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Topic: Cocept
Started by: By-Tor
Started on: 8/17/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/17/2001 at 5:31am, By-Tor wrote:

I have a concept for a game that I have be playing around with for some time. This seemed like the best place to get feedback so... I'd appreciate any comments and I'd REALLY like to know if this sounds like any other games you've heard about because I'm aiming for originality.

The basic concept is: The game is set in modern day Earth. Long ago, the planet was a much more magical place. It was populated by the Sidhe, dragons, goblins, wraiths, all of the creatures of legend. It was once a pure world until evil forces (the devourer of lands and time) came to the land. The great wars between light and darkness sundered the land into two world seperated by an ethereal divide. On one side lies Earth, and on the other side lies the Otherworld (the Realms of Magic).

The astral barrier protects the Otherworld from the corruptions of evil leaving Earth ripe for the picking. The tools of darkness have changed over the years from stone and club to axe, bow and sword to guns and bomb. Evil has grown insidious through the eons. It now disguises itself among us. Polution, global crisis, and holocausts threaten the planet itself. Earth seems helpless to stop the taint of evil...

Enter the Kin, the last remnants of the Sidhe (other magical creatures, faeries and the like, exist on Earth and can cross the divide, but are rarely active in helping mankind). They are of human blood but of magical spirit. Namely, they are average men and women who possess a greater soul that Otherworldly. These spirits are reborn from those of warriors past. Spefically from the Tuatha De Danann, the ancient race of Celtic warrior/gods. The Kin are champions of the light and protectors of the Earth.

Most inidividuals from each generation of Kin live their lives without ever knowing about their heritage. They live and die with a feeling that something is missing from their life. The feel out of place in large cities, recall ancient events as if they had been their and feel a natural connection to the spiritual side of life.

Only those Kin whose embrace this aspect of themselves become the true guardians of humanity. Led by others of their kind and the few Sidhe who give a damn about saving the Earth, they work to regain the memories of past lives and times and pursue evil. Along the way, they strive to collect and preserve ancient artifacts that can aid them in their struggle. They work to fight a cold war against the soldiers of darkness. The Diabolists are the evil counterparts of the Kin.

The Kin gain strength truth the reaquisition of memories which comes from traveling the world and rediscovering their history. The Bardic nature of the Celtic ancestors has imbedded a host of songs and ballads into their spiritual consciousness. These songs of their greatest source of knowledge (after all, a song exists in the mind unlike a big ol' time named "Here's How You Fight Evil") and a virtually endless source of adventure hooks!

Kin come in all shapes and sizes and nationalities. The Spirit Sidhe don't descriminate. Kin often connect with totemic animals both natural and mythical. The types of animals is based on that particular spirit. No system for the game has been worked out, so I'm not sure how all of this will be handle.

I intend to borrow from many different mythologies not just Celtic. Native American folklore is particularly interesting to me and works well with the idea of totems. I intent to weave Arthurian folklore into the main storyline. The "Once and Future King" should fit in well. I'm going for a New Age/ multi-cultural feel to the whole thing.

I hope to get some feedback on this topiv from the forum (any feedback is good). One day, I'd like to see this in a mainstream market as a hardback RPG. I think it would find a nice niche between D&D and White Wolf.

Well, that's it. Damn, this thing is long!

Message 500#4290

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On 8/17/2001 at 8:30am, Mytholder wrote:
RE: Cocept

My initial reaction is, to be honest, "hey, look, it's changeling. Again."

Hmm. Why have the Fae being "reborn" as modern-day humans? Why not go the whole way and just have immortal, centuries-old inhuman Fae as player characters. The former approach has been done to death by White Wolf. The latter is much more appealing to me.

Check out for...inspiration.

Message 500#4296

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On 8/17/2001 at 9:34am, RobMuadib wrote:
RE: Cocept

On 2001-08-17 04:30, Mytholder wrote:
My initial reaction is, to be honest, "hey, look, it's changeling. Again."

Hmm. Why have the Fae being "reborn" as modern-day humans? Why not go the whole way and just have immortal, centuries-old inhuman Fae as player characters. The former approach has been done to death by White Wolf. The latter is much more appealing to me.

Check out for...inspiration.

Yeah, I have to agree that Changeling came to mind, and so did C.J. Carellas' Armageddon (where one of the player types is avatars of old gods), Precedence's Immortal covers similar territory, as does Nephilim by Chaosium.

It is a fairly well represented theme in gaming, the game would really rely on presentation and style to define itself in an otherwise crowded niche. That said, I do find such games interesting, when they present a solid, distinct take on the theme/premise involved.

Message 500#4297

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