The Forge Reference Project


Topic: TheThingsTheySay
Started by: Aaron
Started on: 12/21/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/21/2002 at 3:00pm, Aaron wrote:

I found something one of my players said tonight at the conclusion of our TROS session pretty funny and felt the urge to share it with everyone. With any luck someone out there might get a laugh too. It was a hard session tracking raiders, being tracked by gols, caught in the middle of the fight between both and defending 30 odd villages held hostage from the gols that won. It was the end of the final fight, which had taken hours, the Gol captain had finallly fallen and one of my players says

" I havent got enought slots on my character sheet to record my wounds"

Maybe its just me but the thought of the site of this guy, a veritable pin cushion of level 1 and 2 point wounds trying to stagger around...I couldn't help but laugh.

Maybe I'm just a cruel GM but it was alot of fun. As its only our 4th session I'm still learning the game but would like to pass on a couple of tips I learnt tonight that others may not have discovered yet

1. Dont grapple and wrestle your players with Gols, unless you want to kill them. The gol and pc were rolling the same numer of dice..the Gols TN was 5...the Players 18......hmmm

2. Dont drink 4+ stubbies(bottles) of beer and try to run a largish combat. It's very confusing trying to keep up with who is doing what and reading all those dice gets a bit hard. Not to mention the dice bowl flying off the table at one point..hahaha
(In my defense I do not normally drink and Roleplay but it is very hot in Melbourne at the moment and I was a little thirsty..Was it my fault the only cold drink in the fridge was beer?)

Hope your having as much fun with your game.

Message 4654#46291

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On 12/23/2002 at 2:42am, allahlav wrote:
RE: TheThingsTheySay

As the other player in Aaron's game (my sheet had plenty of space for my wounds thanks very much!) I have to agree with not letting your GM drink too much ;)
As for being wrestled by a Gol, I now know the definition of futility. My ST5, 175lb character was relying of those 30 or so starved and cowed peasants to rescue him. I had plenty of dice to roll (14) but there was no way I could hold the Gol off for long, TN18 was just too much!

One thing Aaron didn't say was that the final fight was something like the Monty Python sketch with King Arthur fighting the Black Knight - we had plenty of flesh wounds, some scratches and I HAD had worse, just not all at the same time and with so much fatigue thrown in. And "come back here and I'll bite your kneecpas off" doesn't seem to be the most threatening thing one can say to a Gol captain.

Message 4654#46376

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...from around 12/23/2002