The Forge Reference Project


Topic: PBEM Possibilities
Started by: Colin the Riot
Started on: 1/27/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 1/27/2003 at 2:19am, Colin the Riot wrote:
PBEM Possibilities

Hi all,

I'd really like to start an email game with just a couple of people using something like yahoo groups (for archiving and mailing list management).

I'm thinking of using something like Zak Arnston's Shadows.

The reason I want to use that game is due to the extremely simple mechanic which I think would work well via email. I'd basically do away with the whole "shadow" concept and the tokens. Each turn, I'd supply the setup. The players would respond and provide a successful outome and a failure outcome. In between turns I'd determine the sum of all outcomes, then we'd start over with me supplying the next setup.

What I'm looking for I guess is a couple of volunteers looking for something light, maybe a couple of turns a week. If this sounds like something anyone would want to take a crack at, let me know here in this thread.

Also, if anyone would like to give me some thought on if this will work or not, or any input at all, let me know that too. If you've used another system for mechanics or another service for conducting a game, I'd love to hear about it.

Also also, if this wasn't the right place to post this, I apologize. The reason I picked this forum was because I think others would be interested to see how this plays out after we get going.

So... how bout it?

Message 4946#49173

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On 1/27/2003 at 10:49pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: PBEM Possibilities

Hi Colin,

Asking for suggestions on play makes this right for this Forum, but trolling for players is prohibited, I believe. I'm surprised that the moerators haven't been by yet to clarify.

Try the Indie-Netgaming group to look for players. In fact we were just talking about that very sort of game recently.

As to whether it would work, sounds good to me. What genre? I don't know that it would make a difference in how play would go, but it can't hurt to ask.


Message 4946#49286

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On 1/27/2003 at 11:01pm, Colin the Riot wrote:
RE: PBEM Possibilities

Thanks for pointing out that trolling for players is prohibited. I had no idea. Apologies. After reading around a bit, I think I want to use the Pool as the system, and as far as genre, I'd like to start with a humorous medieval fantasy game, Donjon flavored.

Although, I'm not tied to any genre. If I got a couple of people interested in playing something, I'd be willing to work with genre requests.

Thanks for the link as well.

Message 4946#49291

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On 1/29/2003 at 3:20am, Colin the Riot wrote:
RE: PBEM Possibilities

Got some folks to play from Indie-netgaming. We're using the Pool, and I'll post back here and let you know how it goes. Thanks Mike.

Message 4946#49461

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...started by Colin the Riot which Colin the Riot participated Actual Play
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...from around 1/29/2003