sheet like the core Dust Devils one for this extention?



I'm thrilled you liked it, Jesse. Really!

So the answer is ... yes, there WILL be a character sheet. But it ain't going to happen soon, alas. I will offer one up as soon as I can, perhaps the week of New Year's.

Message 4636#46153

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Chimera Creative
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...from around 12/20/2002

On 12/20/2002 at 10:24pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Greedy Selfish Request

Excellent! I STRONGLY doubt I'd actually need it before then. I just wanted to see if one was in the works or not. Thanks. I posted my initial Deathwish musings up in Actual Play (because it pretains to my actual prep thoughts). Your input would be greatly appreciated.


Message 4636#46245

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...started by jburneko which jburneko participated Chimera Creative
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...from around 12/20/2002