The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Different sources
Started by: neverrob
Started on: 1/24/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 1/24/2003 at 7:47pm, neverrob wrote:
Different sources

Has anybody use Little Fears to run something more lighthearted?

I am about to start an online game drawing from Kids Next Door and Shawks (

Any tips?


Message 4931#49016

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On 1/24/2003 at 8:27pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Different sources

Woah, Kids Next Door as in "CODENAME: Kids Next Door" on the Cartoon Network? That show is one of the most creative shows on television. It's so good.

Tip-wise, make sure that everyone's on the same page as far as content and tone. Also, tweak those Qualities! Dump the more serious ones in favor of new or severely revised Qualities. If you plan on having any Evil Geniuses or Big Bad Enemies or whatnot, feel free to give them Qualities that act as Negative Qualities against those kids that confront them (you'll want to reserve this for the big bad guys; it's too much record-keeping as far as mooks and henchmen are concerned). An example may be The E-Vile Dr. Professor, educated terror of children everywhere! You may give him the Quality "Certified Genius!" which would cause kids acting against him to roll as if the kid has a Negative Quality (thus the kid must keep the worst roll). Alternately, Certified Genius would cancel out a Positive Quality (Internet Savvy, Bookworm, or some other Quality that's going to be related to a Smarts roll) so the kid just rolls straight.

Any of this help? Anyone else have something to add?

I'm interested to see what people can do with this!

Message 4931#49021

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On 1/24/2003 at 8:55pm, b_bankhead wrote:
Baker Street Irregulars

One idea i always wanted to do as a comic book and an rpg was a game in which the players were members of the 'Baker Street Irregulars' a bunch of slum kids who do jobs for Sherlock Holmes. The did assignments of surveillance,info gathering ,petty theft and similar stuff for Holmes. The stories don't go into too much detail about the kids leaving plenty of room for improvisation. The setting of course is Victorian London, Adventures are assignments from Holmes or Mysteries relating to their own background a kind of 'Encyclopedia Brown meets David copperfield' thang. Hey how about a bunch of kids hunting down a Jack the Ripper copycat. They would be able to draw upon holmes for an occasional bit of help but mostly they'd be on their own. Little Fears would make a good candidate although I think a variation of InSpectres with its 'you create the mystery' model would work better with a Holmes type game.

Message 4931#49031

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On 1/25/2003 at 8:38pm, neverrob wrote:
Light Hearted Qualities

Then for your perusal...

I Have A Clubhouse
This is your groups secret citadel versus the forces of darkness and the tide of growing up. Its exact description is up to the player who chooses the quality. All uninvited "guests" recieve a negative die to act against the wishes of ther clubhouse owner. Conversely, all attempts to defend the Clubhouse gain a positive die. If the clubhouse is taken or destroyed, however, the owner may lose a point of innocence per GM's discretion.

Message 4931#49114

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...started by neverrob which neverrob participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 1/25/2003