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Topic: Big news coming
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 1/16/2003
Board: Seraphim Guard

On 1/16/2003 at 10:31am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Big news coming

Just wanted to let people know to expect a major announcement from Seraphim Guard in the next week. It's going to be controversial, but I think in the long run you'll like the results.

Of course, in this group I could end up in a world of hurt for what I'm about to announce....

Message 4840#48129

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On 1/16/2003 at 2:27pm, Paganini wrote:
Re: Big news coming

Michael Hopcroft wrote: Just wanted to let people know to expect a major announcement from Seraphim Guard in the next week. It's going to be controversial, but I think in the long run you'll like the results.

Of course, in this group I could end up in a world of hurt for what I'm about to announce....

Hmm. Does this mean that Heart Quest is going d20?

Message 4840#48141

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On 1/16/2003 at 9:28pm, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: Big news coming

A "world of hurt" would be if you decide to use FATAL... :) :) :D

Message 4840#48159

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On 1/17/2003 at 9:42pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Not a Big Sell Out

Y'know d20 is not a bad word around here (I don't even know if it's a word); as far as I can tell, people don't care if it's d20 or not, but how you use it that counts.

You really had me going. I thought you'd sold out to a bigger company. Now that might've gotten some flack at "The Internet Home for Independant Role-Playing Games." Going d20 doesn't threaten that in the least.

Best of luck, we're all rootin' for you back here!

Fang Langford

Message 4840#48265

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On 1/18/2003 at 2:50am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
If going D20 isn't selling out....

....then what is?

I'm doing this book because I really want to see HeartQuest as a genre succeed and a D20 book has a lot of potential. I haven;t heard back from the lady whos' handling distribution for the FUDGE edition on this development, however. I think she would have been happier if I'd stuck to my guns and become a FUDGE production house. Not that I would ever diss FUDGE, but it's not for everybody or every genre.

Going D20 has me VERY worried that the HeartQuest faithful are going to reject me now or, worse, not buy the upcoming FUDGE-based supplements.

Message 4840#48289

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On 1/19/2003 at 1:56am, wyrdlyng wrote:
RE: Big news coming

Well, I'll be honest.

My first response upon seeing the press release was sadness. I felt like another company was going to "dual-stat" their game and short the fans of the original. Then I wondered if Michael was high at the time of making this decision. Shoujo and D&D's audiences are two worlds apart.

Now, I'm calmer. I wish Michael luck with this but I in all honesty will not buy it. Levels and classes and shoujo should not be in the same book. (My sentiments on the BESM D20 mirror this.)

So, I will skip this product and wait for the next FUDGE-based product to be release. I'll just consider this a phase.

I don't have anything directly against D20 I just think that few companies and products have managed to do it well enough to distinguish it from D&D.

Not being mean, just honest.

Message 4840#48347

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On 1/20/2003 at 8:11pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Big news coming

wyrdlyng wrote: I don't have anything directly against D20 I just think that few companies and products have managed to do it well enough to distinguish it from D&D.
As one of the people here on the Forge who likes d20, I tend to agree. I don't really see shoujo as a genre that d20 can do justice to, and help from a d20 "old hand" doesn't help matters.

Message 4840#48461

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On 1/20/2003 at 8:50pm, Andrew Martin wrote:

I think that D20 would be better suited for a Shonen anime/mecha game. Consider the recent Dungeon/Polyhedron magazine with Mecha Crusade in it, which is clearly driving towards that.

Message 4840#48464

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On 1/21/2003 at 3:53am, BPI_Jonathan wrote:
Re: D20

Andrew Martin wrote: I think that D20 would be better suited for a Shonen anime/mecha game. Consider the recent Dungeon/Polyhedron magazine with Mecha Crusade in it, which is clearly driving towards that.

As the writer of HeartQuest d20 I have to disagree with you here. Another mecha game is not needed (three are already being released one from DP9, from Mongoose Publishing and from Guardians of Order), there needs to be something to balance out the field.

Im going to do my best to duplicate the feel and the abilities in the original Fudge game, and the d20 version is in no way intended to replace the FUDGE HeartQuest game. We will be doing extensive playtesting prior to putting the book to print, its a project I have always wanted to do and I am glad that Michael has given me the chance to work on such a wonderful project like this one.

Message 4840#48500

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On 1/21/2003 at 8:33am, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: Re: D20

BPI_Jonathan wrote: Im going to do my best to duplicate the feel and the abilities in the original Fudge game, and the d20 version is in no way intended to replace the FUDGE HeartQuest game. We will be doing extensive playtesting prior to putting the book to print, its a project I have always wanted to do and I am glad that Michael has given me the chance to work on such a wonderful project like this one.

Then I wish you good luck! It seems like a hard task.

Message 4840#48519

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On 1/21/2003 at 3:06pm, Adam wrote:
RE: Re: D20

BPI_Jonathan wrote: As the writer of HeartQuest d20 I have to disagree with you here. Another mecha game is not needed (three are already being released one from DP9, from Mongoose Publishing and from Guardians of Order), there needs to be something to balance out the field.

Actually, there will not be a huge amount of crossover between these three products. The d20 Book of Mechs [forget the exact title] and the d20 Mecha World [again, can't remember the title off of the top of my head.] will both use the d20 Mecha rules-set from GoO, so there won't be three seperate mecha variants competing for a slice of the pie.

Message 4840#48539

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On 1/21/2003 at 3:42pm, BPI_Jonathan wrote:
RE: Re: D20

Actually, there will not be a huge amount of crossover between these three products. The d20 Book of Mechs [forget the exact title] and the d20 Mecha World [again, can't remember the title off of the top of my head.] will both use the d20 Mecha rules-set from GoO, so there won't be three seperate mecha variants competing for a slice of the pie.

Armageddon is a different rule set than BESM d20 (AFAIK). But still I am of the opinion that we dont need yet another d20 Mecha book. Thats why I think that HeartQuest d20 is a good thing. I am going to do my very best with it and I will be making changes based on the suggestions of those that might know more than I.

Message 4840#48544

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On 1/21/2003 at 3:48pm, Adam wrote:
RE: Big news coming

Ah; I misunderstood a coworker originally. The Mongoose product will use a different rule system, but d20 Mecha is being designed to be as compatible as possible with it. [Do note that d20 Mecha and BESM d20 are two different products, although they're compatible, of course.]

Message 4840#48546

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On 2/4/2003 at 5:05am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
It's that time again

Sometime next month (it should take that long to get the details worked out) expect another big and very surprising announcement from Seraphim Guard.

I expect those of you who have already been told about this to keep mum, not spoil the surprise, and do nothing to foul things up.

As far as surprising announcements, this makes HeartQuest D20 look tame. And I am sure that it will come as a complete shock to everybody.

Message 4840#50337

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On 3/24/2003 at 7:58am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Yet again

Yet again, Seraphim Guard is going to have an announcement in a couple of weeks.

It's more a matter of waiting on contracts than anything else, so I'm not going to spill the vbeans until everything is set.

Message 4840#57416

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On 3/24/2003 at 2:00pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Big news coming

What was the previous announcement?

Message 4840#57426

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On 3/25/2003 at 7:24am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: Big news coming

The previous announcement, it turns out, will be the announcement after this one. The delay is because the other party involved wants to have something in hand before we do our joint press release, which I find perfectly understandable (although I've been about to burst with it for weeks). The deal is signed, but they want a product in hand.

In this case, I should be able to make the announcemnt (and I'll have to, as I'll need some help) about as soon as the contracts are signed, which should be in about two weeks.

Message 4840#57554

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