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Topic: How is Dreamspires coming?
Started by: Shadeling
Started on: 1/23/2003
Board: Chimera Creative

On 1/23/2003 at 5:55pm, Shadeling wrote:
How is Dreamspires coming?

How is it coming along?

Message 4912#48834

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On 1/24/2003 at 12:41am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: How is Dreamspires coming?

I saw Dreamspires on your website. I got this image of the Gormenghast novels coming to life.

Needless to say, I'm also intrigued by this little gem. After, say, getting Nine Worlds up and running, howzabout revisiting this concept?

Hell, I can always use one more new and exotic game to awe and mystify the diehard D&D crowd with. ("Ha! Try making something like this work with those d20 rules! You can't; there are no charts, no sheets of statistics! Gaze into it's trove of riches, devoid of unnecessary rules and regulations, and feel your skull ready itself for inevitable explosion!! Mwuahahahaha!")

For some odd reason, I don't get many players...

Message 4912#48922

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On 1/24/2003 at 2:48am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: How is Dreamspires coming?

Spooky Fanboy wrote: Needless to say, I'm also intrigued by this little gem. After, say, getting Nine Worlds up and running, howzabout revisiting this concept?

Shadeling & S.F. --

Dreamspire will be released, I just can't say for certain when. I'm hoping late summer or fall. Spooky Fanboy has nailed precisely the plan, without realizing it: After Nine Worlds is up and running, I will be hitting Dreamspire in earnest.

I really hate to keep saying "Wait for iiiitttt!" to everyone, but that's the deal. So, I truly, truly appreciate your interest, and I hope you'll stick around long enough to see Dreamspire in action. While it may seem odd that it's the game I 'started' discussing (and hyping) on the Forge and yet to see the light of day, it is absolutely my dream project (no pun intended). This is the game that far and away means the most to me, and I want to do it right.

Funny thing is, if I HAD produced Dreamspire back then, it would be a pretty forgettable game with a somewhat intriguing setting. (In fact, it was almost D20 with "real" publisher.) Now, with Dust Devils under my belt and Nine Worlds coming along, my game design skills are much better.

Also, I am writing a rules set right now (for my gaming group) that will heavily influence, or you might say "update," my Dreamspire rules concept. In other words, they will help make the game that much better.

Once Nine Worlds gets put to bed, you'll start seeing more creation and posts for Dreamspire, I promise you!

Spooky Fanboy wrote:
Hell, I can always use one more new and exotic game to awe and mystify the diehard D&D crowd with. ("Ha! Try making something like this work with those d20 rules! You can't; there are no charts, no sheets of statistics! Gaze into it's trove of riches, devoid of unnecessary rules and regulations, and feel your skull ready itself for inevitable explosion!! Mwuahahahaha!")

For some odd reason, I don't get many players...

Maybe so, but Ilike the way you think. ;)

Message 4912#48932

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