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Topic: My insanity: OtherWorlds
Started by: Morrius
Started on: 1/10/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/10/2003 at 5:57am, Morrius wrote:
My insanity: OtherWorlds


Over the last year or so I've been working on a project which I call "OtherWorlds", an urban fantasy game. The original idea for this game came to me from Scott Hungerford's Earth & Sky, nice game, just needs a few tweaks. What I did was to add elements of Celtic shamanism, a couple of elements from Everway, and a few of my own ideas.

Right now all I have is a setting document of about 11 pages. I haven't been able to decide on a system; I'm currently flip-flopping between Benjamin Sones' Fable and Scott Lininger's The Window. Or I may decide on a homebrew of my own.

Anyway, if anyone wants to take a look, and please please please give me some constructive feedback, please do. The article can be found at:

I also have a short introductory pamphet about an organization in my game, which is at:


Message 4787#47635

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...started by Morrius which Morrius participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 1/10/2003

On 2/13/2004 at 2:42pm, Dev wrote:
RE: My insanity: OtherWorlds

Hey Morrius,

I tried out those links, and they didn't seem to work.

Also, from experience I can say: you get a lot more responses fom posting the relevant information into the thread (rather than just providing a link), but this may not work as well for pure setting.

Even more useful for getting responses is starting out with your own questions. (It reminds me of when I ask my players "What do you want to do?" and they say "Oh, whatever!" becuase I'm asking the wrong questions. But I digress.)

So I'd like to know: what's the special thing out your setting? It might be easier to just some up the points in brief outline form here. Also, what issues do you see or want feedback for?

Message 4787#102257

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...from around 2/13/2004

On 3/7/2004 at 4:10pm, Morrius wrote:
RE: My insanity: OtherWorlds

Wow. I forgot all about this.

Thanks for the heads-up. The reason the links are broken is because I've graduated from college, so the school has taken down everything on my web account.

Actually, this project has been a bit on the back burner for several months now. It was my attempt to do an Earth & Sky or Deliria world. However, I kind of got caught up on how to create a stable high fantasy society in a world where arable land and metal are scarce.

Message 4787#106154

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...started by Morrius which Morrius participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/7/2004