The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Deathwish?
Started by: Rob MacDougall
Started on: 1/17/2003
Board: Chimera Creative

On 1/17/2003 at 5:11pm, Rob MacDougall wrote:

Howdy, pardners. Hope this isn't a stupid question: I've seen a couple of threads around here talking about a supplement to Dust Devils called Deathwish (about spies/espionage, I understand, and not Charles Bronson's temper). Is that still available anywhere? I don't see any links to it here or on the Chimera Games website.


ps I just bought DD a few weeks ago and I think it's terrific. Can't wait to actually play. My compliments to the chef.

Message 4852#48237

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On 1/17/2003 at 5:48pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Deathwish?

Thanks very much, Rob, for your comments to the chef!

As for Deathwish, it does indeed exist. It was part of Key20's 12 Days of Christmas promotion. I haven't got around to putting it online just yet, in part because I keep meaning to create a suitable character sheet to go along with the thing. Hopefully, I'll make it available soon -- hopefully within the next few days.

Message 4852#48244

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On 1/17/2003 at 8:02pm, Rob MacDougall wrote:
RE: Deathwish?

You're very welcome. Thanks for the info on Deathwish. Looking forward to it.


Message 4852#48259

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...started by Rob MacDougall which Rob MacDougall participated Chimera Creative
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...from around 1/17/2003