The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Could use a bit, give a bit.
Started by: FilthySuperman
Started on: 8/13/2001
Board: Connections

On 8/13/2001 at 5:29pm, FilthySuperman wrote:
Could use a bit, give a bit.

Greetings to spare long stories, I'm a new indie designer. My plan was to avoid the dreaded "Coming soon" website that would be up for about a year before anything "came". So now that I'm nearing completion of my initial game: "Any Town, U.S.A." and my website is almost finished also, and I've gotten those "self promotion" desires. So I just HAVE to join in the indie gaming online fun. :smile: At any rate, If anyone out there knows where I can get hosting for my website I'd be much obliged. I'm trying to avoide the geocities thing at this point. Also, if anyone would be so kind as to playtest my generic resolution rules that would be great. (the same system I'll be using in most of my forthcoming games)
So basically those are the things I'm asking for help with.
If anyone needs website designing help or even a website made for them, I'll be happy to do it for free. (time constraints taken into consideration of course) also, I know not everyone has adobe pdf writer, so I can translate text docs into .pdf for anyone who'd like me to. Finally, I've found the best way to get unstuck when I'm working on a game is to work on something else for a bit, so if anyone wants a little help writing, or wants expansions or something for a game, feel free to drop me a line.

Here is a bit of info on my games
1) Any Town, U.S.A. (due out within 30 days) a game of small town intrigue. Inspired by popular horror/mystery. The small town with hidden secrets. (i.e. castle rock Maine)
Game should be somewhere between 50 and 100 pages (depends on artwork, tables, and formatting)
2) a super fast game I threw together (inspired by Jared Sorenson's awesome games) about role-playing musicians in the person-eat-person music industry. (4 pages)

3) The Demi Human Games Generic Resolution System (about 10 pages)

Sorry this is so long.
Thanks ahead of time.
(aim: Filthy Superman)


And many more to come.

Message 471#4084

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On 8/13/2001 at 5:31pm, FilthySuperman wrote:
RE: Could use a bit, give a bit.

I forgot one thing... is it possible for me to get a BBS hooke up here at the Forge? That would be great if it is :smile:


Message 471#4085

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On 8/13/2001 at 5:38pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Could use a bit, give a bit.

Cedant ( will register your domain name for 2 years for $40 & host it for $8/month. At Mike Gentry's suggestion (& I think he said Clinton also recommended it), I just got my very own website (still "under contruction").

I, also, wanted to avoid geocites, for a number of reasons.

Message 471#4086

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On 8/13/2001 at 5:39pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Could use a bit, give a bit.

As far as hosting goes, I'd recommend to first-time web users. It's got a great web interface for manipulating your site and is cheap ($7.95 for the basic plan).

As far as BBS hook-ups go - well, The Forge isn't giving out entire forums for one game as of yet unless the game has a substantial user base (a la Sorcerer). However, your two options are: (a) you could use the same code the forum's based off of for your own site (, or (b) if there's enough discussion about your games in the Indie Game Design forum, I'll hook you up here.

Message 471#4087

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On 9/6/2001 at 10:21pm, Tyrant wrote:
RE: Could use a bit, give a bit.

Hell, I'd almost be willing to host you myself, if you were in need.

I have unlimited space and a forum already in place... as well as the ability to generate mailing lists..

*thinks on this idea*

Message 471#5133

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