The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Dragon Hunting
Started by: GreatWolf
Started on: 12/23/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 12/23/2002 at 3:57pm, GreatWolf wrote:
Dragon Hunting

One of my Little Fears scenarios just went up on the 12 Games of Christmas. Dragon Hunting This was my stab at creating a lighthearted Little Fears scenario to prove that it could be done. So, if the idea of dungeon crawling in Little Fears appeals to you, download this and give it a shot!

Aside: this was based on my daughter's imagination. There was a time in her life that she blamed everything on dragons. Having worked on Little Fears has warped me a bit, because I tend to take what my children say at face value now and have to remember that it's all imagination. (It is, right?) Anyways, it seemed like a good idea for a LF game.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 4666#46392

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On 12/23/2002 at 5:42pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
Re: Dragon Hunting

GreatWolf wrote: Having worked on Little Fears has warped me a bit, because I tend to take what my children say at face value now and have to remember that it's all imagination. (It is, right?).

Oh, Seth...have I taught you nothing? ;)

Dragon Hunting is indeed a great scenario--and a great scenario to introduce players with, IMO.

Message 4666#46403

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On 12/23/2002 at 5:45pm, JimmyB wrote:
RE: Dragon Hunting

Lovely scenario, certainly going to use it although I may just steal the dragon caverns as a Closetland location and make it part of the campaign. Thanks.

Message 4666#46404

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On 12/28/2002 at 5:47pm, Tyrae wrote:
useing it tonight

I'm actualy going to run a game tongiht, the first for our group, and i'll be useing your senerio for it. I found it a great senerio...especialy Little Georgie!
Thanks Seth

Tyrae ~ Fallen Child of Magdalen - Fallen Child to Lamashtu

Message 4666#46606

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On 12/30/2002 at 8:18pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Dragon Hunting

So, Tyrae, how did the game go? Any feedback to offer?

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 4666#46733

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...from around 12/30/2002