The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GENCON 2003 Tidbit
Started by: Matt Gwinn
Started on: 1/31/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 1/31/2003 at 4:39pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
GENCON 2003 Tidbit

I was just over at looking over the game submission information and discovered an interesting tidbit.

As most of you know, GenCon reimburses you for your badge if you run 16 hours of games. However, if you run 32 hours worth of games, GenCon will now reimburse you 25% of your hotel costs (based on 4 person occupancy). Whether this means they will reimburse 25% of your 25% share of the bill I'm not sure. Is this a new thing implemented by the new GenCon management? If so, it might be a good sign of things to come.

Now, granted, running 8 hours a day for 4 days could drain you, but a creative fellow might be able to split the GM duties amoung his 3 roommates and thus only run 8 hours which isn't too bad.

,Matt G.

Message 4993#49833

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