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Topic: Article on R/N/S
Started by: morbus
Started on: 8/17/2001
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 8/17/2001 at 2:18pm, morbus wrote: Article on R/N/S

Entitled "The Great Divide".
Read more here:

A snippet:

One of these sets of terms is my springboard for this article: the Gamist / Simulationist / Narrativist divide. The split is misnamed at best, and only crafted so that there are convenient foxholes for the respective sides to run to when it looks like fighting is going to start. One of the reasons for the divide is Joseph Campbell.

There, I said it, Joseph Campbell. Thank you Miss, now please put down that waffle iron. To be even more contentious, I could argue that Joseph Campbell is the primary reason that the split was created, although I would like to believe that the split would have come about without him. Narrativists, you understand, adore Campbell. Unhealthily so, say the Gamists. Unchallenging so, say the Simulationists. Most ire in the gaming world that is directed towards Campbell comes from Gamists, and most love from their diametrically opposed foes, the Narrativists.

Message 503#4309

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On 8/18/2001 at 1:30pm, kwill wrote:
RE: Article on R/N/S

interesting & useful article in terms of understanding Campbell (I'll get round to reading the damn book someday), but I'm not sure why the alleged divide between player goals is brought up

I would guess this is an impression gleaned from the GDS model, except that G *N* S is the model referred to

Message 503#4339

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On 8/20/2001 at 2:09pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Article on R/N/S


I call attention to the writer's complete lack of sourcing. What GNS is he talking about? Whose ideas? What claims? In what context?

The writer demonstrates blatant misunderstandings about GNS. The main one shows up in the title in the word Divide, and repeatedly in the text in the notion of Gamists and Narrativists fighting about what an RPG *is.* A major point of GNS (and of GDS before it, I think) is to negate that entire problem - "You like it like this, and I like it like that, so let's not fight."

Another one is this whole business of Narrativism being allied tightly with the writings of Joseph Campbell. Again, according to whom? The claim comes out of nowhere, and it's ludicrous. Campbell? Talk about a clean miss. "Damn, Kebo Sabe, those badmen can't shoot worth shit."

Oh well. Make sense on the Forge, and let others flail about if they have to, I suppose.


P.S. Oops, make that "she." It's a great site in general, by the way. (edited this in later)

[ This Message was edited by: Ron Edwards on 2001-08-22 15:32 ]

Message 503#4391

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On 8/23/2001 at 8:32am, Knight wrote:
RE: Article on R/N/S

Jumped-up Jesus in a jizm-powered jetpack, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. It makes Tastes Like Phoenix look insightful and mature. Yet more "DON't LABEL ME IM SPESHUL!" idiocy.

Message 503#4580

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