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Topic: Update (2/4/2003)
Started by: GreatWolf
Started on: 2/4/2003
Board: Dark Omen Games

On 2/4/2003 at 5:10pm, GreatWolf wrote:
Update (2/4/2003)

I thought that it was time to update the status on Legends of Alyria for those who are interested.

Last GenCon I made a commitment to finish Alyria in time for GenCon 2003. I do not know if I will be in a position to sell it at GenCon (don't know if I can swing either the time or the money), but it will be completed.

So, in keeping with this commitment, I have stepped up work on Alyria, and lo! I discovered that I am nearing completion.

I liked the rewrite of the rules that I did for Blood of Haven, so I plan on expanding on it for the final manuscript. I'm also incorporating some of my old "Dreaming Out Loud" columns for the setting material. So that part of the document is moving forward, albeit slowly.

Right now, I am focusing on two areas of the manuscript. The first is a chapter on being a Narrator. This includes a discussion of distributed Narration, as well as sections on thematics, storymap construction, dice interpretation, I/C awards, scene framing, and other elements that are central to being a Narrator. I feel like I'm writing an English Lit 101 text, but that's good. Hopefully this chapter will assist play groups in understanding my goals for Alyria and equipping them to pursue them well.

The other area of the manuscript that I'm focusing on is stories. I have always wanted to include a lot of stories in Alyria. When done right, I think that they can provide Color to a game, and I am definitely aiming for a Color-heavy game, with much of the Color residing in Setting. (That is different from a Setting-heavy game, BTW.) I was encouraged in this idea by Nobilis, which uses many imaginary quotes (called Flores, IIRC, by fans of the game) to provide Color that is normally provided through art. I hope to do the same, although I intend to use full stories. Their purpose is not to demonstrate the narrative possibilities of the world; their purpose is to communicate the Color of the world.

I also like to share what I write, so I am posting (separately) my two recent stories.
Devil's Hour
Wearing the Mask

Both of them still need further editorial work, so please do not be too harsh. However, I thought that you might enjoy them, and feedback is welcome, of course.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

edited to include links to stories

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Message 5042#50423

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On 2/5/2003 at 12:08am, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

It's good to see that you're finally having the drive to finish the game! Some days ago, one of the players who was involved in our little playtest game nagged me to continue it. I hope I find the time...

Message 5042#50588

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On 2/5/2003 at 3:00am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

Second that.
I enjoyed the stories; it was particularly interesting to get a look inside Ark life.

Message 5042#50613

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On 2/5/2003 at 6:23pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

Great Stories.

Now, do the mechanics up darnitall! Then go back to writing more stories if you have time left. You have more than enough fiction already, Seth; frankly what we need from you is the rules in their totality.

Just how I see it. :-)


Message 5042#50725

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On 2/5/2003 at 7:06pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

Mike Holmes wrote: Great Stories.

Now, do the mechanics up darnitall! Then go back to writing more stories if you have time left. You have more than enough fiction already, Seth; frankly what we need from you is the rules in their totality.

Just how I see it. :-)

About what I would have expected from you, Mike. :-P

Believe me, work is proceeding on all fronts. However, I view the stories as being as important as the mechanics in this case. Communication of the Color of Alyria* is critical, and just saying, "Make it melancholic" just won't cut it for me. The games that have worked the best for me are the ones that have demonstrated their feel, not just instructed me in it.

Part of the advantage here is that I already have the mechanics written up. With my (crazed) writing of Blood of Haven, I was able to give them a once-over, which has greatly improved their clarity. I need to add more details, but the core already exists.

Besides, "Wearing the Mask" wanted to be written** and I've wanted to peek inside the Ark for a while anyways.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

*And, of course, the color of Alyria is red.

**Tip of the hat to Jason Blair

Message 5042#50731

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On 2/7/2003 at 11:05pm, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)


Well, I finally located the Dreaming Out Loud archives you posted at
(in case anyone wants the URL).

I've only read the first 4 so far and I need to head out, so I won't get to the rest until probably tomorrow.

Even so, I'm alredy hooked.

Message 5042#51172

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On 2/7/2003 at 11:48pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

Precisely my response. I loved Dreaming Out Loud. The Sea of Mist article, particularly, threw Alyria and my own game Torchbearer into very sharp focus simultaneously.

I think every game should have an image as powerful as the Sea of Mist.

Message 5042#51179

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On 2/8/2003 at 5:34am, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

You got it in one :)

When I read the Sea of Mists article, I was thinking "So THAT's what HyperVoxels are for. " ;)

(HyperVoxels:, somewhere in that extensive pile of features)

But more than that, before I read that, I was expecting this to be a twist on Epic Fantasy (tm). I had only read a bit about it, enough to realize that Seth's idea of a hero was rather closer to mine than the norm. What I hadn't realized was how much different Alyria was from the usual run of the mill epic fantasy setting.

I also like the idea of using adjective-based "stats" to describe a character; ever since the first time I gave it a shot (Story Engine) I've liked it.

Message 5042#51200

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On 2/8/2003 at 8:06pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

Oh that's where I put that archive.

(sheepish look)

Thalaxis, the system has changed a bit from the outline that I posted in "Making of a Hero", although the basic themes have not. "A System for Lunatics" outlines the current system. I notice that I only have Articles 1-10 on the website. If you would like all of them, drop me a PM with your email address, and I'll mail them out to you.

I'm glad that I am managing to convey the alien feel of Alyria. As I mention somewhere, I'm trying to return to what I see as the roots of epic fantasy (i.e. the moral decisions and conflicts) without being bound to the commonly accepted tropes of epic fantasy (e.g. elves). Don't get me wrong! I've been a Tolkien fanatic longer than I've been a gamer, but the Good Professor's formulations are becoming cliched. I wanted to do something different.

To all, thank you for your kind words and your patience with me as I finish this game. I know that much is in woeful repair (the website in particular). But I promise that this will be improved, and that Alyria will not languish as vaporware for much longer.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

P.S. I just downloaded an MPEG that demonstrated HyperVoxels. Pretty....

In all seriousness, if someone feels like doing some Alyria art, drop me a line. I can almost guarantee no payment, but if you're looking to expand your portfolio, we can talk.

(Yes, I know that's not a particularly appealing offer, but it's what I have. :-])

Message 5042#51260

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On 2/9/2003 at 5:48am, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: Update (2/4/2003)

I would be interested in getting the rest of those archives... so I will get PM you my e-mail address... after I make sure that I have some free space in my mailbox.

As for art... I'm just a hobbyist in that area, so at this point, if you happened to like some of my work, just getting credit would be enough for me :)

Message 5042#51297

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