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Topic: happenings in Mech Warrior
Started by: IG_Kahn_Storm
Started on: 12/24/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 12/24/2002 at 3:55am, IG_Kahn_Storm wrote:
happenings in Mech Warrior

Hello its me cody agian and i just thought that i should take some time and explain some of the events in my mechwarrior campaign our group is currently doing ok so here goes.

Session #1.
It all starts on a overlord class dropship on a high G burn to the planet sian the capitol of the capellan confederation. Jesse and Avery (bolth mechwarriors) and anthony(aerospace pilot) are preping for a combat drop while charly a tech is getting there mechs ready for battle. the actual play starts with the landing of the dropship, jesse and avery are the first off the ship along with two npc's (the hazzards) thay are imedeatly confronted with a lance of enemy light battlemechs (the mechs the players are in are 3 times the size of the enemy) and quickly dispose of them. after a bit they are orderd to defend a building on the edge of the battle. after about 5 min jesse ditects a batalion of enemy mechs coming right at them (36 agianst 4). but instead of retreating they go and start attacking the enemy. many rounds of combat go by with the palyers taking little damage but thid dosent last long a head shot destroys one of the npc's mechs head and the other goes crasy and charges the enemy. about this time anthony is orderd to launch and help them but as hew takes off his wingman mishaps and nosedives into the ground. anthony flys over and drops 5oo lbs of bombs on the enemy needles to say BOOM.avery gets a lucky shot and one of the capellean battlemechs fusion reactors goes critacle they reteat and take off the rest is just bar room negoations about the formation of a mercanary group.

I know this is really long and tedious but bear with me

Secssion # 2
the players arive on outreach and imedalty move to go form there merc group. it takes FOREVER and theyhave to go through a massive ammount of papper work finally they go to there hotel for the night. the next day they get up and go to hire some new people they end up hiring 2 new mech warriors they get a contract and decide to go to a bar to celabrate. jesse is attacked by 4 members of rubenskys renegades. who are mad about losing there contract to the players. a fight ensues i whitch avery gets his nose broken and the renegades get there ass kicked.thay return to the hiring hall to plan for there mission whitch is to capture a weapons storage facility form some pirates. they buy there own dropship and prepare to set out for canopus 4. but an accident occurs and they are required to help transport a batallion of infantry also going on the mission. here ends the session.

Secssion # 3
they arrive in system and go to make a jump to just outside the base they all sucesfuly prevent broken bones on the way down. when they finally get to the base they find is strewn with bodies (all of the pirates had been killed) they enter the compoundand proceed to tryt and find the mech bay. they parcipate in a few clashes with some un identified guards and avery is hurt very badly. they go on to capture a tech to replace the one they had(charlay quit after the first secssion) thay hop in some mechs they caputred and head out they fight some proto mechs and avery is severly mauled and eventuly dies of his wounds.(he lost his right arm, left leg and the better part of his abdomen.) jesse and anthony are captured by a unknown force and that was the last of it so far.

please excuse all the spelling errors i am a lousy typest

i hope this will shead some light on what we have been arguing aboput for so long on this forum.

Message 4670#46425

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On 12/24/2002 at 4:51am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: happenings in Mech Warrior

Hi Cody,

Here are my questions.

1) Which single moment of play did you, personally, enjoy the very most?

2) At which point, if any, did you run into contradictions or limitations of the game system which you, as GM, over-rode (ignored) during play?


Message 4670#46427

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On 12/24/2002 at 4:00pm, IG_Kahn_Storm wrote:

hey ron to answer your question about what i enjoyed the most of all our play, it would have to be in session one after the battle avery jesse anthony and charly are sitting in the rec room of there dropship. in his charter creation charly rolled low on one of his life paths and got the addiction qurik, he chose cheese to be addicted to. i figured "what the heck it will be funny" and allowed it. now avery had put like 5D in quick draw and decided to use it to get charly's cheese. this started a very funny incident with charly and avery, with jesse and anthony trying to stop it. jesse went on to try and get anthonys pilot drunk on ppc's and that was the end of the session.

and as for what i over ruled and ignored during gameplay i completly cut out the idea of "force points" in the game. force points allow you to double the amount of dice used for the check. there used when its almost impossible to succed at a roll (like falling off a 200 ft clif and roling your stregenth agianst the damage to see if you live or are injured). D6 already allows for this with the wild die.

i hope this answers your questions ron.

Message 4670#46445

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On 12/24/2002 at 5:54pm, Aragorn wrote:
RE: happenings in Mech Warrior

mmmmm, cheese. I do not believe i had quite that much into quick draw, maybe 3D+2. at anyrate, Cahrlie had no chance in acually keeping the cheese away from me(but non-the-less, his character was probably staring at my character's boobs while i was taking the cheese.)

Message 4670#46450

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On 12/24/2002 at 7:26pm, Jesse wrote:

Even if you play as a girl Avery, leave stuff like that out, especially here. It's unneccesary.

Message 4670#46456

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On 12/25/2002 at 5:34am, Aragorn wrote:
RE: happenings in Mech Warrior

hey u know i never said that in the game, im just simply saying, his character could of bed starring. You never know unless he say otherwise.

Message 4670#46469

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On 12/25/2002 at 10:02pm, IG_Kahn_Storm wrote:

avery i agree with jesse this is not the place for that, its fine at school but not here. I dont think im gonna let you play a female charter ever agian, you just do too much stuff that is just not right when your female. you are constantly tryaing to do things you would NEVER do in real life. this kinda defeats the purpose of ROLE playing. you just dont do that.

Message 4670#46486

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On 12/26/2002 at 4:41pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: happenings in Mech Warrior

Hi Cody,

I'd like to get back to those moments that I asked you about.

1) Do I understand correctly that, to you, the fun banter and character interaction were more fun than the battles and violent conflicts? If I'm reading this right, then it might be interesting to consider putting more effort into your NPCs' personalities and into social situations, and less into the battles.

Jesse, Avery, what do you think of that idea?

2) Let's see, this was Mechwarrior, right? I'm thinking about the wild die in D6, which offers a little bit of metagame power - but don't the Force points offer a lot, lot more? It would make sense to kick out the Force points if they didn't do anything but what the wild die does, but unless I'm remembering wrongly, Force points are a lot more effective. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Cody, did you eliminate the Force points because they were redundant with the wild die (i.e. do the same thing) or because they were much more powerful than the wild die?


Message 4670#46524

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On 12/27/2002 at 12:24am, Aragorn wrote:
RE: happenings in Mech Warrior

The characters interactions are more fun at times, but at other times the battles are more fun. So I'd say that its a little even, but more fun with the character interactions. Mainly because you can do more with characters then you can do with a gun, if you see what I'm saying. You can pull a trigger and kill someone with a gun, but thats the only way to kill a person with the gun. (yes i know you can think of more, but we aren't the Navy Seals now are we?) But when it comes to characters fighting, you can do a lot more. Different fighting stiles, different ways of fighting, etc; Plus, does a gun have emotions? I don't think they do, characters do. So yes in my opinion, i prefer characters interacting, then battle.


Message 4670#46547

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On 12/27/2002 at 6:32pm, IG_Kahn_Storm wrote:
RE: happenings in Mech Warrior

hey ron thanks for the reply and your right i do tend to focus a bit more on battles than character interactions. and i think that i have made the npc's personalitys fairly well, but im just not used to controling more than my own character. this is only my second time GMing, and the first time i never had any NPCs.

as for the wild die vs force points, i took out the force points because they are bolth too much like the wild die and too powerful. force points double your dice used for a check allowing you to succed at things you shouldnt be able to. it does the same thing as the wild die just on a much larger scale.

and avery guns have feelings too.

Message 4670#46575

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