The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Feedback on Hero Wars / Wintertop Fair
Started by: MarkAdri
Started on: 1/21/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 1/21/2003 at 4:45pm, MarkAdri wrote:
Feedback on Hero Wars / Wintertop Fair

As one of the players that participated at Wintertop Fair, I can only say that I had a great time playing.

I can understand Ian's concern about railroading us, I also accept his view that we are "lazy narrativists".

Having seen this I will try to be more active and take a greater lead with were my characters go.



Message 4888#48557

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On 1/21/2003 at 5:59pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Feedback on Hero Wars / Wintertop Fair

Hi there Mark,

And welcome to the Forge!

I split your post into the start of its own thread because we try to keep threads organized by time to a certain extent. Check out the guidelines at the top of the Site Discussion. No blame! This is one of those quirky Forge things that people get used to slowly.

For everyone, Mark originally posted to the Hero Wars Actual Play Wintertop Fair thread started by Ian Cooper.


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Topic 4406

Message 4888#48562

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...from around 1/21/2003

On 1/22/2003 at 11:36pm, epweissengruber wrote:
Player's Response to Nudging or Railroading.

Referring your experiences with Wintertop, can you give examples of where you felt nudged into taking part in the narration, or where you felt you were being railroaded into completing a narrative thread that you (at that time) were not interested in?

I can only say that I had a great time playing.

I can understand Ian's concern about railroading us



Message 4888#48741

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...started by epweissengruber which epweissengruber participated Actual Play
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...from around 1/22/2003